Red, White & Royal Blue – A book review

I know the times are hard and troubling and we bookworms are trying to escape the pressure of the real world. And so I am here help you do that with a great recommendation. Let us review Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, shall we?

Have you read this hyped up book? How did you like Red, White & Royal Blue? What are you reading to keep you distracted from the reality? Let us talk. Share on X

About the book

Red, White & Royal Blue

Book Name: Red, White & Royal Blue

Author:  Casey McQuiston

Genre: Fiction โ€“ Romance

Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz and his sister June, Nora Holleran (Alexโ€™s best friend), Prince Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, his sister Bea and Pez (Henryโ€™s  best friend)

Setting: Washington DC,ย The United States of America

The plot

The sons of the first families of The USA and the UK hate each other dislike each other and the world knows it. The first families and their PRs decide to intervene and stage a fake Instagram relationship. 

What starts as a fake friendship between Alex Claremont-Diaz and Prince Henry blossoms into something more. But is coming out as gay worth all the drama in the royal family? And more importantly is their love worth causing a political derailment around the world? You will have to read Red, White & Royal Blue to know more. 

My initial thoughts

Red, White & Royal Blue was highly addictive and hilarious that you cannot put it down once you start. The banter between the leads is witty and adorable. The writing is top notch and Casey McQuiston knows to keep the readers hooked until the end.

Above all, what struck close to me was the lead characters and how much life like they both were. And the sub plots and side characters especially June, Bea and Nora, were as deep as they can be. Oh I loved them all. 

Things that worked for me

  • The writing is fast paced and quite an easy flow.
  • I loved the characters and seriously appreciate how deep their arcs were.
  • The witty banter and the chemistry between the leads is adorable.
  • An extra brownie point for the very diverse cast. 

Things that didn’t work for me

Red, White & Royal Blue is not going to be your gateway to learn every bit of the politics of USA. You get what you see!


Red, White & Royal Blue is such a cute, sweet and funny LGBTQA romance that will definitely keep your lock down sorrows go away. You need this in your life!

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Red, White & Royal Blue

Let us chat

Have you read this hyped up book? How did you like it? What are you reading to keep you distracted from the reality? Let us talk.


    • Gayathri

      Oh you should!

  1. Finitha Jose

    Loved it so much. Even reread many times. Another book ‘The State of Us’ seems to have a similar story line. Waiting for its publication

    • Gayathri

      I will have to wait for it then!

  2. Nikki @ The Bibliophibian

    Ooh, good to see someone excited about this book — I just got my copy recently and now I want to dive in.

    • Gayathri

      You should tell us how it turns out for you!

  3. vidya

    i kept thinking i need to read this but had not so far; now i think i will read it sooner than later

    • Gayathri

      You have to!!!

  4. Kathy West

    I have seen this book everywhere. I need to read it.

    • Gayathri

      It really is worth the hype!

  5. Whispering Stories

    This is one of those book that people seem to love or hate, I’ve seen very mixed reviews for it. I’ll have to try it for myself sometime. Great review.

    • Gayathri

      I get it! I hope you will read it someday!

  6. Melissa's fandom world

    This one has been on my wishlist from since before it was released. Unfortunately, I still havenโ€™t had the opportunity to get myself a copy but hopefully soon. Thanks for sharing your review! I also really love your set up/lay out. Looks great!

    • Gayathri

      Let me know how you like it soon!

    • Gayathri

      It is so worth them!

  7. Anna

    I LOVED THIS BOOK (and am glad you enjoyed it too!)!!! I need to do a reread ASAP

    • Gayathri

      Yay, any more recommendations like this one?

  8. claire @ clairefy

    I’m glad that you enjoyed this book! It sounds like such a cute read. I’ve been seeing it a lot around the blogosphere lately. My library is currently closed, but I may get an e-book because I can’t wait to read it!

    claire @ clairefy

    • Gayathri

      Yes you should. This one is amazing.

    • Nadene

      I have noticed that most persons enjoyed this one. Glad to hear it lived up to the hype.

      • Gayathri

        Yes abosolutely!

    • Gayathri

      Yes it was!

  9. DJ Sakata

    It wouldn’t be entertaining if it was realistically informative about American politics ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Gayathri

      Ha ha That is true!

  10. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    I absolutely LOVED this book pretty much for all of the same reasons as you! The characters are simply amazing in all of the ways possible. Great review, Gayathri! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • Gayathri

      Yay, more common books between us!

  11. Sam@wlabb

    I loved the side characters in this book too, and would love to see them all get their own companion novels.

    • Gayathri

      YESS! I want to hear more about them too!



  1. Books to kick start the reading habit | Elgee Writes - […] Red, White & Royal Blue – A book review […]

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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!