Another week flies past: Sunday Musings #95

Well, this week wasn’t that great for me either. Okay I will be honest. It has less to do with the things I did, but more to do with what I didn’t do.

Please tell me that your week was great and all went ahead as planned. What did you get done and what are the things are pending? Let's talk. Share on X

Somehow I feel my entire to do list is unfinished and I got nothing done. I hate it when time flies despite my best efforts. On Friday I suddenly realized how the week is almost done and what day it was, and since then I worked so hard to tick things off the list. But failing terribly.

I sincerely hope your week was better than mine. Let’s talk about it and forget this pathetic week of mine, shall we?

What I read this week

I did myself proud this week in terms of reading because I finished reading two books! Yes that means I am on the right track to hitting my reading goal for the year.

  • I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver
  • Kinship of Secrets, The by Eugenia Kim

These books also count towards my 2020 A to Z reading challenge for the letters I and K, obviously!

What I watched this week

I watched a little too much Netflix this week and I am not happy about it. But I have realized my folly before it actually kicked my ass. So nothing is lost yet.

I watched Sweet Magnolia and it took me a long time to get into it. But finally when it got interesting, season 1 ended with a cliffhanger (which I totally hate!)

I was looking for something mind numbing to watch on Amazon, and I stumbled upon Two and a Half Men. While it was for a bit of laughter here and there, man, that series didn’t age well at all.

I could not avoid loathing both the lead characters and can’t get over the misogynistic crap they did. Oh well!

On my blog

In case you missed the posts from my blog, last week.

A book review of The Extraordinaries by T J Klune

The Extraordinaries by T J Klune FB

September’20 Updates: Sunday Musings #94 monthly wrap

September'20 update Feature

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Around the blogosphere

I went on blog hopping spree last week and these are the posts that I loved. I hope you enjoy them as well.

  • In another interesting article, Beth from Books Nest discusses about the power of a good ending.
  • Lashaan from Bookidote talks about why book reviews are not so popular anymore.

From the Insta-world

Here is what I posted on Instagram during the week. Give me a follow, will you?

Pin me!

Sunday post

Let us chat

Please tell me that your week was great and all went ahead as planned. What did you get done and what are the things that went pending on your weekly duties? Let’s talk.


  1. Hope you’re able to check things off your to-do list! Sometimes things just get away from us, though, right? I watched Two and a Half Men back when it was out, but I doubt I do a re-watch. I really like The Big Bang Theory for mindless, fun watching. Hope you enjoy Virgin River!

  2. I’m sorry you had a tough week but I totally understand. I’ve been in a similar place with running out of time and not getting things done and it driving me nuts. 🙁

    Hope this coming week is much better for you!

  3. I’m sorry to read your week didn’t go the way you hoped. Atleast you got some reading done. 😉
    I still haven’t finished watching Sweet Magnolia. I started it, but somehow can’t find the time or want to finish it.
    I hope this next week is a lot more productive for you. Happy reading.

  4. I’ve been wanting to watch Sweet Magnolia. I started but I couldn’t really get into it. I’m going to have to go back and give it another try. I watched Two and A Half Men when it originally aired but I haven’t watched it since. I liked it back then.

    You had a great reading week. I hope you have another great one this week.

  5. Aww, sorry to hear it wasn’t the best week! I’ve been meaning to watch some Netflix all week- I have shows to get to !!- but no luck. Maybe I can up my game this week. I hope your new week is good! :):)

  6. I have trouble being productive these days, too, Gayathri. I think the whole staying safe, distance, mask-wearing, and not seeing many people outside of work is starting to weigh me down to be frank…
    At the same time, I also think we can only do so much, and being able to just chill and not think about the world is important, too.
    Have a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe and healthy 🙂

  7. Gayathri, I am sorry to hear that you haven’t had a very productive week, but well done on finishing two books. My week has been pretty ordinary. I can’t agree about Two and a Half Men – for me the ridiculous, over the top misogyny is what makes it funny! It is not like the show condones their behaviour, it actually makes fun of it instead. 😅 Take care, happy reading and I hope the coming week is a better one for you. 🙂

  8. Hopefully your next week is more productive as you’d like it to be!

    On the contrary, my working week felt just so slow to pass 🤣 but i’m finally off for two days!!
    As of what I did.. I finally got my wardrobe cleaning done, and I won a draw for a LED dog collar! .. but we regressed to phase two as for a new covid outbreak, and Kafei had to go to the vet; so a pretty mixed week of good ans bad xd

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