Spotlight Sunday: #09 One with March wrap up and no other news!

It is a new day, new week and a new month. And I am feelin’ good. Just like this one from MUSE. I am always excited for a new month, all the more for it is April – my birth month (is there such a thing anyway?)

In India we had our school closing up for the summer holidays by mid of April and the whole of May and that used to make April extra special. And did I say my birth day falls on the 12th of April?

And also March was not kind to me at all (Or did it?) and I am happy to get that over with.

So here is a quick recap of what I did during the month.

You might have heard all about it earlier, I got to meet some of the authors and poets.

I volunteered at the Emirates Literature Fest during the first two weekends.

Elgeewrites Spotlight Sunday: #09 One with March wrap up and no other news! A Z 18Mar 1

What I read this week

I didn’t read much. Just two books during March:
1) Erotic stories of Punjabi widows
2) The Geography of You and Me

And that is my status of A – Z challenge!

I beta read a romance manuscript of Kavya’s and I am fairly happy with it.

Around the blogosphere

And I finally got back to visiting my dearests’ blogs. I have to say I missed the blog hopping and seeing the wonderful posts others have made.

So here are the ones I enjoyed:

1) If you are into BuJo and are looking for ways to track your reading and blog stats, you should take a leaf out of the Always Opinionated Girl’s post here

2) I found the freaking hilarious advertisement for a backpack and haven’t take my mind off it. I think you will like it as well.

3) Don’t we all hate card board cut characters? The Temperamental Writer shares her list of characters that were far far from being one of those. I had to add few those to my TBR right after reading her post here.

4) I have been off from my Twitter game for a while and this guide to book blogger hashtags from Carrie @ Cat on the Bookshelf could not have come at a better time.

5) Elizabeth from Redgal Musings made a guest post on Book Dragon 247 about extroverted bookworms (like me) broke the myth of stereotyping every book worm as introverts. I loved it.

On my blog

A quick recap of the month that passed in my blog

Death on the Nile

The Geography of You and Me

Elgeewrites Spotlight Sunday: #09 One with March wrap up and no other news! SS9P

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!

Elgeewrites Spotlight Sunday: #09 One with March wrap up and no other news! SS9P

Let us talk

So how was your weekend and your month? Did you like the links I have shared? Did I miss any of your blogs? Let me know I will correct it right away.


  1. Oooh advanced happy birthday, Gayathri! ♥ Two books is still pretty good, and you did get to attend a literary festival, which is amazing! Thanks for sharing my post, also! ^_^

  2. Happy birthday for the 12th! April seems like such a common birthday month, doesn’t it? It’s my birthday, and two of my cousins’ birthdays in April too 🙂
    Have a great month 🙂

  3. awwww I LOVE your A to Z graphic!! How cute… I may need to make me one XD Happy Birthday!! I hope your April is fantastic!!

  4. Happy april !! I’ll try my best to remember on the 12th .. ahaha
    so sorry March wasn’t a good one, let’s hope april would be so much better for you ! xx

    hey, two books is two books ! still an accomplishment!
    I finished none xD woops.. but im soo close right now !! I can smell it ..

  5. I will start by saying happy birthday because I have this awesome gift of missing birthdays, so better super early than late!

    It’s so cool that you volunteered! And sometimes it’s not the number of books that counts, but how much you enjoyed reading them!

  6. Oh yay, happy birth-month, that’s so great! I’m sorry you didn’t have such a great month, but that festival sounds like a lot of fun, and it’s so cool that you got to beta-read a manuscript, yay! 😀
    I hope you will have a lovely month! x

  7. Happy Birthday Month!!! March felt like a long slog of a month for me, and I’m glad I made it through.

    The links you shared this month are pure gold! I love advertising that gets right to the point, and those backpacks are totally rad! And I needed those book blogger hashtags in my life, so thank you for sharing!!!

  8. Another bujoer! (I am out of the habit, but will have to look at that link.)

    You have a lot of links I am interested in checking out.

    Happy Birth month!

  9. That’s so cool that you were a beta reader 🙂 and I guess 2 books aren’t a whole load, but you did SO MANY other cool stuff! I’ve missed hanging out with you though, I feel like our little group of mods has just been drifting apart and that makes me sad. I miss you all!

  10. It’s your birth month too?? Me too! April’s pretty special to me also because it’s my birthday 😀 I guess March was still pretty cool for you because oh my God, Emirates Literature Fest? I missed it and ugh, I wish I was there 🙁 Though I’m glad you enjoyed <3

  11. Is April everyone’s birth month? Lol I saw another blogger say that, and it’s mine too. Two books in March is better than no books! And I’m glad you were able to get back into bloghopping 🙂 Lmao the backpack kickstarter is so funny, thanks for sharing that.

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