One day in December- A book review

How do you feel about insta love or love at first sight? Well, that is what will make or break One Day in December by Josie Silver for you. And a lot of people, bloggers and bookstagrammers alike, love this book and might queue up to fight if you didn’t (I am kidding.. maybe). Let us  see how One Day in December turned out for me in my book review, ok? Read on!

Do you believe in instalove or love at first sight? Have you read One Day in December by Josie Silver? Let us see how that turned out for me! Share on X

About One day in December

One day in December

Book Name: One Day in December

Author: Josie Silver

Genre: Fiction – Romance

Characters: Laurie James, Jack O’Mara, Sarah, Oscar Ogilvy-Black

Setting:  LondonEnglandThe UK

Plot Summary of One day in December

One Day in December Laurie is staring out the bus window and she chances upon a guy sitting in a bus stop reading a book. He looks up and they have an instant connection, so strong that she believes he is the one. She spends the next year looking out for the guy with her best friend Sarah. 

During the next Christmas season, she finds him again at a party, only to find that he is Sarah’s boyfriend. When she realizes he doesn’t recognize her and that Sarah is in love with him and he likewise, she quickly gulps down her feelings and tries to stay the third wheel to the supposed “match made in heaven”. 

Over the next decade, they spend time finding themselves with different partners and many missed opportunities. How they end up together forms the rest of One Day in December by Josie Silver.

Book review of One day in December

One Day in December has everything needed for a perfect winter romance – insta love, strong female friendship, falling for the said friend’s boyfriend and then getting friend zone. I enjoyed Josie Silver’s writing and her voice, that made it hard to put the book down.

I loved the first few chapters and I really tried hard to like the entire book the same way and I failed terribly. 

My main problem was that I felt lukewarm about the protagonists. There was nothing special about them. And they were supposed made for each other and soul mates, we never see it. They do not even take any step whatsoever to be with each other. 

Sigh. I really tried to like One Day in December more.

Things that worked for me

  • The premise was cute and the angst was real.
  • The writing and the pace were perfect for a winter afternoon read. 
  • I liked Sarah and her friendship with Laurie. I wish we saw more of Sarah and Laurie’s history. 

Things that didn’t work for me

  • I didn’t like the protagonists especially Jack nor did I warm up to them until the end even.
  • I love British romance mainly for their witty banter. Nope not much on that front.


If you are looking for a cute romance filled with angst, you can choose One Day in December by Josie Silver. Perfect for fans of Bridget Jones!

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Let us chat

Have you read One Day in December by Josie Silver? Do you like stories with insta love or love at first sight as a theme? Let us talk. 


  1. This is a favorite of mine. I remember riding this emotional roller coaster and just feeling everything. I seem to have a thing for these long, drawn out bad timing romances. It reminded me a lot of Love, Rosie (which drove me equally as crazy, but I loved)

  2. so sorry this didn’t work for you.. i remember seeing this and thinking about reading it because the premise was interesting.. now, maybe not immediately at least

  3. I’ve had this on my tbr forever , it’s currently sitting on my bookshelf just don’t know if it’s a book for me , great review!!

  4. I’ve had this book on my TBR for what seems like forever! I really meant to get to it this past holiday season but never ended up picking it up. I really do love angsty romances though so I need to prioritize this one!

  5. I got this book on Christmas 2018 but I had to wait until the next December to read it because, c’mon, it’s on the title. However, I must say this book was a disappointment and I DNFed it around 50 pages in. Insta-love is not my thing, but I was handling it. Then there was cheating and I noped so hard I almost threw the book across the room.

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