Sunday Musings #42: One About A Short Holiday And The Spring

Hello people, I am writing from the warm Dubai and the weather is still being weird here. We took off to Marjan Islands, in Ras Al Khaimah which is another Emirate (State?) in the UAE to enjoy the short Spring.

For those of you all interested, Marjan Islands is a man made archipelago in the Persian Gulf and is about less than 2 hours drive from where I live. It was just a two nights stay and was fun being in the beach for a change. 

Marjan Islands
Pic: Google

But didn’t I say the weather was weird? The sun kept playing hide and seek all through the day and then the rain poured down as we drove back home. 

Marjan Islands

And then IT RAINED FOR TWO WHOLE DAYS! In DUBAI. Yes that literally has never happened in the whole time I have been here. 

Marjan Islands

Anyway here are some pictures from the trip for you all.

Marjan Islands

What I read this week

Marjan Islands

I read The Woman in the Window by Finn A.J for our all female book club called the bookworms of UAE.

Marjan Islands

And I am currently reading the Curious incident of the dog in the night for the Classics N’ Christie club, which I hope to complete tonight, before the end of March. 

I guess these buddy reads and club reads keep me on my toes and I don’t waste time deciding what to read next.

On my blog

Here is a quick recap of the last week on my blog

Sunday Musings #41: One About Bookish Apps And K-Drama

Marjan Islands

Monday review on Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

Marjan Islands

Indie Guest Post: Creating An Author Brand ā€“ YOU! (The Economical Way!) by Eden Gruger

Marjan Islands

Don’t you hate it when you schedule a post and it just won’t get published on time? Well that happened quite a number of times this week for me. My Friday post never got published and I hate that it is still on my draft and is waiting impatiently for its time. 

Don't you hate it when you schedule a post and it just won't get published on time? Well that happened quite a number of times this week for me. Let us talk about other stuff that happened last week in my #weeklywrapup #Sundaypost Share on X

I will be linking todayā€™s post with Caffeinated reviewerā€™s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

Here are some literary links I found during the week:

Share your favorite post from the #bookcommunity last week here. #linksILiked #SundayPost #Weeklywrapup Share on X

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Marjan Islands

Let us chat

How has your week been? And how has the weather been treating you? What are your current reads? Let us talk.


  1. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    Those pictures just make me desperate for a holiday! Glad the rain didn’t mess up the beach time. šŸ™‚

  2. Heidi

    Very pretty pictures! Looks like fun!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  3. Amanda McGill

    Beautiful pictures! Glad you had a nice trip!

  4. NAnne - Books of My Heart

    I love the photos from your trip! The weather has been bizarre this year. We are finally in a more normal pattern and have gotten to spring! I’m enjoying it and feeling more energetic with the wonderful weather. Happy reading!

  5. DJ Sakata

    That shot of the islands look like sea creatures šŸ˜‰

  6. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    There is a plugin or code you can add to ensure your post launches as scheduled. The Marjan Islands sound amazing. We’ve had rainy vacations at the shore but someone we all have a good time.

  7. Shelleyrae @ Bookā€™d Out

    The resort looks spectacular! I only live 10 minutes from the beach, but there is nothing fancy about it.

    Have a great reading week.

  8. Andrew Blackman

    Wow, rain in Dubai, and warm sunshine here in Vienna? Something’s wrong with that picture šŸ™‚

  9. Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts

    Ooooo the Marjan Islands from above looks so pretty! It sounds like you had fun though, despite the rain.

    Here it’ll sometimes be rainy for 3-4 days (that’s when flooding starts, though) or we’ll have 3 different seasons within the span of 12 hours.

  10. Laura Thomas

    Marjan looks amazing. Thanks for sharing the photos of your wonderful trip!

  11. Greg

    Looks like an awesome place! Love the look of the water. Sigh I need a water vacation. Sorry to hear about the rain though!

    I hope you liked Woman in the Window.

  12. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Wow, those islands look so cool. Iā€™d love to see them in real life. Except for the rain, your trip sounds fun. I hope you have a great week!

  13. Sam@wlabb

    I was drooling over those pictures. The water was such an incredible color. Hope you had an amazing time despite the hiding sun.

  14. Irena BookDustMagic

    It only happened once to me, that my scheduled post was never published, and I still don’t know if it was a bug, or did I forgot to click on the Schedule button.
    Anyway, I hope the weather will get netter where you’re at.

  15. Aleen @ Lampshade Reader

    Sorry the weather was wonky. I hate when it’s cloudy on beach days. (Not that I got that often anyway lol).

    Glad you had a good time regardless. It looks really pretty over there.

    I didn’t have any trouble with scheduled posts lately, but I do hate when that happens. I received a test post email notification from your blog, so that worked fyi. šŸ™‚

  16. Laurel-Rain Snow

    Great photos! I loved The Woman in the Window.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. Rachel

    What a lovely trip! Your photos are gorgeous!

    I love Agatha Christie so your Classics n Christie club sounds fun. šŸ™‚

  18. Sophie

    Hahaha it rains nearly all the time in my country! But I guess if you never see the rain it must be shocking. Kind of like us having one sunny month šŸ˜‰
    Thanks for the links! I already ahd read and enjoyed Lashaan’s post. Have a great Sunday!

    • Gayathri

      We have about 5 very hot months, 3 sunny months 2 month of winter and 2 pleasant months usually! AND there is no rainy season at all.

  19. Michelle @Because Reading

    OMG Those pictures are gorgeous! The clouds rolling in over the water just beautiful! Your trip sounds so nice, at least the rain was when you left but I always love a good storm but not when I am away! šŸ™‚

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Gayathri! Happy Reading! xx

  20. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    What beautiful pictures! I’d love to go to Dubai one day! It looks absolutely gorgeous! I need to do some buddy reads! I think it’s be fun!

  21. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks

    XD rained for two days in Dubai xD I can’t stop laughing at that. That is a bit unusual, and during the holidays as well xD it’s typical isn’t it…
    Here in the summer it will sometimes rain for weeks. Specifically when you go on a vacation xD so I am well familiar with that. But still, in Dubai xD

    • Gayathri

      At least we were driving back when it started raining. So at least the beach trip wasn’t spoiled.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!