Life resumed in the UAE after a lock down of more than a month due to the Corona virus pandemic, finally this week.
The world seems to be moving towards a recovery from the pandemic. And the countries are slowly relaxing the restrictions. I already spoke about how we were doing it in Dubai, a while ago.
Life resumed in the UAE after a lock down of more than a month due to the Corona virus pandemic, finally this week. We are still required to practice social distancing and wear masks when we venture outside. How is your week shaping up? Share on XWe are still required to practice social distancing and wear masks when we venture outside. While Dubai’s own contact tracing app for CoViD has been here for a while, it has now become mandatory for every resident to download it on our phones when we are going out.
Business as usual resumed in the UAE
- But on the whole, many restrictions have been relaxed.
- We can go out for non essentials as well now.
- Yay!Airport and flights have been operating.
- All shops including luxury shopping are up for business (Gucci anyone?)
- Cinemas, beaches (in some places), fitness centers and gyms are all opened.
- And people can go back to working from offices. (bummer?)
So basically, the UAE and Dubai are back to business as usual.
And while the things are more relaxed now from the public point of view but the Government has not stopped their work. We have nation wide sterilization programs from 6 PM every day.
But I am holding off the hitting the gym and venturing out in general, for a bit longer. I mean everyone is talking about the spike in numbers expected in the first few days once the restrictions are relaxed right? And also because my lazy ass is used to staying in now.
In conclusion, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay put in and safe at home as long as you can and you are ordered to, especially those that are in the USA and India where things are still gloomy.
What I read this week
I am currently reading Little Flies everywhere and I am loving it. I have been promising I would read it, before watching the series. So I have to finish this one ASAP.
On other news, my stilt at reading non fiction books is going great. Despite DNF-ing two non fiction books this week, I finished reading Warren Buffett’s Management Secrets last night.
What I watched this week
I watched Misdemeanor last week and I didn’t love it.
I am also watching Never have I ever and Space force. What are you all watching?
On my blog
In case you missed out any of my posts through the week, here is a quick recap.
Friday – Book Summary Of Atomic Habits

Wednesday – Feeling Overwhelmed With Work – Things To Help You Out

Monday – A book review of The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Sunday – Ramadan Kareem: Sunday Musings #76

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
Around the blogosphere
Oh, I have been blog hopping kinda regularly now and here are few posts that I particularly loved and wanted to share with you all.
- The Orangutan librarian talks about how reviews can not be unbiased on her post.
- How often do you quit book series? Dani tells the reasons why she keeps quitting often.
- Krisha from Bookathon Blog recommends 21 short story/novellas for when you are not interested to read longer ones.
- Do you critically analyse every book you read? Charvi talks about why that doesn’t work for her.
From the Insta-world
Here are some of the photos I posted on Instagram during the week. Are you follow me on Instagram?
Pin me!

Let us chat
How is your week going on? How are your country’s/ city’s restrictions due to Corona Virus shaping up? Let us talk.
Thanks for the update. I definitely agree that precautions are still very necessary all around the globe. Please take care.
Yes I wish more people were this rational.
Glad to hear that things are becoming normal there. Death rate is increasing in India
I heard. That is so scary.
South Africa is still struggling but that’s not new.
It is sad to hear that.
Good to hear things are getting back to normal where you are. In the UK some things are slowly reopening such as zoos and safari parks. Some shops have reopened. We still have to stay 2 metres apart and face coverings are a must on public transport.
Love your photos BTW.
Same here. I hope things get to normal in other countries as well
We aren’t back to business as usual yet but slowly seem to be cranking up the machines
Slower the better if you ask me.
Life is still in a bit of lockdown here in West Virginia.
Lock down is good in many ways.
It’s similar over here. Wow, an app? How smart. We don’t have an app, it’s just sort of like.. they post it in articles and you can check. I don’t know about the airports, I think that’s still shut down here. But most places are open and people work from offices now.
I hope you are staying safe!
It’s great that everything is almost back to normal in UAE! Things are still a bit clamped up here and we’re being careful whenever we venture out.
Thanks for including my post 😘
The state of India scares me. I hope it gets better soon.
Stay safe and enjoy those Stephen King.
Oh I am planning to.
I think those who can work from home should just continue doing so, or maybe just limited times? Keep the numbers low and alternate employees coming in would be best if they have to go back. It would help the spread, traffic, and costs like fuel and office space. Glad to hear you’re still taking precautions. I think all need to be careful when going out. Masks, distancing and then washing our hands or hand sanitizer often!
We have no contact tracing apps here that I know of which is ridiculous!
I want to give Space Force a try. Did you like it?
No.. We stopped Space force halfway. Not a great fan.
Many things have been re-opening here, but I’ve been hesitant about everything. I can’t see how this is good when cases are still going up.
Take care and stay safe.
It is better safe than sorry.
I am worried that the reopenings here in the US will be a disaster. Some places worse than others.
Nothing much changes for me here in my senior residence. I don’t anticipate that they will “release” us for shopping anytime soon.
Stay safe!
I hope it stays safe for you.
It’s good to hear that things are getting better in other parts of the world. I think we are allowed small gatherings, but salons, restaurants, etc are still closed.
Things got better, I hope.
Glad to know UAE and Dubai have eased the restrictions. Situation in India is still pretty grim. Stay safe, Gayathri!
Things will get better soon.
They’ve relaxed some of the restrictions here and people are coming out in droves. I went by some restaurants and they are packed even though they’ve been told to limit the amount of people allowed inside. I work in retail and we run constantly to help all of the people coming in. And we are a;ready seeing in spike in new cases. Makes you wonder. Stay safe:)
I wish they would find a vaccine already.
Hope the reopening goes well there! It’s in full swing here too but I’m still choosing to be cautious, especially since our response to this here has been abysmal. And contact tracing- wow we barely have that. eye rolls
“And people can go back to working from offices. (bummer?)” Right? I agree. I think if people can work from home they should be able to- I mean sure there’ll be cases where it’s too difficult or whatever, but I hope there’s a paradigm shift of sorts where now that we’ve seen that SOME things are more possible than we were led to believe, that things will change.
Love your pics as usual!! Be well this week!!
Yes I was just saying the life as we knew might have gone forever.
Hey Gayathri, I am okay and have a lovely week in the sunshine, thank you. Here in the UK we have just started easing our lockdown, so we can spend more time outside and can meet one person who is not in our household. Also from tomorrow primary schools and non-essential shops will start to open. So things are definitely getting better here, too. Take care and happy reading! 🙂
I hope things settle down soon.
I think that you’re being very wise still taking precautions, Gayathri, and staying in. The bottom line is that world’s scientists haven’t produced a vaccine yet. We’ve just launched our trace & track app here in the UK but it’s still early stages but as you said, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. 💜
I still hope things will get better.