What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

There are two questions that can fluster any bookworm. One is the infamous “What’s your favorite book?”. And the other is our very own “What should you read next?”. Of course I am speaking from my own experience (you can read about my method in choosing my next read here).

Do you like bookish quizzes? What should you read next? Have you read these books and how did you like them? Let us talk. Share on X

But do not worry. I am here to help you choosing your next book.

Just answer these easy questions and I will tell you what to read next! Are you ready to do this?

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Do you like bookish quizzes? What should you read next? Have you read these books and how did you like them? Let us talk.

What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

The Book Blogger tag: Behind the screen

I recently came across the Book Blogger tag on Bookwyrming Thoughts‘ blog and I loved the questions. So here I am answering the Book Blogger Tag, which apparently is ancient. But better late than never right?

Have you ever done the Book Blogger tag before? If you have not, or want to do it again, feel free to answer these questions here or on your blog. Let us talk. Share on X

Book Blogger tag

I am gonna take this chance to talk about the things that happen behind the screen of this blog. And this tag is a good way to keep off my slump that might be around the corner now. Let us get on with it shall we?

How many times do you check your email every day?

I check my mail box twice a day, or less. But I also view them on my mobile notifications as they come in. Unless it is very important I do not respond right away.

I just wanted to mention this, I do not respond to review requests unless I am interested to review it. And looking at the number of unread mail I have currently, I definitely need a better system.

How many times a day do you go on Goodreads?

I don’t use Goodreads as much as I used to, a few years ago. I still go on to the site to post my reading updates as soon as I finish a book and to post my reviews.

That comes to almost twice a week, at the best.

How long does it take to you to edit your posts?

I recently updated my site’s theme, mainly to address this.

It took me way longer to edit my posts and do those formatting than I liked. So now I have made it much more simpler.

And also I love the Gutenberg editor as it makes the formatting much simpler, especially from other apps like Notion or Evernote.

Answering the question, it takes me anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes to get a written post up and live on the website.

What kind of laptop do you use?

I am currently using HP laptop, which is lighter, faster and definitely easy to use. But it is definitely an upgrade from 5+ years old Dell I used to have. It doesn’t hurt that this one has a touch screen and Tablet mode.

How often do you check your Twitter?

To be honest, I spend about 15 minutes or so almost daily on Twitter for MY BLOG. But I spend a LOT more time on book twitter during the day and while commuting (at least before the Covid virus lock downs).

I love Twitter, but it is also (one of) my big time sucker(s)!

Why do you use Blogger, WordPress, etc?

As much as I loved Blogger and customizing it, I took a call to move to self hosted WordPress in 2017 and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I use(d) everything that I learnt from Blogger – HTML, CSS and generally keeping the blogging system (kind of) organized and I am loving it.

Are you good at keeping up with your reviews, tags, etc?

  • Reviews

sure, I have a spreadsheet (among the many) to keep a tab of the books I have read and I want to review. And I fairly have it under control – yay me!

Not so great at this but I catch up with them eventually. I can attribute it safely to the fact that I write up a very few tag posts and since they are far and between, many of the tags disappear and forgotten.

How many times a week do you post?

Generally I post four times a week on my blog.

  • Sunday – Weekly/Monthly wrap up posts
  • Monday – Book reviews
  • Wednesday – How to/Discussion posts
  • Friday – Recommendations/Listicles

I also a few guest bloggers posting on topics like Indie publishing, author recommendations and Friday Flyaway.

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Let’s chat

Have you ever done the Book Blogger tag before? If you have not, or want to do it again, feel free to answer these questions here or on your blog. Let us talk.

What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz

You thought my last quiz (Find The Name Of The Authors) was easy? Well I come prepared this time. I am warning my third edition of find the famous authors from their books is gonna be tougher.

I am warning this edition of finding the famous authors from their books is gonna be tougher than the previous ones. Go on, give it a try. Don't forget to share your result with me in the comments. #Quiz #BookishQuiz Share on X

Find The Famous Authors

So are you ready for this? Let us do it.

Don’t forget to share your result with me in the comments.

Find These Famous Authors Pinterest

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Find These Famous Authors Pin me

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Did you do better than the last time? Was it any harder than the previous ones? Which was author was the hardest to guess from their books? Let us talk.

What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

Mother’s day quiz: How well do you know them?

It is almost mother’s day and you thought I would forget about the customary post, didn’t you? Well, I have not, quite surprisingly. And without any further ado, are you ready for pop quiz in relation to mother’s day?

Happy mother's day. How well do you know the literary mothers? Take the quiz to find out. How many mothers did you guess correctly? Let us talk. Share on X

Try to beat your old score, if you can. Let us get on with it now. 

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Let us chat

How many mothers did you guess correctly? How did you find the quiz – too easy or tough? You should check out my other quiz posts if you liked this one. Let us talk.

What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

Tag: Behind the blogger

I have been talking about my favorite and not-so favorite books and book related things here for a while a long time now. But how much I have divulged about me, the face behind the blog? Yes, I can hear it – I have spoken about myself quite a lot.

And here is more. I am doing the Behind the blog tag and here is a chance to know more about me. Let us do this. 

I am doing the Behind the blog tag and here is a chance to know more about me, the face behind the blog. Let us do this. Ready to know more? Share on X


  • Thank the person who nominated you. No one did, obviously I don’t have friends. I found it on Ellyn’s blog.
  • Answer all the questions down below.
  • Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
  • Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag 

My blog’s name in books

1. Why did you start blogging? & Why have you kept blogging? 

I started writing about books in this blog about 9 years ago for a selfish reason. I just wanted to catalogue the books that I enjoyed and the ones I did not. The catelogue ended up being my bookish diary where I ranted about books I hate and dreamed about the characters that I loved. 

Then I never thought there might be people reading my blog or for that matter I would still be writing here about books after so many years. Having a blog ensured that I didn’t bother my friends and family in real life who rarely read or understood what and why I was obsessed about. But my internet readers friends did. 

I think that is what kept me going, despite the number of blocks and gaps in my blogging calendar I had through these years.

2. What is your favorite type of blog post to write?

Initially, when the blog was private, I spoke of everything that was on my mind (and was called “Musings Over Nothing”), which was anyway more often than not about books. But I loved writing those commentary rants about the society and just people as such. 

When I moved on to Elgee Writes, I decided to focus on reviews and bookish posts only. And so my rants discussions have been mostly about books which I love, especially since they are hard to come by. My second favorite would be the weekly update posts that I publish on Sundays and they are aplenty. They are a bit personal and a bit.

Short answer: Discussion posts and Sunday updates.

3. What are your top three favorite blog posts?

I am gonna be a cliche and say everything and that would be a lie. Not all posts are created equally. So here are the top three posts that I loved writing and it seems my readers love it too.

Why Book Blogging Is Different From Other Niches?

Behind the blog

To DNF or not to DNF: Why don’t I give up on books?


Things I scream when I read the Young Adult lit

Young Adult Feature image

4. What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?

When I am overwhelmed or just distracted, making lists always relaxes me. Just putting down everything on a paper or an app helps calm down and carry on.  

Also binging on Netlix, definitely.

5. What are three of your favorite things?

Spreadsheets |  Beaches | Netflix, I guess

6. What are your proudest blogging moments?

I was the proudest when I received my first payment I received for the beta reading services. Until then I had always thought I was blogging for fun and never thought that people would be interested to pay for my opinions about their MS.

Well, that was years ago and I have come a long way from there, but I still pumped up every time someone asks me to write for their site or to read their manuscript. I think I will never get over it.  

7. What are your hobbies outside of blogging?

I have the attention of a six year old. I get excited about a lot of things for a short amount of time.

  • I knit, crochet and draw.I love DIY-ing decors around the house.
  •  I obsess over photography especially bookish ones. 

But I don’t think I have focused on anything as much as I do with blogging and books. I genuinely surprised at that myself. 

8. Describe your personality in three words.

Empathetic |   funny | impatient

9. What are your top three pet peeves? 

  • I find it annoying when people act without a consideration about other humans. Case in point: recent bulk/panic stockpiling and emptying the entire supermarket shelves in a minute.
  • I hate being in the dark about plans. If you are making a plan, tell me when, where and how or at least tell me when I can know the details. I hate it when people leave others hanging. 
  • Not having plans to go out and my curls behave well, for no reason.

10. What’s something your followers don’t know about you?

I am terrified of cats. I am all for pets and I know they are adorable to you, but do not ask me to enter a room with a cat in. I probably will get a panic attack. 

I tag

I am gonna tag

  1. Sahi @ My World of Books
  2. Charvi @ Not Just Fiction
  3. Dany @ Ambivert Words
  4. Nandini @ Unputdownable Books
  5. Charlotte from Wonderfully Bookish
  6. Carrie from Cat on the Bookshelf
  7. Kristina @ Books And Dachshunds

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Behind the blog

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Have you done this tag? If so do link it to the comments and I will love to read it. If not, please consider yourself tag cuz I wanna know ya! Of course I am not being creepy.

What Should You Read Next?: Quiz

Can you guess the authors of these famous books?: Bookish Quiz

I love doing bookish quizzes, even if most of the time I score real poor on them. But hey they are usually fun to do and kill some time right? It has been a while since I did one of those quizzes here, so let us match the authors name to their books now.

Can you guess the authors of these famous books here? Take a #Quiz here and share your score. Will you be the top scorer? No cheating! #bookquiz #trivia Share on X

Try to beat your old score, if you can. Let us get on with it now. 

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Books Authors Quiz

Let us chat

Do you like doing bookish quizzes? How much did you score on the “guess the authors of these famous books” quiz? Do you want me to make another quiz, a little bit tougher? Let us talk.