Finding a beta reader for your project

Finding a beta reader for hire to provide a critical and honest feedback is an integral part of your publishing journey. And that might sound a bit overwhelming, especially if this is your first time.

Do you work with betareaders? What is on your list of where to find beta readers? What are your tips for finding a beta reader? Let us talk. Share on X

Why do you need beta readers?

Every writer wants and hopes his new manuscript to be a masterpiece. They put their best efforts into it and are ready to launch it into the world for readers and publishers. They might not know how it will be received by their target audience.

And here comes the tricky part, finding someone who volunteers to read your finished manuscript and provide an honest feedback about it.

Without using a beta reader you might be missing out on a chance to have a trial run of having your book read by a reader, even before it is out of your hands – and thereby giving you a chance to edit it out, if needed.

Qualities to look for in a beta reader

Here are a few pointers to look out for when choosing your next beta reader.

Finding a beta reader

Finding beta readers who are knowledgeable and trustworthy might prove to be difficult, especially if you are working on a deadline. So here are some places where you can start when you look for manuscript critiquing or beta read services and even some volunteer beta readers.

Writing groups

More often than not, your writing group – be it local or online, would offer critiquing services. Or better, make friends with the other writers in the group and you can swap reviews between yourselves.

Some of the places to get started are as below:

Some communities may have restrictions on the number of pieces you submit for reviewing.


Goodreads groups are often a great place for finding beta readers and even critique partners. Some of the famous groups are:

Social media

You can also search for beta readers on your Twitter or Facebook. There quite a number of Facebook groups for the writing community, who also help finding a critiquing partner for yourself.

Be when choosing your ideal beta reader – someone that will work for you. You might wanna read about the safety of your manuscripts when they are sent out for beta reading.

Your author website

Another option is to call for beta readers on your website and your newsletters.

If you are a published author and have a sizeable following already, there might a few volunteer beta readers who might be interested in your next MS.

Hire from Upwork or Fiverr

While there is always an option to hire beta readers from freelance portals like Upwork or Fiverr, exercise maximum caution when it comes to checking their credentials.

Working with beta readers

Before you choose and hire a beta reader, be explicitf about what you are looking for and explain your working style. Usually I follow these

  • Send a copy of your blurb/synopsis of the plot to ensure you are a good fit.
  • Establish a deadline. Usually I take around 3-4 weeks.
  • Send them the copy of your MS in their preferred format.
  • Discuss their feedback and clarify if needed. Ask a lot of questions.
  • You can also send a questionnaire for your beta reader to answer.

Once you receive the feedback from all your beta readers, implement only the changes that you want to. At the end of the day, it is still YOUR book.

Also, do not forget to be grateful for the time and effort poured in by the beta readers. Good beta readers are your best defense against bad writing.

Having some experienced beta readers in your kitty and implementing changes based on their feedback will go a long way in making your good story into a best selling one.

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Let’s chat

Have you ever worked with a beta reader? What is on your top list of where to find beta readers? What are your tips for Finding a beta reader? Let us talk.


  1. Very insightful article. This year I was a beta reader on a project that I enjoyed. I agree beta readers must be widely read, adhere to deadlines at all times and give honest feedback.

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