Yes no maybe so – A book review
What turns a book good to great? I would love reading a predictable story if it has awesome, well developed characters. Is that what happened with Yes no maybe so? I am not hinting anything! Read on to find out more.
What turns a book good to great? I would love reading a predictable story if it has awesome, well developed characters. Is that what happened with Yes no maybe so? I am not hinting anything! Read on to find out more.
Happy Mother’s day to everyone out there! Show your mom extra love from my behalf. I am gonna call her, just after posting this one! It is another Sunday and it doesn’t mean anything anymore. Everyday has been similar to…
It is almost mother’s day and you thought I would forget about the customary post, didn’t you? Well, I have not, quite surprisingly. And without any further ado, are you ready for pop quiz in relation to mother’s day? Try…
There goes another month in 2020 and time to take stock of whatever resemblance of normalcy we have left. Let us see how my April 2020 turned out to be. I am not even going to attempt to write a…
Have you read From Twinkle, with love? Do you read epistolary style books and if so what other similar books would you suggest? Let us talk.
How do you follow Wordpress blogs? Do you have a follow button on your Wordpress blog? If not, here is how you can do it!
Finally Dubai has started reducing its lock down restrictions this week. From a complete lock down where we need permits to even go to buy groceries, we are finally allowed to go out of the houses from 6 AM to…
I reading about China in The Joy luck club last year without knowing that I would be spending a month in Macau (a country that is still a part of Chinese government) soon after I finished it! Has this ever…
Are you a new reader who wants to kick start the reading habit? Or you may be returning to reading books for pleasure after a long gap? Either way if you are looking for book recommendations, I got you covered.…