Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood: A Book Review

Last year I read the Handmaid’s Tale, another one of Atwood’s masterpieces and it ended up being one of the best books I have ever read. So when I saw that Netflix is adapting another of her tales, I promised myself that I will read the book before I watch it, as any sensible bookworm would do.

Have you read Alias Grace or any of Atwood's other books? Do you like the book to TV/movie adaptations and have any of them lived upto the book? Let us chat. Share on X

Unfortunately it took me a while to get to it because let us face it, Atwoods aren’t the easiest read, especially considering that these are  and I had easier books to read. So finally when I actually got to read it, was it worth it all? Read on by Book review of Alias Grace!

About Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

alias grace

Book Name: Alias Grace

Author:  Margaret Atwood

Genre: Fiction – Thriller, Literary, True Crime

Characters: Grace Marks, Dr Simon Jordon, James McDermott, Mary Whitney

Setting: Ontario, Canada, Ireland, the UK

Plot Summary of Alias Grace

Grace Marks has been imprisoned since she was 16 years old for the murders of Mr Kinnear and his housekeeper Nancy Montgomery along with the fellow servant James McDermott, who was hanged. A select group of gentlemen and ladies who are convinced that Grace is innocent try to acquit even after an almost a decade has passed since her imprisonment.

They request Dr Simon Jordon, a doctor of the mind, to interview her and build a report to support their cause. Dr Jordon is fascinated by Grace and is more interested in understanding the levels of her sanity than worry if she is guilty. Thus Grace starts recounting her tale from her impoverished childhood in the Northern Ireland to her incarceration.

Born in a family that had too many mouths to feed, Grace was the one to look after her surviving siblings. They sail to Canada when their father becomes a person of suspicion in a local arson and a related murder. Her mother passes away during the journey and their father’s ways soon make her the only working member of the family.

Grace joins Mrs Parkinson’s household as a help where she meets Mary Whitney, who becomes her trusted friend. Mary’s death in ‘abrupt circumstances’ causes Grace to search work in other places and finally she ends up at the Richmond Hall. Within a few weeks, her life is turned upside down and she is sent to the asylum and later the penitentiary on being convicted for the murders.

Dr Jordon is baffled without being able to tell whether Grace is as innocent as she tells him or he is being played. He also struggles through his own battles trying to ward off his desire for his landlady and his mother’s pressure to settle down soon.

How far will he go to find the truth, especially when the truth is too close to home and he is facing the same dilemma himself? How does his scientific mind fare against her faith laden beliefs? Is he a worthy opponent for Grace at all? You will have to read Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood yourself.

Book review of Alias Grace

Atwood’s writing is as expected hard to get into but once you do that, time will fly while you read through those 450+ pages. Much like the Handmaid’s Tale, Alias Grace speaks much about the gender and the class discrimination. I was hooked to reading about symbolism on the quilt pattern that I had to Google more about them.

I loved the story of Dr Jordon interwove with that of Grace’s personal story without pacing it down. His relationship with the landlady, how he succumbed to it after much resistance and then his dreams about him murdering the estranged landlord showed how much common he had with Grace than he realized.

Alias Grace is dark and melancholic and yet Atwood’s fictionalized version remained true to the facts, as per her afterword where she discusses the known facts of the case. My stance on whether Grace was guilty, or not, changed every time a new part of the puzzle was revealed

Only a seasoned writer can have that ability to make the reader do that even when they know how it was gonna end (thanks to the reviews I had read earlier).

Bottom – line

I can’t now wait to see the Netflix adaptation of the Alias Grace and hopefully I will feel as great as I do after reading the book. If you like true fiction and/or the Handmaid’s Tale you need to read this without fail. I loved it.

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Let us talk

Have you read Alias Grace or any of Atwood’s other books? Do you like the book to TV/movie adaptations and have any of them lived up to the book? Let us chat.


  1. Satabdi

    I’ve watched Alias Grace on Netflix and I loved it. I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t know it was a book. Should get this one.

  2. Ashley

    Love the review!! I actually read your review then went and purchased the book. I had seen the movie and always know the book is better but had not gotten around to it Boy am I glad I did. The book brought the story to life so much more and held my attention. One minute I was no shes not guilty then I was guilty and back and forth. The book is riveting as opposed to the movie. Thank you for your review especially since it convinced me read the book

    • Gayathri

      Your comment made my day and thanks for letting me know.

  3. Megan @ Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

    Glad to hear you enjoyed the Handmaid’s Tale – I just bought the audiobook a couple days ago. I didn’t know she wrote another book but love your review of it. It’s definitely one I am going to have to check out!

    • Gayathri

      Atwood has written several critically acclaimed books. Let me know what you think of the Handmaid’s tale.

    • Gayathri

      Yay looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that,

  4. Katiria Rodriguez

    Great review, I have been dying to read a book by Margaret Atwood for a long time now I have actually bought one book of hers but I have not read it yet. But now after reading your review I really what to check out Alias Grace out, I have a really good feeling I would really love and enjoy this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

    • Gayathri

      Oh you are sure in for a treat with Atwood. You will love them.

  5. Allie Bock

    This book sounds wonderful! I have not read any of the authors previous works but so want to. Thank you for the great review!

    • Gayathri

      Atwood is an awesome writer. You should check her out.

  6. Tin @ The Book Maiden

    Great review! I’ve been wanting to read one of her books. Hopefully soon.

    • Gayathri

      You should try her books soon.

  7. Heidi

    I have been meaning to watch this on Netflix. It looks good!

    • Gayathri

      I loved it!

  8. Nikki

    I still need to read The Handmaid’s Tale, I own it, I just need to find the time!

    • Gayathri

      It might be hard to get into but it is so worth it.

  9. Kiss Like a Girl

    I probably shouldn’t admit this but I haven’t read any of Atwood’s books or seen the TV/ movie adaptations. Maybe one day…

    • DJ Sakata

      Me too! I keep meaning to pick one up … just not enough hours in the day…

      • Gayathri

        I totally understand that!

    • Gayathri

      It is alright, you read what you want to.

  10. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks

    I also relly loved The Handmaid’s Tale, but then I tried The Blind Assassin… And then didn’t like it. I heard that The Handmaid’s Tale is different from most of her books – and generally, it’s a problem to decide things based on a writer’s most famous book xD but I think I’m still going to read more of Atwood’s. And this seems like a good place to start 🙂 I think I might have made a mistake reading it translated – I would love to read this one, but in English this time. Great review 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I have not read that one. I just need more time in a day.

  11. DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEsacpe

    Admit it, you though I’d forgot about my promise to come over here 😉

    I have a couple Atwood books, I’m yet to read them. I forget which ones I own, but it’s not The Handmaid’s Tale, because that’s the one I was actually looking to buy! I used to be good friends with another reviewer who was a huge fan of Atwood, and at one point Atwood was doing a reading and singing her a new book of hers. Sadly, I didn’t know it was limited-ticketed event – so when I went to get mine, it was already booked :/

    • Gayathri

      I am planning to read more of hers soon.

  12. Lara @ Words With Lara

    I’ve heard a lot about this book and Atwood is an author that I’ve had on my radar for a while now but have yet to read anything by… Would you recommend starting with The Handmaidens Tale or Alias Grace? Awesome review!!

    • Gayathri

      I loved both. But both are different genres. You should pick this if you like true crime, else you can pick Handmaid’s tale.



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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!