Navaratri And A Better Weather: Sunday Musings #58

The weather is finally getting better and the summer is finally receding. With the heat and humidity are slowly falling back, I am getting back to my routine, of sorts. 

So today marks the first day of Navaratri or Dussehera, a 9 day Hindu festival. We usually arrange dolls made of clay and wood, which have been usually passed on in the family for generations. Well, another thing that I will be missing out on, staying away in a different country.

What I read this week

I read two books last  week and I FINALLY GOT OVER MY READING SLUMP. So that is a good news I guess.

  • Vices/Virtues by Beatrice De Soprontu
  • The Bookish life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman

I am currently reading What you did by Claire McGowan. I have heard mixed reviews about this one, so I am holding my judgement until I finish it.

What I watched this week

I am slowly catching up with all the series that I had missed during my holidays. 

  • Stranger things Season 3 – What? How did it end so soon? Okay I didn’t love it, but it wasn’t bad either. It was better than season 2, I guess.
  • Cable Girls Season 4 – I liked that a main character returned but it wasn’t as good as the last season. 

I watched Crawl during the weekend and enjoyed watching it, surprisingly. 

And did anyone actually like “In the shadow of the moon” on Netflix? I loved the premise but the film as a whole was a big meh for me. 

On my blog

In case you had missed any of my posts from last week, here is a quick recap

Indie Guest Post: Tips To Writing Characters In Poverty by  Beatrice De Soprontu


Sunday Musings #57: Back from the break; Maybe?


I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

Pin me!


Let us chat

So what was your week like? What are you reading currently? Let us talk. 


  1. ST3 – hmm, I watched it in bits and pieces as my kids watched it and I was not as impressed too..
    Navratri is easily my favorite festival – because of the dolls (even more than Diwali inspite of all the sweets that come with that one and my huge sweet tooth) so I know how you must be feeling not being able to celebrate it fully.. thankfully, for me, being in the bay area in California, I can still celebrate it and my kids now want to make sure we keep the golu every year..

  2. I’m still not even done with the second season of stranger things. Kind of got bored of it . Love the first season though

  3. I am pleased that you are over your reading slump and have had a good reading week despite missing out on Navaratri. I am behind with watching Stranger Things. It is something I watch with my daughter and she has a lot going on. (I may have to watch it on my own. )

  4. I’m sorry that you’re going to miss being home for Navaratri or Dussehera, are you able to do a little something to celebrate where you are?

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

  5. Sorry you are missing the festival. It sounds wonderful! I hope you ended up enjoying Nina Hill, because I adored it. I will be keeping an eye out for your review.

  6. I felt the same way about Stranger Things 3. Didn’t entirely love it but still nice to have it back. 🙂

    Sorry you’re missing being able to celebrate Navaratri at home! that would be hard I would think.

    Hope your week is nice.

  7. Nice selection of books. And the festival sounds exciting. Hope you have fun! It’s still summer here. 90s and we’re in a drought. The grass crunches when I walk on it. At least it isn’t growing so now mowing. LOL

  8. I haven’t heard of ‘In the Shadow of the Moon’ but Stranger Things was good imo. Have you seen ‘Unbelievable’? It’s about a girl who is raped but the police officers don’t believe her story and they mentally and emotionally abuse and mind ‘rape’ her as well. It’s tough but I binged watched both seasons because I wanted to find out what happens to the girl. I was satisfied. It was recommended. Are you able to read ‘It’ with me? Just curious. No obligation to.

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