The one with declutter mania: Sunday Musings #124

It has been a busy few days on the home front. We are planning to move houses soon, so went on a massive decluttering drive last week. Discarding things is a difficult thing for me, my Indian-ness wants to reuse or repurpose things that I have never seen in a year or two.

But I powered through and got it done. Everything has been sorted and classified and discarded, ready for the movers who will be coming later this week. Except for the bookshelf, which will move without any declutter.

How was your week? Do you struggle with decluttering? Do all your books make the cut? Or do you hoard it like some of us? Let us talk. Share on X

What I read this week

I have not found much time and I am still reading These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong, but I am enjoying it.

I also started Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg this week, which I am liking too. If you enjoyed Atomic Habits by James Clear, you will enjoy this one too, I suppose.

What I watched this week

Every time I had a break from the house chores, I slumped on the couch to watch the Office (US) re-runs on Amazon. Nothing else.

On my blog

In case you missed the posts from my blog, last week.

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe – A book review

The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe book review Featured

What did I miss?: Sunday Musings #123

Did I miss - sunday post featured

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!

Declutter Sunday post

Let us chat

How was your week? Do you struggle with decluttering? Do all your books make the cut? Or do you hoard it like some of us? Let us talk.


  1. I am glad you were able to finish the decluttering phase of the move finished. That is always hard. You will likely find more stuff to discard once you’ve moved as well. That always seems to be the way. I wish you the best with the move! Take care and have a great week!

  2. Oh I’m a brilliant book hoarder. I have paperbacks that still belonged to my grandfather and no, they are not first editions or anything valuable.

    For the rest, no – I declutter quite easily!

    Have a good week and be kind to yourself.

    Elza Reads

  3. Decluttering is not my favorite thing! The last time I moved, I was already in that tiny studio apartment, just out of the hospital, and my daughter and her friends moved my stuff. I realized that having someone else do it is the worst thing! Many favorite things, including most of my books, were gone forever!

    But this most recent move, to my new apartment, was all me…and there wasn’t much to declutter. Keeping things “decluttered” as we go along is probably the best way.

    I like rereading books…and rewatching favorite shows. I did some of that yesterday.

    Enjoy the week! May the move go smoothly.

    Good luck!

  4. I’m doing the minsgame at the moment (we’ll, my version of it). I think regularly going through and asking yourself if you need thinks helps with keeping a tidy house and tidy mind. Good luck!

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