Crooked House by Agatha Christie: A Book review

Have you read Crooked House by Agatha Christie? What are your favorites written by the author? Do you usually read whodunnit's? Let us chat.

When we hear about Agatha Christie‘s books we immediately associate them with Monsieur Poirot or Miss Marple or the lesser known Tuppence. I was pleasantly surprised that none of these characters would be appearing in Crooked House.

To be honest I had never heard of it, until one of my book blogger groups chose Crooked House as the read of the fortnight. Read my book review to know how this ‘whodunnit’ turned out for me.

About Crooked House

Crooked House

Book Name: Crooked House

Author: Agatha Christie

Genre: Fiction – Thriller

Characters: Charles Hayward, Sophia, Brenda, Josephine, Aristide, Philip, Magda, Roger, Clemency, and Eustace Leonides, Laurence Brown, Edith de Haviland, Chief Inspector Taverner

Setting: London, The UK

Plot summary of Crooked House

Charles Hayward returns to England from European war with the hope to marry Sophia Leonides. His plans are spoiled when hears that her wealthy grandfather Aristide Leonides has been murdered, by his own family, no less. Sophia asks him to help her finding out the culprit and announces that she cannot marry him until this is solved. She also indicates that ‘it would be easier if it was the right person.’ His father, Assistant Commissioner of the Yard, gives his assent and encourages the idea.

The police suspect the young widow and the tutor while they plead innocence. As Charles gets closer to the family, he understands why Sophia mentioned their ‘ruthlessness.’ Along with Sophia’s sister Josephine, Charles tries to find out the real murderer, but not before another murder in the family. Find out who killed them by reading Crooked House by Agatha Christie

Book review of Crooked House

First off, it is DAME AGATHA CHRISTIE, so I don’t really have to say anything about her writing. She had me guessing who the killer was and kept me engrossed till the last page. Everytime Charles speaks to a member of the Leonides family, it was not only him that had to keep changing his theory but also the reader. And that is the power of Christie’s writing and the strength of her storyline.

I loved how apt the term ‘crooked’ fits to their house, the members and their characteristics. It ends kinda abruptly but it was not a big deal.


It has been months since I read an Agatha Christie‘s, and Crooked House made me realize what I had been missing out. If you are in mood for a ‘whodunnit’ you can not go wrong with a Christie.

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Crooked House

Let’s talk

Have you read Crooked House by Agatha Christie? What are your favorites written by the author? Do you usually read whodunnit’s? Let us chat.


  1. I used to read AC obsessively when I was in middle school. I keep meaning to pick her back up again. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. I read my first ever Agatha Christie last week and damn, it was amazing. I am hoping to read onne of her books each month 😊

  3. I am embarrassed to say I haven’t read any of Agatha Christie’s books yet. I have a couple on my kindle but just haven’t picked them up…

  4. I’ve read a few Christie books. When I do I try to figure out who did it. I actually took notes in the last one I read.

  5. I actually only read the first and last line of your review to see if you liked it- I’ve got Crooked House on my bookshelf right now, and I want to go in blind 🙂 As soon as I get to it we’ll have to compare notes!

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