Tag Asian
Joy luck club, The – A book review
I reading about China in The Joy luck club last year without knowing that I would be spending a month in Macau (a country that is still a part of Chinese government) soon after I finished it! Has this ever…
Convenience Store Woman – A book review
I recently read The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa and loved it, and I picked Convenience Store Woman on a whim hoping it will continue that streak. Let us get on with the review to know if it did, shall…
Travelling Cat Chronicles, The – A book review
Cats scare me terribly! I have nightmares about them. I might have even walked around an entire block to avoid getting anywhere near them (more than once). Naturally, I was skeptical about picking The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa,…
Book review: Ghachar Ghochar
Do you know how we all hear great things about some books and when we get our hands on them, they completely disappoint us and make us question our tastes? Well, that did not happen with Ghachar Ghochar. I heard…