Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

I love doing tags on my blog. Not just answering the tag questions through a post, but I really love reading them on others blogs as well. It is a great way to get to know the bloggers up and close as they reveal personal little details about them. (It didn’t sound as creepy until I typed it out).

But you wouldn’t believe me if you see my posts, because it has been months since I did a tag on my blog. And when Kaleena from Reader Voracious tagged me to play this little game called ‘Two truths and a lie’, I marked a spot for it right then on my blog calendar. (Yes I have one, these days and I am being extremely organized. Please don’t question me).

She even handed out this awesome little guideline, so that even people like me, (the ones who ask ‘what?’ just after you finish explaining something) can follow it easily. I am just going to copy paste it, so that I don’t mess it up. 

elgeewrites Tag: Book blogger's Two truths and a lie - Can you spot them? What


  • Create a post with your two bookish truths and one bookish lie – but be sure to keep it a secret so your readers can guess!
  • Reveal the lie in a spoiler at the bottom of your post (you can use this HTML code!)<details><Summary>Reveal the Lie</Summary>Lie Revealed</details>
  • Tag 8 friends to play along.
  • Link back to the original post so I can see all your secrets!

I would love it if you tag me in your post, so that I can see them as well! 

Two truths and a lie

So here I go. Try finding out which is which.

  1. I have gone without reading for years.
  2. hate DNF-ing books and I almost never do that. 
  3. I am an introvert who hides behind books to avoid talking to people.


I tag my entire gang from Book Dragon’s India

  1. Fanna @ Fannatility
  2. Nandini @ Unputdownable Books
  3. Simant @ Flipping Through the Pages
  4. Sahi @ My World of Books
  5. Charvi @ Not Just Fiction
  6. Mathangi @ The Word Glutton
  7. Shruti @ This is Lit
  8. Dany @ Ambivert Words

Any of you want to do it anyway please consider yourself tagged. 

And the secret is revealed

Reveal the Lie#2 I am not an introvert. I love hanging out with people and being the center of attraction. While I love reading and books, I don’t choose them over people.

Okay, I kinda do that, but not always. Who am I kidding? I would do that any day. All I am saying is I AM NOT AN INTROVERT. Sigh!

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Two truths and a lie tag

Let us chat

Let me know how you fared in trying to outwit my lies. And if you try this out give me a tag so that I will be able to read about you. Let us chat.

Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

Find the name of the authors: Quiz

I was talking to someone last week about trivia contests and believe it or not, I have won a few. I used to be smarter I guess. And would not come as a surprise, that I used to do so well when it came to finding the name of the authors from their books. 

That gave me the idea for today’s post. Let me know if you are any good at bookish quizzes

Can you find the name of the authors based on their books? Let me know me your scores in your comments. Click To Tweet

Name these authors!

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Let us chat

How did you fare in the quiz? Were you able to find the name of these authors? Are you as interested as I am in trivia contests? Let us talk.

Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

Which Female Literary Character are you?: Quiz

I love it when I relate to the characters of a book I love. And I was super excited to created this quiz, so that you can find out which Female Literary Character you are similar to!

Don’t you feel better when you find some characteristics of yours in another person, even if it just in a book, and that you are not all alone in this world? I do.

Take this quiz to find out who your female book twin is. Which Female Literary Character are you? Let me know your result in the comment section. Click To Tweet
PIn it Pinterest Quiz Female Character
Pin me Pinterest Quiz Female Character

Here is your chance to find out which female literary character from the literary world is your twin is by answering few questions. Let me know who you are.

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Pinterest Quiz Female Character

Let’s chat

Who is your female book twin? Can you related to your twin Female literary Character? Are there any other bookish quizzes that you have tried and liked? Let me know in the comment section.

Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

A-Z Bookish Questions: Tag

It has been a while since I did a bookish tag on my blog and that is when I stumbled upon the A-Z bookish questions tag on Youtube. The tag is pretty simple. I get to answer questions that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

Sounds easy, right? No.

Can you answer these A-Z bookish questions tag? What do you think about my answers? What is your worst bookish habit? Let us chat. Click To Tweet

My mind went completely blank and I somehow couldn’t remember even the last book I read. Sigh. Thankfully Goodreads came to my rescue.

A-Z Bookish questions Tag

Otherwise I am sure I never would have these bookish questions for another ten days. So let us get on with this okay?

Author you’ve read the most books from:

I just headed to Goodreads and checked out my most read authors who unsurprisingly turned to be Sidney Sheldon, followed by Jeffrey Archer. 
I had a phase when I read only their books. Glad I came out of it and became more open to other authors. 

Best Sequel Ever:

I usually don’t read series. But I think the last series that I read completely and enjoyed was the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer.

A-z Bookish questions Tag Pinterest me

Currently Reading:

Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu

Drink of Choice While Reading:

I wouldn’t dare to eat or drink while reading. 

A-z Bookish questions Tag Pinterest

E-reader or Physical Book?

Of late I am picking E books over physical books. I moved thrice in the last few years and I lost so many books in the process. And I am now afraid to start collecting again. 

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:

I had a crush on Cross De Lena from The Last Done by Mario Puzo. I am afraid no one would remember the Mafia Don anymore. (Hint: He is like the Godfather).

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:

Recently I read a translated work of Korean fiction by Han Kang called the Vegetarian. I can safely say it was pretty weird!

Hidden Gem Book:

Pin now A-z Bookish questions Tag

I found this gem out of accident and I ended up reading the whole series. I think everyone should give it a chance The Little Lady Agency by Hester Browne.

Important Moment in your Reading Life:

I think finding about Goodreads about 5 years ago must be it. I had been blogging for a while then but still I wanted a place to find more books. 

Just Finished:

Just finished Nordic King by Karina Halle as part of my A- Z reading challenge for 2018.

Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:

I rarely read Fantasy and Sci-fi. I am not averse to them, but I don’t feel inclined to pick them up easily.

A-z Bookish questions Tag Pin me

Longest Book You’ve Read:

I think it should be ‘Gone with the Wind’ by Margret Mitchell. I have ‘IT’ by Stephen King on my TBR for a long time now but the mere size of it is intimidating me. 

Major book hangover because of:

I usually have a hangover for most of the books. I typically take half the day off before I start another one. Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood gave me a major book hangover. I think I took 2-3 days to recover and then I jumped into watching the Netflix adaptation. 

elgeewrites A-Z Bookish Questions: Tag emotions

Number of Bookcases You Own:

I have 3 book shelves currently, each at a different city that I call home. But as I said I lost quite a number of books and I have almost stopped buying physical books.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

A-z Bookish questions Tag Pin it

I rarely re-read books except for the classics. I think the last book I re-read was ‘And then there were none‘ by Agatha Christie

Preferred Place To Read:

I love reading during my commute, so that used to be the train. But now I read a lot in my bed, just before catching my beauty sleep.

Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

This is a hard one, given that I am obsessed about quotes, especially from books.

I love Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson and not a week goes by without me quoting something from his comics. I have so many of them that I love and am sharing here some of my favorites.

Reality continues to ruin my life.

It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.

I’m killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness

Reading Regret:

I don’t think I regret reading any book, even the ones that I hated or DNF-ed (rarely). But I do regret that I didn’t read some of those childhood classics when I was younger, as reading them as an adult hasn’t been the same. 

Bookish question pin me

Series You Started And Need To Finish(all books are out in series):

I don’t read books as a series, usually. On the rare occasion I do, I make sure all of the books in the series are already published. You know, waiting is for suckers. (Sorry, but not sorry)

Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:

As any book worm would, I am gonna whine that this is a hardest thing I have ever done, not literally. Yet I told you I would answer all the questions, so here I go:

  1. And then there were none by Agatha Christie
  2. And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
  3. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Unapologetic Fangirl For:

I totally have been adoring Khaled Hosseini and Gillian Flynn‘s writing for a while now. 

Update: I literally fan-girled when I met Markus Zusak, Cassandra Clare, Holly Black et al in real life. Read more about it here!

elgeewrites A-Z Bookish Questions: Tag Glee fangirling gif

Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:

I do not follow book releases so seriously. I am more of a backlist reader and ARC reviewer

Worst Bookish Habit:

I can’t get myself to give up on books aka DNF easily, which means even if I don’t like a book I would struggle through it.

X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:

I don’t have many books on my physical book shelf. So I am gonna do the same with my Google Play which I totally depend on for reading my e-books. 

So the 27th book is The Fourth Monkey Killer by J D Barker which I reviewed here.

Your latest book purchase:

The last book I bought was The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson, which turned to be too long for my taste. 

Bookish question pin me

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late)

I stayed up all night reading They both die at the end by Adam Silvera
But I am not sure if it was the last book that kept me up, I am just looking through Goodreads list for the answers. I am just guessing, so let me be please. 

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Let us chat

Can you answer these A-z Bookish questions Tag? What do you think about my answers? What is your worst bookish habit? Let us chat. 

Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

Can you guess the book from its quotes?

Given the love for quotes, how would you fare if you attempted to guess name the book based on its quotes?

Can you guess the book from its quotes? What is your score? Do you like taking bookish quizzes? Leave your reply as a comment below. Click To Tweet

Go on, give it a chance you might like it. 

book from its quotes Pin me
book from its quotes Pin it

Guess the book from its quotes

Y’all know I am obsessed with quotes from books. I mean who isn’t right? But seriously, if you do you should take look at some of my favorites.

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Pin me book from its quotes

Let’s chat

Can you guess the book from its quotes? What is your score? Do you like taking bookish quizzes? Leave your reply as a comment below.

Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

Tag: I Spy Books!

I was hopping around the blogoshpere looking for inspiration to strike me outta somewhere to write a post. Okay I have been saying that for the past two weeks and nothing worked. Until, yes there is an until. Until I saw this tag from Kristina of Books and Dachshunds called I Spy Book.

The rules are really simple and it seems like fun. It has been a while since I did any tags so why not do one for the heck of it, right?

Rules for the I Spy book Tag:

Find a book that contains (either on the cover or in the title) an example for each category. You must have a separate book for all 20, get as creative as you want and do it within five minutes!

I will be trying to use books that are on my read, reviewed or to be read shelves.Here we go.

1. Food

The Vegetarian by Han Kangelgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 1 Veg

Why haven’t I written a review for this book yet?

2. Transportation
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Fast Cars & Fidgety Feet by Rishad Saam Mehta

3. Weapon
elgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 3 weapon

Raakshas – India’s No.1 Serial Killer by Piyush Jha

This is the only question I commented with a related book cover, I think.

4. Animal
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Dog’s Tale by Mark Twain

5. Number
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The Eleventh Commandment by Jeffrey Archer

6. Something you read
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Letter, The by Kathryn Hughes

7. Body of Water
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Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine

8. Product of fire
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Born in Fire by Nora Roberts

9. Royalty

Shall We Tell the President? by Jeffrey Archer

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I am gonna consider the US President as a royalty. They are similar, right? RIGHT?

10. Architecture
elgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 10 tower

A Fort of Nine Towers by Qais Akbar Omar

11. Clothing item

Fancy Pants by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

elgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 11 Pants

It has been a while since I read any of SEPs books. hmm..

12. Family member

Mummy’s Little Angel by J W Lawson

elgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 12 Mummy
13. Time of day

4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie

elgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 13 time
14. Music

Songs of the Mist by Shashi

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15. Paranormal being

Devil’S Prayer, The by Lucas Gracias

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16. Occupation

Guide, The by R.K. Narayan

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17. Season

Seventeenth Summer by Maureen Daly

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It has been more than a decade since I read this one.

18. Color

Cobalt Blue by Sachin Kundalkar

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I need to write a review on this awesome book.

19. Celestial body

The Stars Shine Down by Sidney Sheldon

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I can’t think of anything other than ‘stars’ for this one.

20. Something that grows

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

elgeewrites Tag: I Spy Books! 20 secret garden

Everything in the garden grows, right?

I DID IT. And it took a lot more than few minutes. Thanks to Goodreads, otherwise I wouldn’t know where to start even. If you think this definitely was an interesting tag, try these as well. You may like them.


Have you done this tag? If you are interested consider yourself tagged. And in case you find any other cool tags, let me know I might even do it.