How to get away with murder & other things from this week: Sunday Musings #75

Did anyone see that twist coming on How to get away with murder?

Are you happy with the ending? I can’t believe that happened to them both. TBH I didn’t want anything to happen to that guy but it had to, right? 

I hate it when my head tries to reason out my feels, like I know it had to happen but can I have a heart break for a fictional character, for a minute in here?

How has your week been? Do you watch How to get away with murder? Who was your favorite character and did you like their ending? Let us talk. Share on X

Not spoiler-ing How to get away with murder

Sigh. Also talking about How to get away with murder without spoiling it for the rest of the world is difficult!

Oh by the way, my laptop stopped making that weird noise out of nowhere in the last two days. I still do not know what I did right, but I would like to think I solved it somehow. I tried most of your suggestions, as soon as I got them last Sunday (because I was desperate for a solution).

Thank you so much, guys especially Michelle @ Because Reading for your elaborate explanation about the issue. 

What I read this week

I am reading two books currently. And I will finish both of them probably today.

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary

What I watched this week

I am currently watching Dead to me S2. I am watching 3 or 4th episode and I am enjoying it at all.

On the other hand, I am rewatching Brooklyn Nine Nine from season 1. And it is freaking fabulous, as we know it to be.⁠

As I was saying I watched the last two episodes of How to get away with murder, yesterday and I dunno how people waited for one whole week to see the next part. 

I am not able to do that for even Masterchef Australia or other reality shows. Also whom are you rooting for?

On my blog

In case you missed this week’s posts on my blog, here is a brief recap.

Yes No Maybe So by Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed – a book review

YES NO MAYBE so Feature

Mother’s Day And Computer Issues: Sunday Musings #74

elgeewrites How to get away with murder & other things from this week: Sunday Musings #75 SM74F

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

Here are some posts that I found around the blogosphere, and wanted to share it with y’all

From the Insta-world

If you are not following me on Instagram, please consider doing that!

Pin me!

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Let us chat

How has your week been? Do you watch How to get away with murder? Who was your favorite character and did you like their ending? Let us talk.


  1. Megan | The Ginger Mom Reader

    I just recently got back into reading after a horrible reading slump. The past couple weeks, we’ve decided to shut down our blog and post on Instagram and FB only. It’s been very freeing 🙂

    Glad your computer stopped making the weird noise. That can be so irritating!

    • Gayathri

      Yes I am looking forward to your new site.

  2. Katisha

    I’m soooo glad I have Hulu, and I was behind on HTGAWM. I basically had a marathon and watched the last 3 episodes. I didn’t hate the finale, but I didn’t love it either. It’s definitely not the worst finale I’ve seen. That still belongs to Lost. LOL

    • Gayathri

      Ha ha.. I have not watched Lost.

  3. Kathy West

    I have not watched the show but I need too.

    • Gayathri

      Oh it will be worth it, especially if you like thrillers.

  4. Robin Loves Reading

    Had to skim past because I aveing watched the last four episodes.

    • Gayathri

      oh there are no spoilers. I hope you have caught up with them now.

  5. vidya

    haven’t watched this show but it does sound interesting.. and while we did not have computer issues, we did have internet issues this past week …..

    • Gayathri

      Ugh.. I would hate internet issues even more.

  6. Shelleen Toland

    I have never watched the show but it looks really good. I have been cleaning this week to get rid of clutter and things I don’t use. I have read 1 book.

    • Gayathri

      Decluttering is a perfect de-stressor.

    • Gayathri

      Let me know how that goes!

  7. Bianca

    It’s been a long week😂

    • Gayathri

      It definitely was!

    • Gayathri

      I Loved flatshare, hope you do too.

  8. Alyssa Cohen

    I still haven’t watched HTGAWM, but it’s my moms favourite show, so I assume I’ll watch it at some point!

    • Gayathri

      Oh she has great taste. LOL

  9. DJ Sakata

    I’m always amazed by big-brained people like you who can read more than one book at a time, the little pea in my brain would explode if I even tried.

    • Gayathri

      OMG, no.. you read more books even if you read it one at a time.

  10. Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    We just finished an Marvel marathon so I’m ready for some other binge watching. Oh my gosh, Brooklyn Nine Nine!!! I still crack up when I think about the guy (can’t remember his character name right now) shaves off his eyebrows! I’m glad your computer is not making noises! Technology is so love/hate. Love it when it works, hate it when it doesn’t and we all depend on it so much.

    I hope you have a wonderful week! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Gayathri

      Terry shaved his brows. That was a hilarious episode.

  11. Susan

    I absolutely loved this show and was shattered it ended but it was one of the most gut wrenching and well written endings ever.

  12. vvb

    What a relief that your computer is back to normal. Have a good week.

    • Nadene

      I used to watch How to Get Away with Murder, but after the first season I lost interest.

      • Gayathri

        Oh yes, the first season was the best.

  13. Judee

    I watched How To Get Away With Murder last year on Netflix. I’ll have to go back and see if there are new seasons that I missed. Loved that series! Just finished watching Dead 2 Me .and enjoyed it.. and I will look into ” Brooklyn Nine” since I’m looking for something new.

  14. Maureen @ Maureen's Books

    I’ve never watched How to get away with murder before. I’ve heard some great stuff about it. But it just doesn’t seem to be a series for me.

    Stay safe and happy reading.

    • Gayathri

      Yes, it can be gruesome and intense at times.

  15. Kymber Hawke

    I love Dead to Me. HTGAWM’s ending left me feeling kind of unsatisfied. I would go into more depth, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. I was really looking forward to the finale, too. Loved the show, though, and never missed an episode.

    • Gayathri

      Oh we should definitely talk about the series sometime.

  16. Yvonne

    I enjoyed HTGAWM but I have to admit that I had to re-watch the finale. I wasn’t sure I caught everything. It’s sad how they ended it, but I don’t want to give it away for those who haven’t watched yet.

    I watched the first season of Dead to Me and will eventually get to season 2.

    Hope you have a great week!

    • Gayathri

      Yes, the finale was so exciting and had too much to swallow in a bite.

  17. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    I didn’t get any further than season one of How To Get Away With Murder though I tried several times.
    Glad you solved your laptop issues.

    • Gayathri

      Ah, I get it how it can’t be everyone’s favorite show.

  18. Laurel-Rain Snow

    There was so much to digest in that HTGWM series finale that I may have to watch it again!

    Interesting twists.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog. Stay safe.

    • Gayathri

      YES, it was packed with so many details. I agree.

  19. Geraldine @ Corralling Books

    I absolutely love B99! Recently rewatched it from S1 too, and it’s still just as funny watching it as a rerun!
    Also I love Masterchef Australia – I watch it everyday, and it actually kind of provides a sense of routine in these times!

    • Gayathri

      Yes, Masterchef AU is really good and has become my routine too.

  20. Laura Thomas

    Great to hear about your laptop. Mine is doing something weird that comes and goes. I hope it stays gone. LOL I just finished binging How To Get Away With Murder so I can watch the end. So curious! And I plan to start the next season of Riverdale right after that.

    • Gayathri

      Ha ha! Mine is still being weird at times.

  21. jessicabookworm

    I’m afraid I haven’t watched How to Get Away with Murder, but your enthusiasm for it, is making me think I should! I am currently watching True Blood and Killing Eve.

    I hope the coming week is a good one for you, take care and happy reading/viewing! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Oh I have heard great things about Killing Eve. I should catch it up!

  22. Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    I’m glad you got your computer sorted Gayathri! Michelle is the best 🙂
    I have started watching Casa del Papel (in Spanish with subtitles!) and I love it. But I think I’ll but Brooklyn 9 on my list of things I want to watch. Now that I’ve handed in all my final papers to Uni, I have so much extra time on my hands 🙂
    Have a wonderful week ahead, stay safe and healthy.

    • Gayathri

      Let us know how do you like Money Heist and B99!

  23. Greg

    I haven’t watched that show! But I’m curious… and glad to hear about your laptop! That’s good news… isn’t it weird how these things can sometimes just happen? Crossing fingers it stays that way…

    Be safe this week!

    • Gayathri

      Yes I hoping it stays without that annoying noise!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!