Sunday Musings #17: One that went as productive as never before

Helloo people!

I hope you had a good week and have some interesting plans for the weekend. I had an almost productive week and I am super excited to talk about it.

I think the change in weather is one of the main reason for my better mood. Yes finally the temperature and humidity has fallen to bearable limits in Dubai. 

Elgeewrites Sunday Musings #17: One that went as productive as never before Temp

Is anybody else obsessed about watching organization and cleaning videos on Youtube? I am definitely not the best of the organized creatures in the world, yet I am addicted to watching these videos.

Not that it helps me to battle the mess that is around me, but hey leave me alone with my organization porn! If you have a favorite non bookish vloggers share them with me. 

What I read this week: 

Elgeewrites Sunday Musings #17: One that went as productive as never before

I read just one book this week, due to the above mentioned obsession and the consequent efforts to be more organized. But found a few books for my A-Z challenge which I will be reading this week.

What I watched this week:

I cut off my Movie/Series time by more than half this week (again note the second paragraph). I might be watching the Nun this week on the cinemas, but I know the entire world has already watched. 
I watched this week

  • Cable girls – S 3 
  • Money Heist (Spanish) – part 1
  • Brooklyn nine-nine (re-watching) – S 1

I liked the drama filled Cable girls and the cleverly made Money Heist (thanks to the subtitles). Of course I have lost the count of the times I have watched B-99 yet.

On my blog

I spent a fairly good time on my blog and made 4 posts after a very long time. If you have not checked it out yet, please do right away.

Around the blogosphere

I visited almost  everyone’s blog this week. In case I had missed yours, leave me a comment and I promise to visit right away. Here are few of my favorite finds from the blogosphere for you to enjoy.

  • Kris posted a question on her blog asking if you edit your older reviews and called up for a very interesting discussion.
  • You think you are weird? Read Sim’s post on her weird reading habits and I share some of those habits. I guess we are all weirdos. 
  • While some of us are still far behind on their A-Z reading challenge of 2018, Megan and Crystal from Gingermomreads have announced for the 2019 A-Z challenge. Join right away. I sure did. 
  • On Clo’s blog Mervin shares her thoughts about the bookish community (yes, US!!) from a newbie’s perspective. And she sure has some praises and answers to a lot of questions that the newbie’s might have. 
  • Thanks to BookJotter for sharing this amazing gem on how to write a book review from Bookish on her weekend wrap up post.
  • Catherine from Books rock my world posted an awesome post on what bookish heroines have taught us.

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

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Elgeewrites Sunday Musings #17: One that went as productive as never before SM17P

Let us chat

So how was your week and what are your plans for the weekend? Don’t feel shy, let us talk. Don’t forget to tell how is the weather wherever you living right now. 



  1. I started out watching the Cable Girls as well and at this point, paused the watching to catch up on other shows with the family 🙂
    And another great Spanish TV show I enjoyed watching – Grand Hotel (watched it at least twice already)..
    And thanks to you, I am now aware of The Sunday Post … I hope to join in every now and then at least going forward..

  2. Brooklyn nine-nine makes me laugh so much. I’ve not seen those other shows. I have to say that I would curl up in front of an air conditioning unit and not move, if I had to cope with temperatures in the 30’s upwards. I prefer Winter to any other season and my happiest time is during snow or heavy frost.

  3. I do enjoy watching how others organize their books or crafting areas, it ‘s fun to peak into other houses. For some reason I never realized that Dubai would be humid, glad that some cooler temps made it your way. Enjoy your week ahead.

  4. I get organization videos completely, even though I’m not obsessed with them. There’s some sort of strange fascination with watching the way others organize, haha. I think I was SUPER obsessed with them when I was creating my planner and deciding what I really wanted, so I was watching different planners, different tricks and hacks, etc.

    (But organization is far more productive than well… puppy videos. I’m a sucker for those unfortunately.)

  5. I’m so obsessed with cleaning organization videos! Have you tried RachhLovesLife? She tries different Pinterest tips and Tasty videos. She’s hilarious. I’ve developed a YouTube problem lately – mostly makeup based but cleaning is a close second. I just saw Cable Girls on Netflix and added it to my Queue. It’s so perfect for me I feel like Netflix should have shown up and been like “You need to watch this”. Have a great week!

  6. Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful week, Gayathri! 🙂 I was actually going to start watching Cable Girls the other night, but I wasn’t sure so I put a movie on instead. What do you think about it? I hope you have a great week this week! 🙂

  7. This week was GREAT because I celebrated my birthday!! YAY! I went on a mini vacay for my birthday, so I took a break from EVERYTHING! I didn’t read any books, but I did flip through some of the magazines I’ve had laying around the house for the past few months.

    Brooklyn 99 is one of my favorite shows, and I’m so glad it got uncancelled! I’m impatiently waiting for the new season. The last movie I was The Happytime Murders. My beau enjoyed it, but I was not a fan. I have no plans to see The Nun because horror movies aren’t my thing.

    The temperatures have definitely dropped where I live. It’s that time of year when it is chilly in the morning, but then it warms up in the afternoon.

  8. I watch Tasty’s cooking videos all the time and haven’t made a single of them 😂 The temperature at my place is weird! Mercury keeps rising and dropping for no apparent reason. Result: Half of the family are flu stricken 😭 I am guessing I will be one of them latest by tomorrow! Also, congrats! 4 posts a week is the maximum of what I manage to churn out.

  9. Cable Girls looks fun, I’ve seen that one over on Netflix pop up a few times. And yay for cooling off- glad you’re getting a little bit of relief from the heat.

    Have a great week!

  10. I am glad that the temperature has fallen down. Here also, the temperature has considerably fallen down.
    I am glad your week was productive. It’s been so long since I wrote 4 posts a week.
    Money Heist is an amazing show. Did you enjoy it?
    I am also watching B99, for the first time and I’m really enjoying it 😀
    Have a lovely week 🙂

  11. LOL that’s “fallen” xD that’s the highest I’ve ever experienced! How do you guys even survive that. The human body isn’t built for this 😀

    I’m glad you’re coming back to your blog! I’ll have to catch up with your posts. Really glad you’re back 🙂

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