Tag: Why I am weird

Time for another tag but this time it is a non bookish one. I had Renee add me on this Why I am weird tag and I realized it was finally an opportunity to talk about myself again. So are you ready for this? 

Ever considered yourself weird? I got the opportunity to tell you all why I am weird through this tag. Thanks for the tag @ReneeHuggins Share on X

Why I am weird tag – Rules:

  • List ten weird things about yourself, your life or silly habits that you wouldn’t normally share.
  • Tag up to ten people so you can get to know them better.
  • Link back to the person who tagged you & the creator
  • Comment on the posts of people you tagged! 

Lets do this

  1. I am terrified of cats and sometimes, even have nightmares about them.
  2. I think I might be scared of rabbits, too. But I have not seen one in real life, so I am not sure. 
  3. I totally depend on a to do list to function. If it is not in one of the many lists, I may not be doing it, ever.
  4. Unsurprisingly, I love spreadsheets. If there is a way to do something with spreadsheet, I am already on it. Everything from my TBR list to plans for guest posts is on some spreadsheet.
  5. People easily peg all bookworms to be introverts and it is a stereotype. I. for one, am an extrovert. I need human interactions at least online on a daily basis to keep my spirits alive.
  6. There has been a while in my life that I had completely stopped reading books. Blame it on the pressure of dual degrees I was pursuing or the circle I was in then. I cannot believe how I even survived those two years without reading for fun.
  7. My sun sign is Aries and I think I live true to its name. I am easily distracted, commitment phobic and love being the center of attention.
  8. Lately, I have gotten in bad habit of using way too many exclamatory marks (!). I don’t even know if I use them correctly anymore. 
  9. I love playing the devil’s advocate, which is a very convenient excuse for my overthinking brain. 
  10. If it is not yet apparent, I love making lists and talking about myself. So yeah I enjoyed making this list and can make a longer one even.

So I tag:

Everyone who wants to do this tag and their best friend. 

Pin me!

Why I am weird Tag

Let’s chat

Do you think I am weird enough? Do you have an eccentric thing about you? Have you done this tag? Tag me when you do. And as always, let us talk. 


  1. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    I love exclamation points! My sign is Aries too! And lists/spreadsheets are my favorite!

  2. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    I’m the opposite when it comes to to-do lists. I actually put that on my list (which isn’t up yet, but it will be soon)—the fact that I can’t stick to them no matter what! But I did write a whole post on my overenthusiastic use of exclamation points!

  3. Bentley

    I love spreadsheets too. I am pretty much the go-to guy at my workplace when someone needs help with a spreadsheet.

  4. Ashley Jayne

    great tag, im crap at making lists

  5. Megan

    This is a fun tag! You sound like an interesting person!

  6. Whispering Stories

    Nice tag. You’re not weird. I have spreadsheets too but only for books on my TBR list (Split into hard copies and mobi files) and books I’ve read so it makes it easy when I update old posts.

    I kept rabbits as a child but my hubby is allergic to them we only have pet rats now.

    I’m not much of a list maker though. I should be, but I’m not.

  7. DJ Sakata

    no spreadsheets for me – but I am a list maker, I love checking items off

  8. Delly

    I am guilty of number 8!!!!! I wish I was better with lists and spreadsheets. Thank you for completing my tag <3

  9. Renee @ ReneesBookcase

    I love spreadsheets too! I also stopped reading books for a while because life just got in the way. I feel like I’m making up for lost time now 🙂

    This tag was fun, thank you!!!

  10. Deeksha

    Hahah, nice post. Soo many points are so me. I love making lists and making spreadsheet. ♥️♥️

    • Gayathri

      Yay! Glad to find someone similar..

  11. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    What a fun tag… and a nice way to learn more about you. 🙂 I am a total list-maker, too. And same with spreadsheets. I have spreadsheets for all the books I’ve read, the books I own, and on and on. Any excuse for a new spreadsheet! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      You should totally do this fun tag on your blog!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!