I didn’t want to tell something that I didn’t jinx earlier. You may have noticed that I have not added the What I watched section in my Sunday posts in a while. And that is because it has been more than 2 months since I watched the TV or Netflix.
It was not a planned decision at the beginning. But since I noticed that I have not had watched in a week I got obsessed with it (as usual) and I haven’t turned back.
I am planning to go to Chennai, India for a week or so to help out my parents, as my Dad is getting his cataract surgery done. I would be grateful if you guys would keep him in your prayers.
And that might change my stands with the television though I will try resisting its wily charms. I will keep you posted on that.
It has been two weeks into the New year and I am still pumped up. I have not yet given up on my goals (surprising right?) and going still strong.
On my blog
Sunday Musings #32: One About The New Year’s Eve And An Exciting News

Review Shots: Adulting The Right Way! featuring Girl, wash your face You Goal, Girl Mastering Adulthood

Indie Guest Post: The highs and lows of writing by Kathleen Jowitt

Flyaway Friday: What Do You Know About Philippines?

Around the blogosphere
- If you are like me knocking at every door to improve your blog, you have to the post on 4 reasons to focus on your blog image this year by Briana on Pages Unbound.
- Marie’s post on Do you have a reading schedule? helped me understand why I need one.
- Do you re-read? I do but rarely. Read Beth’s post on Reading every night talks about the benefits of rereading.
I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
Pin me!

Let us chat
How has the second week of 2019 treating you? How interesting has your week been? Let us talk.
I have a rest from gadgets 2 hours before and after sleep, it helps!
I really like the sound of not watching things for a while and seeing how it goes. And it sounds like it is going well! I usually don’t watch a lot of things so I am trying to watch more things this month actually – the opposite of you. It’s one way to rest and relax and I really struggle with making myself rest sometimes.
I’ve totally been into Netflix this month. 😅 Although…there is this meme floating around Facebook saying that you could turn closed captioning (CC) on while you “watch” TV/Netflix so that you’re actually “reading” it…I use CC because I’m hard of hearing, so…I’m not sure sometimes whether my “watching” television counts as “reading”, despite it just…being the norm for me. I also tend to over-analyze everything. I spent more time in my childhood watching movie commentaries/behind-the-scenes videos of production than I did the actual movie, so now when I see something on TV, it’s not just enjoying the story—it’s hypothesizing how it’s filmed. 😅
Good luck with continuing to not watch television! If it’s something you want to accomplish, stick it to the mat (an idiom for “nail your landing”).~
I hope your dad’s surgery goes well and he has a swift recovery!
P.S. I don’t know why, but I can’t enter my email address into your comment box without getting an error (“You have entered an incorrect email address!”). It’s j @ my domain.
My dad is doing a lot better now and I am back to my station. I guess am gonna switch from watching to reading TV as well. That sounds a lot better. Let me check the thing about your email!
I spend more time on the internet with my blog (and Pinterest!) than I do watching TV. Plus, with little ones around, you can only watch Paw Patrol so many times before you want to pull your hair out!
My family hasn’t had a television since 2001. Neither of my daughters has grown up with a TV in the house (though we sometimes watch DVDs on our computer).
I hope your dad recovers soon!
I’m also cutting back on watching TV series to do more reading. Praying for your dad’s fast recovery after the surgery. 🙂
I haven’t had tv in a year or so. My choice, my daughter and fiancee watch Netflix on their pcs.
You know, aside from my Game of Thrones rewatch, I’ve stayed away from TV too!
That’s awesome! I will definitely be sending good vibes and prayers your dad’s way!
Great post. I still watch a fair amount of TV during the day (there’s not much else to do when your baby only wants to nap on you 🙈) but I have been reading a lot more in the evenings which I’m pleased about.
Gemma @ http://www.gemmasbooknook.blogspot.com
I have watched TV in ages, I am too busy reading and my husband cannot seem to let go of the remote control
Ah I wish I was there already.
Good luck to your Dad!Sending you prayers and positive vibes!
Thanks Daniela. It means a lot.
I haven’t been watching Netflix much either, despite intending to do so during the break. Now that school is started… this week is really the only week I can actually relax a bit before I have to dive into school stuff.
I hope you are managing your time well with your school!
All the best with it 🙂 I have been away from netflix ( I don’t usually watch tv ) for 2 weeks and I have been gobbling up books instead.. happy sigh.. Keeping your father in my prayers..
Yay Cheers to us.
Two months? I am not sure I could ever do that.
All the well wishes for your dad and his recovery.
I hope I complete the three months stride and then go binge watch something.
Ha ha, you should!! Fingers crossed for the three months!
Yes I am just 2 days away from that goal.
Good luck staying away from the TV. You are brave! I need to stay away from this puzzle game I’ve been playing on my phone. It’s been eating up good reading time!
Oh I love puzzle games. Which one is it?
I’ve been playing two types of Escape Room games. I played all of the (free) Cube Escape Games, and now I’ve moved on to a series of games called 50 Rooms. They’re really addicting!
Thanks for your recommendation, I currently enjoy playing Escape room.
good luck for your dad’s surgery and enjoy time with family.. and two months without netflix – that is to be applauded!! i need to pick one vice of mine now and try to go without it for, to start with, a week??
Let me know how it goes and I am nearing the three months line soon.
Good luck with your father’s surgery! 💕
It is all fine now, Charvi.
Hope things go well at your home…
I am trying to keep my phone usage minimal.. like no watsapp, insta, pintrest unnecessarily.. and I am doing kind of ok with that.. i hope to improve as days go by…
Wow, keeping the phone usage would be really difficult for me. Kudos to you on that.
I got rid of direct tv and just have Netflix right now. I find I miss some shows but I’ve been getting a lot done now that I can’t just turn on the tube and get lost in programs. I hope your father’s surgery goes well and he recovers quickly.
He is better now Laura and I am still on my TV free challenge.
I hope the surgery goes well. I’m glad you’re doing well with your goals. I’m already failing at some of mine. Have a great week!
I hope you are doing okay with your goals now, AJ.
I hope everything will be well for your dad and his surgery, keeping him and your family in my thoughts! <3
Thank you so much for sharing my post, I’m so happy you enjoyed it! I hope you’ll have a lovely week and keep on going strong and stronger with your goals, you can do this 🙂
Thank you. He is doing better now and I am back to Dubai.
I rarely watch the TV unless it’s the tv series-only channels. Everything else is depressing. So far the second week of 2019 has been kind of okay, if you ignore the flu I got. Good luck on your father’s surgery, and I wish him easy and fast recovery. And good luck resisting the TV’s siren call!
I did good and I didn’t fall for the TV when I was home. And my dad is better. I hope you are doing good now.
Oh wow, two months?! That’s amazing.
I am closing in on 3 months. Fingers crossed.
I hope everything goes well with your dad’s surgery and that he recover soon ☺️ It is so good that you are keeping strong with your goals. Hope it remain same 😃
Ughhh.. My failed terribly on these goals once when I reached India. But I am back now, hopefully I catch up.