Tag japan
Convenience Store Woman – A book review
I recently read The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa and loved it, and I picked Convenience Store Woman on a whim hoping it will continue that streak. Let us get on with the review to know if it did, shall…
Travelling Cat Chronicles, The – A book review
Cats scare me terribly! I have nightmares about them. I might have even walked around an entire block to avoid getting anywhere near them (more than once). Naturally, I was skeptical about picking The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa,…
Flyaway Friday: Getting To Know The Japanese Better
Flyaway Friday: Books set in Japan
I am so excited for this post. Yes let us talk about books set in Japan, one of the countries that I am kinda creepily obsessed about, under the Flyaway Friday feature. Can you blame me? What is Flyaway Friday?…
Flyaway Friday: Pack your bags for a trip to Japan!
Isn’t it time for another trip already? You don’t have to actually pack the bags for the trip, bet you know that. But a little preparation never hurts right? So read along and you will find interesting tidbits about Japan…
Book review: Kitchen
There is something with South East Asian Literature that I can’t put my finger to, they always leave me confused whether I like them or not. I picked Kitchen by Yoshimoto worrying if I will get it, especially seeing that…