Category Authors
8 Common grammar mistakes to avoid while writing
Does writing seem daunting to you? For most people, writing doesn’t comes naturally. Here are few most common grammar mistakes in writing that even writers miss. I hope the list help you to avoid them and help you write like…
5 tips to working with beta readers
Finding a beta reader for your project
Social media for authors – Tips to build your online presence
Choose the ideal beta reader: Qualities to look for
Finding your ideal beta reader might seem to be daunting task, especially if it were your first time using the services of a professional beta reader. Let us talk about some of the qualities that you might want to look…
35+ questions to ask beta readers
Paid to Proofread: Indie Guest Post
It has been a hot minute since I had my last guest post by an indie author, right? But don’t worry, I am not going to make you wait any longer, for we have Sue Gilad writing about “Paid to…
Can beta readers steal your work?
One of the major concerns for indie authors when hiring a beta reader is about the safety of their manuscript. Can beta readers steal my work? Will they publish my manuscript as theirs? Will they rip my beloved characters off…
Self-Publishing on Amazon: 4 Tips for Indie Authors
Amazon has become almost synonymous with self-publishing. And if you are planning to or have already self-published on Amazon, I am sure you are always on the look out for more tips to reach the best seller list. Don’t you?…