Last week was fairly normal and one thing that kinda threw a curveball at me was Pinterest. I love Pinterest, personally and for the blogging promotion. But the new algorithm has changed quite a bit and my numbers have fallen drastically in the past few days.
Normally, I would not have bothered but not knowing why it was happening is frustrating. I am working on it and have to check how this fall affecting my site traffic.
How seriously do you take your traffic statistics? Are you on Pinterest and did this current change in algorithm affect you? Let us talk. Share on XWhat I read this week
I am currently reading Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and I am loving it. I didn’t expect to like it as much and I was quite intimidated to read it. There will be a review shortly.
I am also between two manuscripts that I am commissioned for beta reading. Quite loving the change.
What I watched this week
Continuing my last week’s attempt to reduce TV binging, I spent only a few hours on watching TV.
I finished watching Line of Duty, a British investigative shop and alternating it with an episode or two of Community.
On my blog
In case you missed out on some of my posts last week, here is a quick recap.
My June 2020 – An Update: Sunday Musings #82
Here is a review of Normal People by Sally Rooney
On Wednesday I discussed the 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging
A quick round of quiz on Can Find The Famous Authors?
I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
Around the blogosphere
Woohoo, I found some fabulous book blog posts last week. Here are some gems for your eyes.
I loved the post from Valerie on being a better ally on her blog Wellness & Wanderlust.
If you are a fan of “if you like this book, you will like that book” idea, then you should check out Wendy’s Book like this one.
Every book blogger should read about how much book blogging paid post from Angel at Avd Reader.
From the Insta-world
Feel free to show some love to my Instagram posts, pretty please.
Pin me!

Let us chat
How seriously do you take your traffic statistics? Are you on Pinterest and did this current change in algorithm affect you? Let us talk.
Sorry your stats dropped. I post on Pinterest daily, but have never once checked my stats.
Oh you might find something interesting if you check them.
I am such a goober with social media, I just want to read and ignore everything else
DO what you do best DJ!
It is frustrating when stats drop. Personally I am not fond of pinterest.
I get that. To each their own!
I don’t take statistics on Pinterest very serious.
I am, however, totally down to Google Analytics. GOD How I love that thing.
Pinterest is a search engine that’s on my way, unfortunately.
Yes, I am hooked to Google Analytics too!
I have to admit my Pinterest knowledge is limited. I know how to create and share pins and that’s about it. I don’t get a lot of incoming traffic from it and that’s probably because I don’t know how to use it to my advantage…
You might get a start by changing the account to business!
I’m sorry to hear about your stats dropping. I’ve been more active on Pinterest lately and I’m pleased to see my stats increasing.
Woohoo. That is really good to hear. Keep up with it.
Glad to hear your enjoying Homegoing! I read that a while back, and I absolutely loved it, too! It was like reading a reflection of myself and my ancestors. It also brought me back to my semester abroad in Ghana.
I am looking forward to hearing what you find with regards to the new Pinterest algorithm. I don’t really pay attention to the traffic I get from Pinterest since I don’t post stuff from my blog on there very often. Most of the time, I go on Pinterest and just start pinning. LOL
I am so happy to hear Homegoing resonated with you as well.
I ignore all my stats. I am only interested in talking books with others. It doesn’t matter to me if that is fifty people or just one.
Fair enough. You do you, Deb!
I don’t pay any attention to any stats, it’s not why I blog and I don’t have the energy to worry about it.
Wishing you a great reading week
That sounds like a good stand.
Thanks for pointing out that Avid Reader article. Interesting blog, overall.
I love everything she puts on her blog.
I don’t understand pinterest (so don’t use it) but I’m sorry that the algorithm changes have messed with your engagement. That sucks. 🙁 Hopefully, you can puzzle it out and get back on track quickly.
I am still struggling to get back to it.
I love Pinterest but I haven’t really used it for my blog this time round, before I took my blog break it worked well. It’s annoying when they change algorithms.
I’ve only started watching Community but it seems good fun.
I loved Community too.
I tried Pinterest a long time ago, but never really got into it very much. I’ll have to check it out again some time.
Hope you have a great week!
Oh I hope you do.
My Pinterest stats went up, but I don’t have anywhere near the numbers you have (7.7K right now)! I use it mostly for personal things since I didn’t blog for about 4 years. I am cross-posting since I’ve started blogging again but I don’t think I’ve gotten any traffic from there. I hope you figure it out!
I hope so too. Thank you!
I do get traffic from Pinterest, so I link my posts there daily. I have boards for bookish things, interesting articles, posts etc. I do not really track. I blog for fun, but do love when I see my numbers grow there.
Oh yes I pin there daily too!
I haven’t used Pinterest for my blog in a long while, but whenever I log in to it to look for recipes or other stuff I swear I’m even more confused. It never shows me what I want exactly as I want it, it recommends the strangest of things and it basically looks weird :)) Hopefully you’ll be able to figure out pretty soon what is the new algorithm and you can conquer it! Stay safe and happy reading <3
I understand how confusing it can be in the beginning. Thank you.
I think I started using Pinterest for crafting before I started blogging so mine is a big mess and not specific to my blog, but I do have a couple of book review folders. I haven’t noticed a big change but I never had much traffic from there anyway. It’s not something I focus on.
I hope you can figure it out! Have a great week!
Mine definitely is a mix of personal and blogging things too.
I’m trying to maintain my posting frequency on Pinterest to get some kind of traffic to my blog but it sure as hell ain’t working. I don’t think it’s made for me hahaha
Initially, out of luck it worked for me very well and then I started putting in more efforts. And now, I dunno what is happening anymore.
I very seldom visit Pinterest. When I started, I did create folders and themes, and checked out other people and their images.
Then I sort of ignored it. LOL.
FB is the one I visit more, but lately I’m frustrated with their changes; I hardly see some of my usual “friends.” And they removed one of my posts, one about books, so hardly controversial. And they gave no valid reason.
So…social networking does have its issues.
Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.
I rarely use FB these days. Yes we can do only what works for us.
I’ve never really thought to look at my traffic on Pinterest. I use it sparingly for the blog.
Oh your sanity is saved!
Wait is that why my Pinterest views have dropped? I just went from 100k to 60k in 2 days. 😭
YES! Mine dropped from 100k to 30K last week. Sigh.
The change in algorithm has been quite frustrating for me as well! I reached out to the team and got to know that my account had been marked as low-quality by mistake, and they are rectifying it. My stats picked up for a few days and dropped again🙄.
Oh that is news to me. Let me check too.
I’m a fan of Pinterest but I must have missed something because I have no clue what you mean about changed algorithms. But I don’t really pay attention to traffic statistics. I used too.. but I just decided I wanted to focus on what I love about blogging and forget about the numbers. I’m sorry you’ve been losing traffic though.
Those Instagram pics look great again! 😉
Stay safe and happy reading.
That is a good call, not looking at your stats. It drives me crazy most of the time. But I addicted.
I love Pinterest but never cross post there for some reason. I really should I suppose for blog promotion as well as to just interact more! I’ll have to look at that. Hope you find your reason for the change though!
Thanks for the links too. And the great pics as always! I need to get back into IG.
Have a happy and safe week!
Thank you. And you should check Pinterest for blogging out.