Book covers that made me question my sanity – Part two

If it were up to us, the bookworms, every book would have a great plot and well written. But sadly that is not the case! And we come across some not so great books often and a few even test our sanity. 

Earlier, we came up with some books with ridiculous titles and insane book covers that made us wonder if the authors were being satirical. It has been a while since we had a laugh around here, so I am sharing the next edition of book covers that made me question my sanity.

New Edition of #insanebookcovers that made me question everything I know in life. You have to see them to believe it! Share on X

Insane book covers I found recently

Burglary anyone? Don’t worry this book will teach how to do that effectively!

I didn’t think the unlocking was quite this literal

I don’t wanna say anything anymore!

Say what? Is it weird that I am genuinely curious now?

Whoa! What is this thing? 

There are worse things to live with, don’t you agree?

This is definitely creepy. And also, we are talking about musical instruments right?

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Let us talk

How many of these covers caught your fancy? Have you come across such weird ones yourself? Did these make you 


  1. Olivia Roach

    Oh my goodness WHAT?! The Haunted Vagina? I don’t think I could ever read that with a straight face or tell anyone what I am currently reading when reading that xD

    • Gayathri

      I can only imagine the looks that would have got us!

  2. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    The fact that these are real book covers makes me scratch my head. Haha. I can’t say I’d read any of these books.

  3. Karina

    Idk but some covers look so weird 😂

  4. Kathy West

    Those are some very interesting covers.

    • Gayathri

      Glad you thought so!

  5. jennifer gaarder

    These are nuts!

  6. Julianna Aislynn d'Merricksson

    What. The. Frack. Those are crazy! And that poor child’s look on the cover of the Best Daddy/Good Lover book. It says ‘i don’t want to exist anymore’. Hau Ted Vagina sounds like some funky anime…

  7. Ashley Jayne

    I laughed at some of these covers, great post ❤️

  8. Pon

    Nice collection 😉 I didn’t expect this.

  9. Laura Thomas

    LOL I laughed from first cover to last. Cringed at some of them too!

  10. Lindsey

    Oh my gosh this made me laugh so much!! They are some seriously messed up covers, they’re so creepy! And some very strange titles there as well. This is awesome – it’s really given me the giggles.

  11. Tasha

    These had me roaring with very much needed laughter. Thank you.

  12. Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits)

    OK, several of these are seriously creepy! And I think I actually had that piano book as a kid, certainly several from the series. I probably would not have seen the cover image in the same light as I do now!

    • Gayathri

      What? How was the book? You have to tell us more.

    • Gayathri

      I am glad it did.

    • Gayathri

      I know right? Crazy!

  13. rasya

    The covers are err unique. I would be embarrassed to read the books in the public eye lol

    • Gayathri

      Exactly! And definitely.

  14. Kristina

    ahahaha oh my god I love thoses 😂 they took the cover quite literally, didn’t they ?

    Also, on the “haunted vagina” one… do I read “from the author of Apeshit”??? idk which one is the worst.. ahahah

    • Gayathri

      They are all equally creepy as hell!

  15. Kymber Hawke

    Oh, my goodness! Some of these are so crazy! LOL I love when you compile these covers. 😀

    • Gayathri

      It is fun to compile the post as well!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!