Hey peeps. Winter is fast receding in the UAE and the summer sun is creeping in. I know it is too soon for me. I already fear the scorching sun of the dreadful July and August.
But don’t worry, am not gonna make this a sad little post and I am making the best of the remnant winter days. I made a visit to the beach for the sunset on Tuesday, which is quite near us and I should be visiting a lot more often.
A Ferris wheel is being built near the Bluewaters island which will be opened for public by the end of the year. It is gonna be called Dubai Ain (or Dubai eye) and will be the tallest ferris wheel in the world (at 210m) whenever it does.

Don’t mind my amateurish clicks. You can find more of them at my new Instagram account, do follow me!
Around the blogosphere
Let us take a look at my week’s finds in the internet world.
1) As an international blogger, receiving a physical ARC is so hard and I have come to accept that. But this post from Larissa from Book Bosomed Blonde told me that there were reviewers selling their ARCs on public sites got me irked and disgusted.
2) I spent several minutes having a bullet journal envy just looking at her beautiful work. Rarely I find a BuJo inspiration that is both artsy and practical like Bionic Bookworm Blog. And her ideas are perfect for all bookworms.

3) While we are on the topic of following blogs Kristen talks about my favorite feed reader through her post. I can’t say how much I have come to depend on Feedly these days.
4) I have given up. Every week Evalinah publishes a fantastic post on #newbloggers101 that I can not resist sharing. It is just not because I love her but also because her posts rock and they are very useful. So here is this week’s share on Organized blogging w.r.t Goodreads.
5) Are you trying to build a brand for your blog? You HAVE to read this great post by Austine from Novel Knight before you start your process.

6) On my Facebook wall I found this post from Art of Leo memory from two years ago. Unsurprisingly I ended up researching a bit about FGM; and I was shaken to the core.
7) Okay, that shook you too eh? This adorable post from the Orangutanlibrarian on saving the Pandas will lighten up your day. #savethepandas.
On my blog
And in case you had missed my posts this week here is a quick recap.
On Monday I reviewed I’m not from Around Here by Ishai Kalinovsky under my indie review section

On Wednesday I made a post on why authors definitely need an author website.

Under the Friday Flyaway section we talked about books that will take us to Finland.

That is all I have this week dear ones.
I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
Pin me!

Let us talk
So where did you go this week? How are you spending your weekend? Did you come across any interesting links that you wanna share with us? Let us talk.
Hi Gayathri,
Before reading this content i was reading about you , actually not only freelancer , you are also a great author !
actually in this post i found so many helpful sources which make this your spotlight Sunday story more beautiful.
rest here you have described everything in a superb manner.
Thanks !
Thanks for the comment. Your website is very informative too!
I reas Kristen Austin and Evelina’s posts now off to read Larissa’s! That’s outrageous! Thanks for sharing!
I hope you enjoy these links!
I was in Dubai back in Jan and the winters felt way too good! I’m in india and dreading the summers myself.
I’m going to check out the links you shared!
I love the winter in Dubai. They are what I would call as pleasant. Indian summers are bad to tolerable, depending where you live though. I thought I had the worst of summers back in India until I moved to Dubai.
I’m still filling my Feedly with all the pertinent blogs but I’m loving it already… even though it makes me feel a little more behind than I’d like. Evelina has such great posts! I can’t blame you for sharing them every week! ♥️
Seeing all the posts these amaazing people have written during the week and having them all queued up in my Feedly account inspires me to write more and go comment on all of them. Evelina is awesome <3
I love your Spotlight Sundays. They are so much fun to read with such helpful links!
I only recently started using Feedly and I love it. It’s completely changed how often I am able to read the blogs I love. I wish the commenting and sharing was more integrated, but I’m possibly missing something? I will check out the post you shared.
Though we can read the posts on Feedly (and I don’t) we can’t comment from the app. I love Feedly anyway.
That Ferris wheel looks amazing! Like the London Eye, only (I gather) a little bigger. Nice photo, too. Thanks for the links; I’ll check them out. 🙂
Have a lovely week!
Yes it is similar to the London eye and I think they followed the same structure or something
I would love to see Dubai someday. I'[m not ready for Summer but come on Spring! Hope you have a great week!
We have such short Spring season that most of us do not even consider it a season. Dubai is super cool, you should visit it if you can.
I’m not looking forward to the summer heat either – especially not the humidity which kind of takes over here in the southern US. Not a fan! The pictures are gorgeous but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to ride the ferris wheel! Have a great week!
I think we will share similar climatic conditions during summer, though lesser humidity more scorching heat!
Interesting post! Thanks for sharing, and enjoy the upcoming week. And thanks for visiting my blog.
Glad you found the post interesting Laurel!
Wow, this feed worked like an update from back home, haha 😀 I’m glad the work on Dubai Eye’s going steady and am sure it’ll be up pretty soon. I mean, Dubai gets sky scrappers stand up and highways redirect in weeks max, LOL. Thanks for the posts you’ve recommended, can’t wait to read them. Also, those pictures are so cool and beautiful!! <3
Yes Dubai Eye is super majestic and I can’t wait for it to open up public 🙂
Oh wow, I would love to ride that Ferris wheel someday 😀 And I just checked the bullet journal you mentioned and it is amazing. I can only think of having such things. I don’t know how people are so creative 😀 I always suck at them.
Have a great week ahead 🙂
My own journal is absolutely messy and only functional. If ony I had an artsy streak sigh
That ferris wheel looks fun. I’d ride it, but I’d probably be terrified the whole time. Have a great week!
It looks gigantic and terrifying. But I guess it will be worth the effort.
That Ferris wheel might be too high for me lol. The view would be amazing though I would think! And wouldn ‘t it be nice if we could have nice warm weather without it getting so HOT? Ha ha although it’s quite cooler at the moment over in these parts.
Have a great week! Loved the Finland posting.
I would pick a cool weather to scorching summer any day. And yes, that Ferris wheel is scary but I still hope I get to ride it.
I just checked out the journal from the Bionic Booksworm’s Blog, and wow! I could only dream!
Right? I can’t say how much inadequate those pictures made me feel. Damn.