Book Review: Why not me?

When I read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? years ago, I had been watching The Mindy Project on my television. And the show was before it became famous, I was even worried they would cancel it off.

It may have something to do with the fact that there weren’t enough shows that revolved around a WOC, and an Indian woman at that, who did not look perfect (in the Hollywood standards). Or maybe it was just because it was damn funny. 

So I picked the book up and was absolutely surprised because not only this woman made the snarky early twenties in me laugh but also made me pause and think about things that were not spoken out so loudly then. Needless to say I loved this chirpy, crazy woman and her writing. Obviously when I heard she had another book out, I had to grab it.

I know I might be reviewing it a little late (as per my usual these days) but I am doing it anyway. So let us read ahead to know how Why Not Me? fared on my grown up scale, shall we?

About the book

Why not me?

Book Name: Why Not Me?

Author: Mindy Kaling

Genre: Non Fiction – Memoir


In Why Not Me?, Mindy Kaling keeps it real. She doesn’t sugar coat it nor make it sound like her life is a miracle. She says how the show’s success changed her. She talks about her insecurities which changed later into confidence, but she doesn’t belittle them. She talks about her flaws as they are. More than all, she is freaking hilarious. 

There were some chapters that were a little so-so but the ones that were good were really good. There is a chapter on her confidence which was the best of the book and I loved it. 

It’s just that, the truth is, I have never, ever, ever met a highly confident and successful person who is not what a movie would call a ‘workaholic.

Things that worked for me

  • Her cheerful yet honest voice that made it like we are best friends than a writer and reader.
  • I couldn’t help cheer a WOC who made it through sheer hard work. She is definitely a role model.
  • I loved her pieces on confidence and her imaginary alternate life.

Things that didn’t work for me

  • I didn’t find her as relatable as she was in Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? but maybe it was just me missing the dorky Mindy.
  • You might not enjoy this one as much if her shows didn’t appeal you.

Bottom – line

I love Mindy and that is exactly why I picked this book and I was quite happy with it. It is not a life changing book but it made me laugh a few times and kept me engaged till the end.

Though, I didn’t love it as much as I did the first book, I would recommend ‘Why Not Me?’ to anyone who wants to read a funny, celebrity memoir. 

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Why not me?

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Why not me?


  1. This is one of the ones on my wishlist because I have seen such good reviews for this one like yours! It sounds so funny but also like it is really important and discusses necessary topics! The balance sounds really well done. Great review x

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