How are you holding up?: Sunday Musings #79

Last week I was on a call with a couple of Middle Eastern bloggers and Instagrammers on the topic of ‘BLM and what can we do about it’. One of the members mentioned that she was feeling hopeful, because she is seeing so many people talking about it for the first time.

Do you feel that way? I am feeling more and more helpless as I read the tweets and videos. Yes, there is an occasional spark of hope – like when the Kpop fans broke the ‘White lives Matter’ app, but then it ebbs out. 

How has your week been? How do you keep yourself positive? Are you hopeful or is it a disaster for you too? Let us talk. Share on X

A few days ago I was speaking to Evelina about racism and casteism in Indian society and I was emotional wreck all through it, because even my own circle of family and friends refuses to accept it. 

The irony is that it is the same group of people that posts about BLM and how bad Trump is, all the while completely ignoring the news on how a Dalit teen was killed by 4 men for entering into a place of worship, just last week. But of course it is a fake news!

What I read this week

On the other news, I finished reading Normal People by Sally Roone and I loved it. 

I am currently reading Daisy Jones And the Six.

What I watched this week

I am currently watching Fargo and I am loving it. It is definitely slow but it is gripping. And knowing that it is a true story makes it all the more interesting.

The stranger by Harlen Coben was ok but kinda predictable. Blame it on me for having watched/ read too many thrillers now. 

On my blog

In case you had missed any of the posts on Elgee Writes, here is a recap

Part 3 of my Summary Of Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic habits James Clear Feature

How Using Instagram For Books And Reading Changed My Life

book Instagram reading changed life Feature image

Book review on Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Little Fires Everywhere Feature

May 2020 Updates: Sunday Musings #78

May 2020

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

Here is a quick look into what I posted on Instagram last week. If you like what you see, consider following me on Instagram.

Pin me!

Elgeewrites How are you holding up?: Sunday Musings #79 SM79Pint

Let us chat

How has your week been? How do you keep yourself positive? Are you hopeful or is it a disaster for you too? Let us talk.


  1. I am really hoping that the BLM movement this time can bring real change. I don’t understand why in 2020 people are still racist, although doesn’t help having certain men in power around the world who seem to condone. How is Daisy and the Six? this is a book I keep on thinking about reading but never get to.

  2. Thanks for sharing. As someone in the US, it gives me hope when I read that this is an issue being taken seriously in other countries as well.

    Unfortunately, unless we seek out international news sources, in the US we do not hear much about the issues other countries face (unless it impacts the US or is in reaction to events here). I don’t know much about modern issues regarding casteism. I am so sorry to hear that family and friends dismiss it. I know how disheartening that is. The “fake news” thing is such an issue here as well, and I have struggled with still accepting loved ones who dismiss racism as a thing of the past. Doing so in itself is deeply racist.

    I hope things begin to look up!

  3. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on Daisy Jones and the Six. I’ve seen great things about it.

  4. I’m determined to stay hopeful we can change the world one day at a time.. but sometimes watching the news it can be hard to stay hopeful and positive. All we can do it keep our hope, and do what we can individually I guess.

    Another great Instagram pic 😉

    Stay safe and happy reading.

  5. Seeing so many people come together does give me a sense of hope for the future–and even the move toward making changes that I keep hearing about–but I also know how these things usually go and worry we won’t see as much change as is needed. I remind myself that small steps are good too, and shouldn’t be discounted. I know the local government in the county where I live is not so open to change, and there’s been a lot of posturing and pushback from the sheriff’s department at calls for even just a review. It is disheartening, although not surprising. I mean, my local sheriff made national news standing up against enforcing any social distancing or face covering requirements because he feels that violates everyone’s civil rights (but not unfair practices of racial profiling?!). I don’t think much of him, frankly. He he has no regard for life, it would seem.

    I feel you about family not getting it when it comes to racism (and casteism, in your case). My father-in-law claims to be against racism, for example, and yet then he’ll say something or post something on Facebook that is so counter to that. Not to mention he continues to be a staunch Trump supporter. It’s like he has a blindspot and there’s no way around or through it.

    I am glad you enjoyed Normal People and are liking Fargo. I haven’t read Normal Poeople, I’m afraid, but I have seen Fargo and agree!

    I hope you have a better week.

  6. Weeding through truths and lies can be a full-time job and seeing the full video as opposed to the slanted version is beyond frustrating. We need to make changes to who we elect and not just the president, but in local offices and the house and the senate. Every election counts and every voice counts. My heart breaks for the things I see unfolding and the stories not being told.

  7. The truth is a precious commodity these days. I hate the way the political have made up their own facts. I watch the media reports on the protests and how the COVID reports have dropped off with anxiety. We are just hanging in there trying to do the best we can while being kind, learning and listening. I am horrified by the way people treat people.

    Happy reading and stay well!

  8. “Fake News” is code for “news I don’t like and don’t want to hear”. So annoying.

    I haven’t picked up a Harlan Coban, but I’ve seen a lot of love for them. Sorry to hear the plot was a bit predictable .

  9. I love the Fact Check posts, that help us deal with their cries of “Fake News.” Hang in there. The truth is still the truth.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog. I love that some changes are happening…slowly. And here we thought we had taken care of those inequities back in the 60s!

  10. Fake news pisses me off so much, especially when it’s REAL news and people just dismiss it, but then peddle their OWN fake news. It’s like there’s no shame anymore! And I was optimistic initially, I think, but as time goes on and the protests dissipate I’m afraid not enough is going to change. It’s so hard to know.

    I do think with Twitter now and everything else at least these horrible things are coming to light, and that gives me hope. As bad as it is to see these horrible things, the fact that they’re out there now may FORCE change, we can hope??

    I love that last pic with the pretty night sky. Be well this week!!!

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