Join the Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021!

I might be a little later than usual but I am excited to announce that the Comment 4 comment challenge is back on for 2021! It is time to get back on the wagon as a conscious effort to increase the engagement and commenting on our blog. Are you ready for this?

Blog engagement is the key!

Despite what we tell ourselves about how we blog for ourselves or how it is just a hobby, we love getting comments on our posts and meeting new likeminded bloggers.

Without such validation via comments or shares we may as well be just screaming into the void. Trust me that is just a sure shot way into blogger burnout – something that we all dread.

Have you signed for the Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021 edition? Were you part of the past years' challenges? What are your blogging goals this year? Let us chat. Share on X

Let’s build a blogger’s community

Of course, leaving comments for the sake of commenting might get a tad exhausting too. And that is why, I strongly believe in building a community of bloggers who support and promote each other.

Comment 4 Comment Challenge

The comment 4 comment challenge has been greatly successful in the past (2018, 2019). I am sure the participants gained quite a number of blogger friends who not just commented and shared on their blogs, but also gained a good support system.

Let’s rebuild that one. Welcome to C4CC-2021 edition!

What is the Comment 4 Comment Challenge (C4CC) 2021?

The major issue for any small blogger is building an audience and increasing their blog engagement. And that means getting more visitors, comments and shares on your blog. If that sounds interesting to you, this challenge is for you.

The goal of C4CC is ‘leave no comment un-replied and un-returned’.

What do you have to do?

  • Replying all the comments you received on your blog
  • Visiting the said commenter’s blog to leave a comment

If you feel you are up for this challenge, SIGN UP right away.

What is the goal anyway?

If you have any of the following as goal for your blog this year

  • Be more social
  • Increase the number of comments on your blog, organically
  • Make more blogging friends
  • Improve blogging engagement
  • Increase your blog followers
  • Finding similar blogs

Then this Comment 4 Comment Challenge (C4CC) for you!

How can you participate in this challenge?

  • Sign up for the challenge here 
  • Grab my button and add on your blog
  • Follow my blog and leave a comment to this post.
  • Share the news on social media
  • Bring in your buddy and as they say, the more the merrier.
I signed up for the Comment 4 comment Challenge 2021! I will be replying to all the comments I receive on my blog and visiting your blog to leave a comment. @elgeewrites Share on X

Grab me!

button Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021
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PInterest Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021!

Let’s talk

Have you signed for the Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021 edition? Were you part of the past years’ challenges? What are your blogging goals this year? Let us chat.

Sign up here


  1. Charlotte Burt's Books

    I know I am a bit late to the party, but have joined nonetheless. I really need to get out there and read more of my fellow bloggers work.

  2. El @ Papertea & Bookflowers

    I joined last year, too, and loved it. But I’ve let it slip a bit during the end of the year and actually miss reading other people’s blogs. But life has been so hectic that I thought I have no time. I’d like to prioritize it more though 🧡

    • Gayathri

      I am looking forward to having you around here more.

  3. Bookish Yinka

    I recently joined the challenge and I hope I see changes in my blog.

    I really want to put more effort in my book blog this time

    • Gayathri

      Yay, welcome aboard.

  4. vidya

    I think I joined last time and did not do as well as I planned.. This year, I hope to do better.. 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I hope to see you around, Vid!

  5. Andrea

    Sounds like a fantastic challenge, supporting fellow book lovers is a worthwhile endeavor.

  6. Iza

    This is what I intended to do anyway, so I’m glad you make it a challenge and let’s join the fun !

    • Gayathri

      I am glad to have you aboard, Iza!

      • Janhabi @ The Bookish Context

        This sounds like such a lovely idea! I am looking forward to participating😊

        • Gayathri

          Welcome aboard!

  7. Katisha

    I’m trying to make 2021 the year where I do more when it comes to my blog including blog hopping and, so I’m in!

    • Gayathri

      Yes! So glad to count you in.

  8. Karen Siddall

    Fun and productive idea!

    • Gayathri

      I hope you enjoy participating.

    • Gayathri

      Glad to you have on board.

  9. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf

    I entered! ☺️ I try to do this, but this will ensure I make more of an effort in 2021.

    • Gayathri

      Yay, I am excited too.

  10. Stormi

    This looks like such a fun challenge! I may have to make time for it.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  11. Jo Linsdell

    I love the idea of this challenge. Not sure I’ll have time to participate as already have a lot of different projects lined up but all the best with it.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  12. DJ Sakata

    I confess to being a chronically lazy blogger and fail miserably at this task on my own blog, although I do comment on other blogs daily.

    • Gayathri

      You do the best you can, DJ!

    • Bianca

      This sounds like a great challenge!

      • Gayathri

        Thank you!

    • Gayathri

      Pl do join us, if you have time.

  13. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    This is a worthy challenge. I first became a blogger through an inservice class I took for my job. We were told to visit five blogs each time you post. That has always been my policy.

    • Gayathri

      I agree with that piece of advice. It still makes so much sense!

    • Priya

      Signed up for rhe comment for comment challenge…..its a very good initiative to increase blog engagement and help bloggers

      • Gayathri

        I hope you enjoy it.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!