Category Quotable quotes
20 Inspiring feminist quotes about women power and women
It is the year 2020, and I still know some people, including women, who are not comfortable calling themselves feminists, because some how they identify women power means male bashing. Here are some inspiring quotes about women power from strong…
15+ motivational quotes about productivity and time management
As many techniques and hacks you learn to improve our productivity and life in general, it more or less boils down to one thing: are you motivated enough to follow them? So here are some motivational quotes about productivity and…
Ten Quotes From Banned And Challenged Books
Quotable quotes: And the Mountains Echoed is full of them!
I rarely gush books. Okay, that is a lie. But I could say the number of books that I hold close to my heart are few and they are special. One of such books is And the Mountains Echoed by…
#100daysofbookquotes: Quote week: 15
We are finally here. I am super happy and proud to share the final leg aka the Week 15 ofof #100daysofbookquotes.I know there have been times that I thought I was gonna go off the bandwagon but hey, I scrapped through.…
#100daysofbookquotes: Quote week: 14
The last stretch before I reach my milestone of #100daysofbookquotes. Stay back and take a look at how things have been around here. Like our page to be updated as and when it happens – Our FB page is here …
#100daysofbookquotes: Quote week: 13
So near yet so far to the D Day. Yes almost miraculously we are near the completion of the #100daysofbookquotes. Stay back and take a look at how things have been around here. Like our page to be update…
#100daysofbookquotes: Quote week: 12
Back to the routine. Here is our round up the week’s quotes and hey we are close to the 100th day. Yippie. Wondering what is the series about? Go read about the challenge Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 …
#100daysofbookquotes: Quote week: 11
I know I know I have been not regular in posting quotes – guilty as charged. But you know what, I am back- with a bang – no more stopping until we reach the 100 day mark, what say? Late to…