Scarier CoVID19 Pandemic!: Sunday Musings #68

Every day into this month is scarier than the previous. The number of people infected by CoVID19 virus in most countries is still rising and it is going to get worse, according to the forecasts. 

And the worst part is we are forgetting when we discuss the statistics that we are talking about people. They are more than numbers. And once we think that, it is more disturbing and scary. 

I just can’t wait for the CoVID19 pandemic to get done with!

On the brighter side, the governments are doing the best they can, both the Indian and the UAE, from what I see and hear. It is gonna be better, right? 

What has your week like? Are you reading any good books? How are you distracting yourself during the pandemic and quarantine? Let us talk. #SundayPost #CoVID19 Share on X

What I read this week

I am still reading the Girl, Woman by Bernardine Evaristo. 

But in the meantime, I finished reading 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World by Elif Shafak. This is the second book I read of hers, being the Forty rules of love by Elif Shafak.

And I wasn’t a big fan of it. But I gave in to reading this as I wanted to give her a second chance. 

And my verdict? I liked it and you will have to wait for my review for more. 

What I watched this week

Would you believe that I had never watched Shutter Island earlier? Well, the staying in due to the CoVID19 has given me the perfect chance to rectify that and I loved it.

Other things I watched during the week are

  • On my block S2 – Loved it
  • Guilt – S1 – I can see why there was no Season 2
  • Sherlock S4 – LOVED rewatching it
  • Jane the virgin – S5 – just started watching it.

What are you all watching these days?

On my blog

In case you had missed my posts during the last week, here is a recap.

Staying in due to CoVID19 is hard? Here are 30+ Things To Do Without Leaving Your House


My review of Bookish Life Of Nina Hill, The


Social Distancing And The New Lifestyle!: Sunday Musings #67


I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

Do not forget to catch my Instagram posts if you are not following me

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Let us chat

What has your week like? Are you reading any good books? How are you distracting yourself during the pandemic and quarantine? Let us talk.


  1. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    I hope you are doing alright. I’ve been spending my time doing some things that take my mind off of everything.

    • Gayathri

      I am doing ok too, given the circumstances.

    • Gayathri

      I agree. I wish this ends soon!

  2. Literary Feline

    The pandemic is scary. I feel that way to–that we need to remember each of those statistics is a person with family and loved ones. I am glad you have such faith in your government. I wish I could say the same, but I have very little confidence in the U.S. government. Fortunately the governor of my state is more on top of things. I hope you continue to stay safe and well.

    • Gayathri

      Yes, seeing the stats about the USA is scary from here! I hope you are safe.

  3. Kymber Hawke

    We’ve been watching Star Trek Discovery, and after that, plan on binging Star Trek Picard. I’m running out of things to watch, though. lol

    • Gayathri

      You can’t say that at all. Netflix and Prime have caught me in their hooks.

  4. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    Right this minute I’m watching Unsolved Mysteries. We watched a couple of movies over the weekend though… Jumanji 2 and Dr Doolittle.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

    • Gayathri

      Sounds like a great weekend. Stay safe!

  5. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    It really is getting tough but I’m glad governments are acting. I must admit, not being able to pop out to grab something when needed has been quite an adjustment but staying home isn’t hard… I like being home! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Yes I am liking being at home too!

  6. Laurel-Rain Snow

    Our frightening new reality is only slightly tempered by the way isolation allows us to read and watch more movies.

    Enjoy your week and stay well.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Gayathri

      Yes I agree. Thank god for the books and movies!

  7. Yvonne

    This whole thing is so scary and it does feel like each day is worse than the previous one.

    Thank you for stopping at my blog and for your words about my kitty.

    Take care and stay safe!

    • Gayathri

      I agree! It is getting scarier!

  8. Maureen @ Maureen's Books

    I definitely try to watch and read the news only once a day. It’s so devastating! And I’m very much wondering how things will ever get back to normal again.
    The one good thing about this pandemic.. I’ve been reading a lot to distract my mind.
    Stay safe and happy reading!

    • Gayathri

      Same here. I wish it gets over soon!

  9. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    The news really does seem to get worse day by day. It’s hard to keep in mind that this won’t last forever and that it won’t always be like this. Because right now it surely feels that way. I enjoyed your Things to Do Without Leaving Your House post! I clicked on the jigsaw puzzle link and now I’m hooked, so thanks for that. 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Oh I am hooked to the jigsaw game myself now.

  10. Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    The last months have been very scary. What scares me the most is that even though our government is going everything in their power to save lifes, in my country, people still refuse to abide by the rules – yesterday was very sunny day and people left their homes to go to the beach as if they weren’t in quarantine.

    Stay safe & Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    • Gayathri

      OMG that is so idiotic and I would I am shocked, except that people in India are doing similar stuff.

  11. Greg

    It is really scary when you think about it- how statistics are just people like us. Absolutely terrifying the toll this thing is taking. Hopefully it gets better soon!

    I think I’ve only seen parts of Shutter Island, but what I did see was kinda intense!?

    Love the pics! Especially that second one, the sky looks so cool in that one. 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Yes I loved the movie. Thank you, the weather is kinda intense these days.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!