About me

Thank you for visiting my site Elgee Writes, and I am Gayathri AKA Elgee. 

I am the girl that your mother warned you about! 

Ha ha! That would be true if your mother had warned you about a bespectacled bookworm that chooses to go to the library every single day of her high school life.

But seriously who am I?

Gayathri is a 

Please humor my addressing myself in the third person.

Gayathri is a reader, freelance content writer, Digital marketer, beta-reader and book reviewer. She is currently accepting requests for content writing and manuscript critiquing. Ask for rates right now! Share on X

Reader  |  Book hoarder

I read. A lot. Or at least more than the average person. 

That book obsessed kid at school? That has not changed, pretty much.

I still try to sneak a bit of reading each day – when I am standing in a queue, while waiting for the kettle to boil or in the loo. You get the picture. 
As if that is not enough I put myself through various reading challenges almost every year

I started Elgee Writes (or as it was formerly called Musings Over Nothing) mainly to talk about the books I read or want to read. Trust me, I have bored enough number of people in my real life, before choosing this safer avenue. 

But then it has grown far more than that. From predominantly a personal blog, Elgee Writes is a site for book lovers, authors and writers alike. Read more about Elgee Writes here.

Content creator  |  Freelance content writer

The only thing that comes closer to my love for reading is my interest in writing/blogging.

What started as a passion project has become my full time job now. I am a freelance content creator, who writes engaging stories and articles for people who want to boost their online presence. 

I take blogging and content creation seriously – way too seriously, that I write at least 2-3 articles including images, SEO and other technical stuff, every single day. And I love doing that.

You can take a lot my portfolio and my resume right here. Write to me here to know more about my rates.

Social media marketing strategist  |  Digital marketer

Just a few years ago, seems like eons now, I was a costing and management consultant for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). So combining that experience with my interest in online presence, seems like a no brainer (but, seriously, it took me a long time to get that).

Now I co-run Blue Umbrella Digital that focuses on helping small business to improve their sales and online presence via social media marketing. You can read about my digital marketer life here.

Beta reader  |  Book reviewer

As you may have noticed I tend to talk about books and writing a lot. It might seem like I have an opinion about books, right? Well I do.

You can take a look at all my reviews here. Read my review policy here before sending in review requests please.

I also offer manuscript critiquing or beta reading services. Read what my clients say about my services.

Like what I write/create, consider buying me a coffee.

Know more about Gayathri

If you are curious to know more about me, continue reading.

  • Favorite genre of books: Thrillers/mystery
  • Favorite series: Sherlock, Brooklyn nine-nine
  • Pet peeves: Long, tedious paragraphs with pretentious business jargon.
  • Motto: Keep It Simple and Strong!

Do not hesitate to contact me, I am always up for a chat.

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