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The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary – A book review
I picked The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary more than six months ago from the airport bookstore and carried it with me during my travels last year. But when I finally started reading it earlier this month, I knew it was…
How to Build a Heart – A book review
Remember a few weeks ago, I was on a reading spree? Yup, the rare occasion. So I picked up How to Build a Heart by Maria Padian on Netgalley and even I was surprised that I finished it so fast.…
Convenience Store Woman – A book review
I recently read The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa and loved it, and I picked Convenience Store Woman on a whim hoping it will continue that streak. Let us get on with the review to know if it did, shall…
Travelling Cat Chronicles, The – A book review
Cats scare me terribly! I have nightmares about them. I might have even walked around an entire block to avoid getting anywhere near them (more than once). Naturally, I was skeptical about picking The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa,…