Hello book people,
I reached Dubai yesterday and once again the city has reminded of how can never be prepared enough for its summer. Less than 24 hours in the city and I am already complaining about the heat, what is wrong with me right? Wait till YOU face 45 degree Celsius before you judge me.
What I read this week
Okay now that I got the steam outta my system, let me talk about the books that I read last week alright?
1 A Thousand Perfect Notes by C G Drews aka Paperfury – I love Paperfury. I started this with loads of expectations based on herself and her blog and she didn’t fail me. You SHOULD DEFINITELY READ THIS, if you read YA!
2 Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta – I read this book as part of my A-Z challenge. This Australian young adult was intriguing and I didn’t put it down till the last page.

3 One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel García Márquez – I am almost done with this long saga and I honestly don’t know what to think of it. I hope I will form an opinion by the time I finish reading it, but bear with me as it is taking a lot of time.
Now that I am back I have my blogging, I have my schedule filled up and I am gonna post a lot. Don’t mind me!
I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
Pin me!

Let us chat
How is the summer treating you? Send me book recommendations for the other letters on my challenge please.
I so am complaining also, which bastards keep reminding me to keep my mouth shut as snow and -40 shall soon com by.. I’m sorry fellow canadians, but my meds allow me to overheat faster; and eeeh in a heatwave, it’s not the best xF
We reached 40/45 degrees too. I’d say 21 is more than enough.. so doubled, YIKES ! not even 5mins and My head starts spinning and my energy levels hits low x)
I love the lower 20s too. And the least we get is around 14s, which is kinda rare. I can’t imagine -40 at all..
Ahhhh, I so want to pick up A Thousand Perfect Notes! I have a copy, but I haven’t gotten the chance to read it yet. I’m really excited though; I’ve heard nothing but good things!
Yes it was fabulous. You are missing out. You definitely should read it soon.
I will!
I can’t imagine 45 degrees! The 40 degrees here keeps me indoors! So glad to hear you are back. Can’t wait for your reviews on A Thousand Perfect Notes and 100 year’s of Solitude. ♥️♥️
I am on kind of a blogging slump right now. I will get back with those reviews soon, I promise.
This shows up as your newest post on the blog! So… are you on hiatus again? 🙂 whomever I visit, their newest posts are a few weeks old at least xD total summer mood, I guess?
A bad case of blogging slump. I will be back soon…
yay im glad youre back <3
I guess I did, finally.
45C?!?! Okay that probably doesn’t sound horrible but I can barely survive 80F. 😂
I currently have ATPN on my TBR – haven’t read it yet or brought it yet, but planning on it. 😅
It is as much as the humidity as it is the temperature. I hate it. I loved the ATPN though.
I can’t wait to read A Thousand Perfect Notes! I’ve only heard amazing things about it. Can’t wait to read all of your upcoming posts!
You wouldn’t be disappointed at all.
It’s a lot less hot here (although still hot) so I am NOT judging lol. Complain away! 🙂
A Thousand Perfect Notes and One Hundred Years of Solitude both sound great to me.
They both were great. I loved them.
I keep hearing that 100 Years of Solitude is Marquez’s best book but I know people also have split opinions when it comes to his writing anyway. I’ve only ever read Love in the time of cholera.
45 degrees? OMG. I lived in a country that had 32-34 degree heat all year round but 45? I was actually planning to visit my friend in Dubai too but after hearing that? No thanks. 😛
It is just not the high temperature, the high humidity kills us. You can visit Dubai from Oct – March, during the pleasanter times.
It is just not the high temperature, the high humidity kills us. You can visit Dubai from Oct – March, during the pleasanter time.
Someday I plan to read Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.
His books are difficult to get into but they are totally worth it.
113F? Eep. I would melt. I hope your air conditioning works well! Of course, I’m not sure that 101F (38C) with 98% humidity is that much better, and we’ve certainly had days like that here where I live — though not yet this summer. I think the worst this year so far was 98F, with about 70% humidity. Still too hot for my taste! Stay in and stay cool!
My normal summer days have about 30-40% humidity right now. Note that the end of July and beginning of August is expected to be worse and am already dreading it.
I could not handle 45C. I would combust. I liked A Thousand Perfect Notes, too. Have a good week!
I feel like I would combust. Another 2 long months ahead of scorching heat for me.