Spotlight Sunday: #07 One about the death of an Indian actor and other memories

I woke up all happy and cheerful today being a Sunday and all. But (yes there is a but) this news about one of the Indian actor’s death brought it down a notch.

First off, I wasn’t planning to be that affected by anyone’s death, let alone some actor’s. Out of nowhere the sadness crept in and I am right now not so cheerful anymore. So if you have not heard about it yet – Indian actor Sridevi passed away on Saturday late night.

actor Sridevi death
actor Sridevi death
Pict Credit: Indian Express

For those you all who do not know who this lady is I will be adding some of her photographs. She started acting as a child actor and she continued acting on and off throughout her life. She has won numerous awards and has acted with so many actors and in so many languages.

But why would an actor’s death affect me so much?

Brought up in a family which had all kinds of rules about movies and watching films in theaters was an annual treat, we got to watch the one that ran on the national televisions only. This naturally meant we ended up watching older movies and we sorta grew up with those actors who made us believe in dreams, hard work drama and of course romance in typical Bollywood (or for that matter any movie in Indian languages) style.

actor Sridevi death
Pict Credit: lightscamerabollywood

Now to hear that some part of that past would be a mere history, makes me realize how short life really is. I am gonna spend my looking at her old pictures and if possible will catch up with one of her movies. And don’t worry I will be blog hopping, so that might rise my spirits.

Around the blogosphere

Let me not dampen yours (if I have not already) and get on with my fabulous finds of the week:

1) I love statistics and finding correlation between things that may seem totally irrelevant. But this data analysis shows that people who leave one star rating on their reviews do not care much for grammar or spelling.

actor Sridevi death
Pic Credit: Abhay Singh

2) Jezebel rarely writes pieces that are worthy sharing with my bookish community. But this week I stumbled upon this gem; where novelists share their wisdom on writing hot messy scenes with consent.

3) Since we are on the topic already, I should share this video of the talk Jusitn Baldoni (yes from the Jane the virgin) made on the TED on the topic ‘man enough’. This man talks as much sense as he is hot!

4) I read this post from the Last red head on the great list of books that you should read in your twenties. Are you favorite books on the list?

5) I was on the hunt for more bookish trackers for the BuJo community until I found this treasure from Eva’s Brilliantly Bookish. You will have to see it to realize how awesome some people are.

actor Sridevi death
Pict Credit: Just Jared

6) Did you hear that Goodreads can now inform you when e-books go on sale?

7) While we are reading so many books on how to be grounded with our feelings and emotions, this piece by Mark Manson on F**K your feelings resonated with me. What do you think: feelings or not?

actor Sridevi death
Pict Credit: Highlights India

8) When was the last time you picked up a newspaper – the physical one? I haven’t picked up one in the past 6 months for sure. But does that mean you would be okay if the daily comic strips are done away? I won’t be, especially when I have just lost one of my childhood icon.

On my blog

In case you missed any of our last week’s posts, here is a recap.
On Monday I reviewed Agatha Christie’s Death comes as the end.

actor Sridevi death

On Thursday again there was a review on Waking Isabella by Melissa Muldoon.

actor Sridevi death

Under our Flyaway Friday section we had Jenny from Tecsielity‘s guest post talking about Finland and the Finns.

actor Sridevi death

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!

actor Sridevi death

Let us talk

Have you been affected by the death of any celebrities or not so close friends/relatives? Does Sridevi confirm to the beauty standards of you country? Who are your favorites regional actors? Extra points if you share a picture or link to the picture. Let me know in the comments.


  1. Celebrities do have an impact in our lives. So sas that Sridevi passed 😔 she is so beautiful by any standards!

  2. Gayathri I’m sorry your feeling down this week. I haven’t heard of Sridevi’s passing, I can understand your sadness since you watched her movies as a child.

    I did know about Goodreads sending emails about books sales, it’s a wonderful feature. Wishing you a better week ahead and happy reading.

  3. I’m sorry to hear about Sridevi’s passing. I get it, it’s hard when someone you’ve grown up with or watched like that passes on, especially so young. Thanks for sharing the memories! And I’ll have to listen to that Baldoni talk- looks interesting.

  4. I remember really getting into the old Hollywood classics when I was younger, and gradually learning that most of my favorite actors and actresses had passed long before I ever found their movies (Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire) I remember having this really sad moment thinking they’d never produce another movie again – and then wondering if their films would still be accessible for when I have kids so that they could enjoy them as well 🙂

    Also – I’m a huge stats geek too and love anything that proves correlation with anything else. LOVE the article on Grammar vs. Negative reviews. Thanks for sharing!

    • You penned it rightly. There would be no more of their films! And Sri Devi even had a new film coming out soon 🙁

      Glad to find someone who share my weird interest on correlation. I will try adding more such weird links on my future posts too.

  5. I heard about her death. I watch BBC news a lot. Even though I don’t really know about her, it was still sad news. To pass away fairly young is such a tragedy. She’s very beautiful.

    Some actor’s deaths do make me sad, if I was a big fan of them.

    Hope you cheer up soon. Have a great week!

  6. Sad to hear of Sridevi’s passing. I loved her work in English Vinglish. I will have to look for some of her older films.

    I was really sad when Carrie Fisher passed away. Star Wars was a big part of my youth. Also really sad when the British actor Alan Rickman died. He was so talented.

    I love Agatha Christie but I can’t remember if I read Death Comes at the End. I will have to look it up on Goodreads.

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