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Welcome to Elgee Writes. I am Gayathri and Elgee is what my friends call me. 

What is Elgee Writes?

Elgee Writes aims to bringing books, authors, blogging and everything in between under one fold. 

It started out as a safe haven for me to talk about the books I read and not (more like a private review blog) sprinkled with a bit of personal stories. Since then Elgee Writes has evolved into a full fledged book blog aimed at publishers, writers, bloggers and readers, alike.

Elgee Writes focuses bringing books, authors, blogging and everything in between under one fold. It is a blog for publishers, writers, bloggers and readers, alike. Spread the word pl! Share on X

Who am I?

I am L Gayathri > LG > Elgee!

I am a book worm trying to read everything I can during the night and when I am commuting in a train or standing in a queue or in the loo. Okay you got me, I read pretty much everywhere else!

You can read more about me here.

If you liking my writing style, consider hiring me to write for you. Read about my content writing services here.

Why are you here?

Yes seriously, why? Oh don’t get me wrong, I love having you at Elgee Writes. I just want to know why and who are you, so that I can recommend you posts accordingly.

You see, I love written words and talking about writing is pretty much all I do. It could be maze in here, so let me help you!

And don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Are you an author?

I take my duty as personal “cheerleader for books and authors” seriously!

If you are looking for a reviewer for your published book take a look at my review policy here.

I also offer beta reading or manuscript critiquing services for your unpublished manuscripts

Here are some posts that might interest you

Catch up with some more posts written for authors, that you might like!

Speaking of websites, you know whom to call when you need your own author website, right? *wink wink*

Are you a blogger?

You know the deal! I am not gonna try to talk you into this, because you know it all (probably)!

So let me give it to you straight – these are the posts that you need to start with and gonna love.

Why Book Blogging Is Different From Other Niches?* Getting More Comments On Your Blog – Things You Can Do Today!* SEO For A Book Blogger

Check out this link for more blogger resources, posts and how to guides.

I am always up for a chat, so hit me up on any of my channels.

Are you a reader?

Doesn’t matter if you are new to reading, or if you read a lot already, I have got something for the each of you. 

My dear book worms pick your choice here

Lists & recommendations | Bookish talks | Quiz | Tags | Quotes

Or you can just click here to hit the mother-lode at the readers’ section

Please search in my index of books reviewed here to look for a specific book.

Ask me away!

If you reached here and you still have not got what you wanted, do contact me!

Follow elgeewrites on WordPress.com

Buy me a coffee!

Take a minute to look at the services I offer, please and consider buying me a coffee, if you think I have helped you.

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