Sunday Musings #28: The one where the flu took me down

Hello Sunday

This week has not been any good for me at all. I have been suffering from the flu the whole time and they just confirmed it was the Influenza today. I have been put on the Tamiflu for the next five days. 

I somehow managed to post on my schedule but completely failed to jump around the internet showering my love through comments and likes. I have not even replied to the comments on my blog yet. Sigh. 

Coming to the brighter news, I will be participating in the Bookending Winter events’ Tidyathon hosted by Clo and Sam. I am planning to beat the flu by focusing on editing the blog for the new year. 

What I read this week: 

But on the other hand, I have had bit of time to read books lying on the bed between the bouts of cough and the runny nose.

  • Radio Silence by Alice Hoseman
  • Zookeeper’s wife, The by Diane Ackerman

And I also spent my time looking out for the final few titles to hit the mark of my 2018 A-Z reading challenge, without even using the Freebie letter. Yippie!

On the blog

In case you missed my posts this week, here is a quick recap.

Sunday Musings #27: One about the National day celebrations & the stunt show

National day

I published this month’s Review shots: Self help books for those who don’t read non fiction AKA the ultimate self help books starter pack on Monday.

Self help Starter pack

On Wednesday we tried to dissect How I Choose My Next Read? AKA. Finding A Method To My Madness and failed miserably.

Next read

On Friday I listed my top ten hyped books I have never read.. yet!

Hyped books

Around the Blogosphere

As I mentioned earlier I haven’t done much blog hopping this week but I wanted to share these anyway.

  • The whole book blogger world is raving about this spreadsheet template from Kal from Readervoracious. It definitely is worthy a mention.
  • I read this totally terrific post from Chelles Book Rambling by Michelle on Are we forcing diversity?Β and thought you should give it a read too.

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

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Let us talk

So how was your week and what are your plans for the weekend? Any advice for taking down the flu? Let us chat.


  1. Hey, I’m new here! I love the way you communicate through your blog post, and the layout is visually stimulating. If I was more into reading books, I would definitely subscribe to your blog. I’m stopping by because of a group that I just joined on Facebook, and I felt like I needed to say, “Hello!”

    Not much readers left in the world, at least where I’m from, and I commend you on that. Let me know what other types of fun stuff that you post about. I’m quickly jumping from blog to blog myself right now. But, I’m definitely interested in what you have to say and share.

    Until next time, also… feel better. Take a warm bath, drink some warm tea with citrus, and maybe get the peppermint diffuser going.

  2. Sorry to This week has not been good for you! Hope you are feeling a little better now. I’m super behind with my life in general that’s why I haven’t gotten to your gift card but I will soon! Have a better week!

  3. I am so sorry to hear you have come down with the flu. I hope you are feeling better soon, if not already. Many people in my office seem to be getting sick as well. It makes for busier days for the rest of us, but I would rather they stay home if they are sick than spread it around. I hope you enjoyed Radio Silence. I have read a couple of Alice Hoffman’s novels and really liked them. I love her writing. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. I sincerely hope that you are feeling better soon, the flu is the absolute worst! I hope you are able to get some tidying done while you are resting, though. I am also participating but… haven’t wanted to tackle my tags in about a week.

    Thanks so much for linking to my spreadsheet template!

  5. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! β™₯ Lots of folks in my office have started coughing and sneezing, so I’m trying to stay as far away as possible to try and avoid catching anything. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that Tamiflu does the trick πŸ™‚

  6. Oh no, that’s too bad about the flu :/ I hope you feel better soon! I have also had a rather tough week. Today has been a migraine day, and the week before that not too bad, but I just couldn’t concentrate on anything somehow? I hope next week is better for both of us πŸ™‚

  7. Oh no hope you are feeling better soon. πŸ™‚ Good luck w/ the Tidyathon.

    I hope you liked Radio Silence. I remember liking that one quite a bit.

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