Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

You thought my last quiz (Find The Name Of The Authors) was easy? Well I come prepared this time. I am warning my third edition of find the famous authors from their books is gonna be tougher.

I am warning this edition of finding the famous authors from their books is gonna be tougher than the previous ones. Go on, give it a try. Don't forget to share your result with me in the comments. #Quiz #BookishQuiz Share on X

Find The Famous Authors

So are you ready for this? Let us do it.

Don’t forget to share your result with me in the comments.

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Did you do better than the last time? Was it any harder than the previous ones? Which was author was the hardest to guess from their books? Let us talk.

Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

Mother’s day quiz: How well do you know them?

It is almost mother’s day and you thought I would forget about the customary post, didn’t you? Well, I have not, quite surprisingly. And without any further ado, are you ready for pop quiz in relation to mother’s day?

Happy mother's day. How well do you know the literary mothers? Take the quiz to find out. How many mothers did you guess correctly? Let us talk. Share on X

Try to beat your old score, if you can. Let us get on with it now. 

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How many mothers did you guess correctly? How did you find the quiz – too easy or tough? You should check out my other quiz posts if you liked this one. Let us talk.

Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

Can you guess the authors of these famous books?: Bookish Quiz

I love doing bookish quizzes, even if most of the time I score real poor on them. But hey they are usually fun to do and kill some time right? It has been a while since I did one of those quizzes here, so let us match the authors name to their books now.

Can you guess the authors of these famous books here? Take a #Quiz here and share your score. Will you be the top scorer? No cheating! #bookquiz #trivia Share on X

Try to beat your old score, if you can. Let us get on with it now. 

quiz guess the authors of these famous books Pin me
quiz guess the authors of these famous books Pinterest

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Books Authors Quiz

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Do you like doing bookish quizzes? How much did you score on the “guess the authors of these famous books” quiz? Do you want me to make another quiz, a little bit tougher? Let us talk.

Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

Quiz: Find The Book Title From Its Quotes

It has been a while since we did a quiz in here, right? So that is what we will do today. How many books can you name based on quotes from them?

How well do you know your bookish quotes? If you like this one you might take a look at the previous one here, as well.

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elgeewrites Quiz: Find The Book Title From Its Quotes quizQuotesp

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Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

Quiz: Find out the book title by rearranging the letters

It has been a while since we did some quizzes here right? So here we are to change things a bit. 

I love doing anagrams as much as every other crossword junkie here. And I am here to mix two of my obsessions – books and rearranging letters. So let us find out if you can rearrange the letters to find out the book title hidden in there.

So shall we get started?

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elgeewrites Quiz: Find out the book title by rearranging the letters AnagP

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Tell me how did you fare? Which was the hardest title to solve? Do you like doing these quizzes? Let us talk.