A man called Ove: A Book review

Are you looking for a feel good and easy read? For the first time ever, I am not gonna spoil you with choices, confuse the heck out of you or load your arms with books that would last for a year. Pick A man called Ove right now and get reading.

Don't we all love a bittersweet tale that makes you feel mushy every time you read it? If yes, read A man called Ove, right away. Share on X

About the book

A man called ove

Book Name: A man called Ove

Author:  Fredrik Backman

Genre: Fiction – Drama

Setting: Sweden

Characters: Ove, Jimmy, Adrian, Parvaneh, Sonja, Rune, Nasanin, Mirsad

Plot Summary

Ove is a mean, grumpy and opinionated old man, who looks forward to the day he would join his late wife, Sonja. He even attempts to take his life to end his misery. He does not take well to the modern life and hates people. His life turns around when his new neighbor backs his trailer straight into his garden. Despite his apparent displeasure and cantankerous behavior, he seems to be forever helping his pesky neighbors and a cat that would not get out of his way.

The story alternates between his current life which doesn’t seem to be in short of amusing incidents and a life that had lived before he lost everything he loved. What happens to this grumpy old man when he unwillingly meets his messy neighbors, forms the rest of the story. 

Book review

A man called Ove is one of the heartwarming books that would bring a smile to your cold heart. I could not help grinning at the instances when his neighbors took it upon themselves to become his friends when he took elaborate measures to avoid them.

Ove reminded me of those ‘get off my lawn’ characters, who hate everything around them, yet have a sense of civic duty and moral obligation to be right.

One can understand his becoming a misanthrope when life kept kicking him down relentlessly but again, he has been ‘an old man’ for ages. I loved that Ove and Sonja seemed made for each other, – she outgoing and cheerful and him wary and bitter.

Things that worked for me

  • I loved the main characters and the characters in the sub plot, who were all well developed.
  • I loved the warmth and sunshine all through the story.
  • It is an easy read, perfect if you are a new reader.

Things that didn’t work for me

I can’t think of anything. It was perfect!


I know the book has been receiving raving reviews for a while now, and I am probably too late to join the party, but here I am. Don’t we all love a bittersweet tale that makes you feel mushy every time you read it? If yes, read A man called Ove, right away.

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Let us chat

Have you read this one? What other feel good books do you love? Any Swedish books on your TBR? Let us talk.


  1. DJ Sakata

    I could kick myself for not signing up for this tour when I had the chance!

  2. Young Love Mommy

    This story sounds so intriguing. I'm going to have to look into this book for my summer reading. Thanks for sharing your review.

  3. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    I do love my share of mysteries, but once in a while a breezy read is what all I ask for.

  4. Gloria

    I've been wanting to read this for awhile now! Reading this post just reminded me of it again!

  5. Gillian Kent

    This sounds like a great summer read. My usual genre is mysteries but I am intrigued and will get this on my Kindle.

  6. tulika singh

    This one had been on my TBR for so very long. Then the other day I saw its price go down and now it's on my kindle waiting for me. Need to get to it. Thanks for the push.

    • Gayathri

      It is a feel good book indeed. Please do read, I am sure you will enjoy it. Let me know how it goes.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!