You all know how am kinda obsessed about reading books set in different countries currently. Though I do not explicitly search for them I am paying attention to the locations these days.
I think it is partly due to the fact that I am re-learning the forgotten geography and partly because of the new series, Flyaway Friday, in my blog. So when I had the opportunity to review Waking Isabella, that is set in Italy I grabbed it with both hands. How did it turn out for me? Read on.
About the book
Book Name: Waking Isabella
Author: Melissa Muldoon
Genre: Fiction – History Drama
Characters: Leonora (Nora), Isabella, Gianluca Donati, Margherita,
Setting: Italy
Disclaimer: Thanks to the Author and iRead Book Tours for the Review Copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
The story begins with the murder of Isabella de Medici, an Italian princess in the 16th Century. We then read about the protagonist Leonora (Nora), a young researcher (a glorified fact checker, as she calls) who is recovering from a failed marriage and focusing on her passion finally. Nora reconnects with an old friend which ignites to return to Italy;. She packs her bags to Italy to film a documentary on Isabella, the renaissance princess with whom she has a special bond.
She meets Luca, an antique businessman who tells her about a missing antique painting that belonged to his family of the princess Isabella and her mother. The story now deals with a young girl Margherita, Lucas grandmother, who smuggled antique paintings from the country during the World War II. How these three women are connected and does Nora find the missing painting form the rest of the story.
My thoughts
Waking Isabella is clearly an output of sheer hard work in terms of research and writing. One can understand how much effort has been put in by the author to bring about a sense of authenticity to the art and history world.
Waking Isabella may be tad difficult to get into, but if you want to cherish the language and to learn more about Italy and the art world it would be worth it. I liked how the author’s writing style changed between the historic and the contemporary worlds, ie, between the stories of Isabella and Margherita, and that of Nora.
I liked and felt invested in Margherita’s story and maybe even Isabella’s, but I never felt the same with Nora’s. There are a few Italian sentences sprinkled in between during thedialogues, though they were not as intruding as I would feel generally. In fact it is one of my pet peeve finding vernacular languages in between the English prose. You might have to watch out if you are the same.
Bottom – line
On the whole, Waking Isabella is a story of lost love, betrayal and some newfound love and friendships in the background of art and history. If you are interested in reading a story based on Italian history and art with a bit of mystery element, you should pick Waking Isabella.
Meet the Author
Melissa Muldoon is the Studentessa Matta—the crazy linguist! In Italian, “matta” means “crazy” or “impassioned.” Melissa has a B.A. in fine arts, art history and European history from Knox College, a liberal arts college in Galesburg, Illinois, as well as a master’s degree in art history from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. She has also studied painting and art history in Florence.
Melissa promotes the study of Italian language and culture through her dual-language blog, Studentessa Matta ( Melissa began the Matta blog to improve her command of the language and to connect with other language learners. It has since grown to include a podcast, “Tutti Matti per l’Italiano,” and the Studentessa Matta YouTube channel. Melissa also created Matta Italian Language Immersion Tours, which she co-leads with Italian partners in Italy.
Waking Isabella is Melissa’s second novel and follows Dreaming Sophia, published in 2016. In this new novel about Italy, the reader is taken on another art history adventure, inspired by Melissa’s experiences living and traveling in Italy, specifically Arezzo, as well as her familiarity with the language and art. For more information about Waking Isabella and links to Melissa’s blogs and social media sites, visit
Connect with Melissa: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram ~ Youtube
Prizes: Win a paperback copy of Waking Isabella. One winner will also receive a $10 Amazon gift card (3 winners total / open internationally to wherever Amazon delivers)
(Ends March 31, 2018)
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Let us chat
Have you read a book set in Italy? Do you like books that are difficult to get in? How long you persist before you give a book up? Let us chat.
Great review, this book looks and sounds very intriguing but I don’t think it is my kind of book, but I am really glad you enjoy this book fully. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
I totally understand. To each, his own.
Wow! I want to read this
You should definitely try this one.
Sounds marvelous!
It sure was.
Great review. I love this genre and my one trip to Italy was lovely, so I’ll have to read it one day.
This book would give you nostalgia for sure.
This sounds fab. I want to flyaway to Italy to see the Trevi Fountain.
Yes the book makes Italy sound so magical, as well.
Italy is one of the places I intend to go when my kids are older.
Italy is on bucket list too.
Flyaway Friday is a great idea! I love travel and when I can’t, I get away through books! Thanks for sharing this one.
It is one of the best thing about reading right?
I do really love reading books set in different countries too! I have read quite a few set in Italy and I really like the sound of traveling there again. I love when an author has done a lot of research and paid attention to detail when it comes to their descriptions but it can lead to things being a bit too informational at times. Which is why I am not sure about this. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Sometimes TMI could be distracting, right? I totally get what you mean.
Looks good. I like the idea of ‘Flyaway Friday’, travel around the world without leaving your home. 🙂
Don’t we all love to escape the reality and be wherever we want to be all from the luxury of our couches or beds?
Italy is one of the countries I’ve always wanted to visit! Great review <3 Love the cover as well.
Italy sounds super cool right? It is on my list too!
I have never been, its on my bucket list!
YES, Italy seems soo cool!
I loved Italy but it has been almost 20 years.
You have been to so many places. I am so envious!
I am usually slightly sceptical of location-based books because as much as the story progresses, I am unsure if all authors take the liberty to paint the pictures of the streets, nooks and crannies they cover in their books. Authors like Jeffery Archer and John Grisham usually cover areas in London and America respectively for practical purposes (more as an indicator of material matters like time or a part of a plan in action). But otherwise, I am unsure if I get a vibe of the city while reading through those couple of pages that goes on about the local area. The only authors that have ever worked for me this way are Ruskin Bond and Hemmingway. Or, perhaps it’s just my naiveté in reading books talking here.
I agree with what you are saying here Madhvi, especially in cases of authors like the ones you specified. But those are mostly plot driven books aren’t they? Those stories could work anywhere else. But I am in a quest (of sorts) to find books that talk more about the place and its history. Not the descriptive, sometimes purple, prose that offer more or less nothing to the story (I am looking at Dan Brown here).
When it comes to stories like ‘Kite Runner’ that offered so much insight into Afghanistan or our very own ‘Malgudi Days’ that told us more about the fictitious town than anyone else did about real life towns. That is the kinda of books I am looking for.
I am with you here, Gayathri. The description of the town is what makes the picture vivid, and in it begins to pan the story. Such tales are brought to life by sheer expressions of the town’s lesser-known bylanes or dilapidated nooks, and the reading becomes like a painting in progress. I am absolutely with you here when you say you’re on a lookout for books that colour the town and do not necessarily contribute to the overall story. It was here that I became doubtful in the first instance, for there are only handpicked authors who achieve this balance of artsy storytelling with invisible ease.
That is sadly true. But we can’t stop searching right? I am doing a series on countries and the books set in them under the Flyaway Friday feature. You might wanna take a look at that.
Sure. I have been following your blogs regularly 🙂
You kinda made my day <3
What an intriguing sounding story. I love books set during that time.
It was hard for me to get into initially and then it kinda grew up onto me.
Ciao Gayathri, thank you for your thoughtful review. I appreciate you sharing “Waking Isabella” with your readers. Warmest regards, Melissa Muldoon
The pleasure was mine. And I loved the handwritten note you sent me. Thanks a lot!
Lovely review! What a great way to learn about Italy’s history! I haven’t read a book set in Italy before. However, I don’t think I would enjoy art aspect of this book.
Thanks Jenn. Hope you find a book from Italy soon.
This sounds great! I haven’t read a book set in Italy yet. I have been stuck on Highland romances (set in Scotland – gotta love that accent!) I will have to check this one out so I can mark Italy off my to-read list 🙂
I have not read anything from Highland. Will you suggest something?