Category review
Book review: Eliza and Her Monsters
I rarely read the blurb of the book and just jump into a book when I get them, Well, it has been both good and bad for me. I did the same with Eliza and Her Monsters, after reading so…
Before I let go by Marieke Nijkamp: A Book review
One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan: A Book review
Picture of Dorian Gray, The: Book review
Review Shots: Middle Eastern Tales for children
Remember my post about how I never got to read many Middle grade books when I was younger? It is time to change that, thanks for all the children’s books that I get to review on my blog. I am…
Book review: Radio Silence
Radio Silence is one of my top picks from the books I read in 2019. Every one of my friends who have read this already is in love with this book. And every blog that talks about this one raves…
Adulting the right way!: Mini Reviews
As someone who loves to-do lists and makes a lists for making lists, in an attempt to control my chaotic life, I decided to read books that would help me doing that as the first books of the year. Yes…
Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin: A book review
Y’all know how I successfully completed the A-Z reading challenge of 2018! I know I know, I surprised myself and I am definitely signing up for the next year too. And that is how I heard of the highly rated…