Corona/CoVID And other updates: Sunday Musings #66

How is your country/ state treating Corona CoVID panic? In Dubai, UAE the public places are being regularly disinfected. The schools have been shut down for 4 weeks and many office goers been offered the choice to work from home. It has been weird seeing the car park full of cars during the day time. 

But for me, it has been quite the normal week, as I work from home as a freelancer. I just stopped going to the gym and better sanitation and hygiene for me. And that’s about it.

As a freelancer I work from home, I just stopped going to the gym and follow a better sanitation and hygiene. That's it for me. How are you and your country treating #Corona #CoVID panic? #SundayPost Share on X

What I read this week

Last week, I finally finished reading Poet X, The by Elizabeth Acevedo and I am currently reading From Twinkle, with love from Sandhya Menon. Not a bad week I suppose.

What I watched this week

As I was saying earlier, I have been binge-ing on The Office for a few days now. And I been rewatching the BBC’s Sherlock Homes, for no good reason at all. And I am loving them both, unsurprisingly. 

On my blog

In case you missed these posts on my blog last week, here is a quick recap. 

A book review on How To Build A Heart 

How to Build a Heart F

February 2020 – life updates: Sunday Musings

Corona CoVID

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

I have finally gotten to do a little blog hop during the week and here are a few that I thought were worth your attention.

From the Insta-world

Follow me for more bookish updates and pictures from my travel on my Instagram, which you should be following obviously.

Pin me!

Corona CoVID

Let us chat

So what has been your reaction to the Corona CoVID panic? Has your nation been taking seriously? And what are you all currently reading? Let us talk. 


  1. Megan | Ginger Mom & Company

    My kids’ schools closed starting this past Monday and they’re reaching out to parents with tons of resources for what they’re calling “distance learning”. Nothing is set in stone but we’ve heard rumors that they won’t be going back to school this year. I have little ones (4 and 6) so teaching them at home is fairly simple. I work in a factory and (so far) we haven’t shut down, though I think it’s only a matter of time.

    Hope you are well and staying safe 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I hope you are all staying safe too!

  2. Laura Thomas

    They’ve shut down schools and government offices here and a lot of people are self isolating themselves. I’m still going to work and will continue to dos o unless they close. Be well and I hope this passes over soon.

    • Gayathri

      I hope so too Laura!

  3. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    All schools, universities, restaurants, and bars have been closed where I live. There is also a curfew set in place. Places can still be open during the day which means I’m still going to work. I’m definitely taking as much precaution as possible during this time. Continue to stay safe, Gayathri!

    • Gayathri

      You too, Jenn. I hope this passes soon!

  4. Bianca

    I’m a university student and we’re closed for autumn break at the moment. The recess has been extended but at this stage we don’t know much. The uncertainty is rough but we’ll get through it.

    • Gayathri

      Yes we will get through this soon.

  5. Kathy West

    I’m a teacher and schools are closed. I will be doing online teaching and helping take care of my father in law.

    • Gayathri

      How has the online teaching been? I am sure it has its pros as well.

  6. Whispering Stories

    The UK is totally not prepared for this virus and the government are shockingly bad at how they are handling it. Schools are still open, no-one is being tested unless they are admitted to hospital (to keep the numbers of cases they have to report down as well as their costs down). People are being advised to work from home and pubs/cinemas/theatres are being advised to shut down but unless they stipulate they must shut down these places can’t claim on insurance for loss of earnings to most are staying open. People are carrying on as if there is nothing wrong except for shoppers who are bulk/panic buying. The government did announce yesterday that the most vulnerable will have to be isolated at home for 12 weeks from Saturday and we fit in that category, so I may need to find things to do keep me occupied very shortly.

    • Gayathri

      That is so shocking to hear. I hope you are staying safe!

  7. DJ Sakata

    Many major events have been canceled, schools are extending the weekly Spring Break to be a month-long, tourism is taking a major hit, which is our chief industry here in Hawaii so the economy will suffer. People are acting weirdly OCD about toilet paper and bottled water – why bottled water, there is nothing wrong with the water supply? Me, I’ve stocked up on the essentials – wine, chocolate, pretzels, sugar, cat food, and more wine 😉

    • Gayathri

      I love you how are stocking only the “essentials”. I wish people were cool like you are.

  8. Nadene

    Here in Jamaica, schools have been closed for 2 weeks. All places of entertainment which encourages large crowd gathering have also been closed. Those who can work from home are encouraged to do so.

    • Gayathri

      I hope you are staying safe Nadene!

  9. Obsessivemom

    We’re on a two-week lock down right in the middle of children’s exams and that has quite thrown my plans of reading/writing out of gear. After the weekend today I finally managed to lock myself up and get some work done.

    • Gayathri

      What a change in one week right? It is crazy. I hope you are staying safe!

  10. Maureen @ Maureen's Books

    I’m glad to hear you are doing well and not a lot has changed for you at the moment. Life is definitely crazy around here. I’m a nurse, and my first vacation since June started this Friday.. at times like this there’s a big chance I’ll get called back in to work. And although obviously I really don’t want to, as a nurse I’m prepared to do what’s necessary.
    And in the meantime I’m staying at home with my little girl and try to enjoy some books.
    Stay safe and happy reading.

    • Gayathri

      I am grateful for those essential service providers like you, who raise up to the occasion. I hope you are safe too!

  11. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Our schools just closed too, and they’ve ordered restaurants and bars closed except for drive-throughs and deliveries. It’s been very crazy!!

    • Gayathri

      I hope everything is settled now!

  12. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    People around here don’t seem to be self-isolating too much. The grocery store shelves are empty. When I went running today, there were lots of people out with their kids and dogs. I guess people here aren’t too worried. I hope you have a great week!

    • Gayathri

      I hope it is better now AJ!

  13. Greg

    Here in the States we’re seeing more and more stringent measures taken every day. I think the full magnitude hasn’t hit here yet and the next few weeks should be telling. Isn’t that lovely lol? Stay safe and well and hope you have an awesome week!

    • Gayathri

      Are you settled with the new normal yet?

  14. Sam@wlabb

    I have a job that requires me to be in the office, but many of the other lines of business in my company are working from home, and others are preparing to work from home. So, the crowd on the trains and on the campus is lighter. It’s been business as usual for me, except anything fun I was supposed to do has been canceled. I loved both The Poet X and Twinkle. Both authors are solid faves of mine.

    • Gayathri

      I hope you are taking all the safety precautions.

  15. jessicabookworm

    Hey Gayathri, just stopping over from Kimberly’s Sunday Post 🙂Here in the UK not much has greatly change because of the virus. A lot of big events have been voluntarily cancelled, but everything is still open including schools, so I am still at work. Although we spent most of last week prepping work to go home if we do need to shut. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and that you have plenty of great books to escape into!

    • Gayathri

      I am surprised to hear that, actually. It is the flu season and it is so close to Europe and still UK has not shut the school yet? I hope you all aer staying safe though.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!