What can make a bookworm happier than a book sale? A bigger book sale!
The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is here at Dubai! Dubai being Dubai, it definitely has to be the world’s largest book sale. Obviously! We don’t do anything normally.

There are 3 million books for sale and it is open 24 hours a day for 11 days. To quote an organiser, “if all of the books on sale in Dubai during the coming 11 days were stacked on top of each other (taking the average book thickness), it would reach a height 48 times taller than the Burj Khalifa (the world’s tallest building”.

Anyway today is the last of the book sale, and I still haven’t had time to go there. But I have some fabulous friends who shared pictures from their visit and I got some from the internet, just to show how massive it actually is.

I might still visit for a quick haul later today, fingers crossed.

What I read this week:
I finished the books from yester-weeks, I have no idea why I left them half way to jump on to other books. Anyway I am done now with the following:
- Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu
- A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard.
- I will be reading Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin right after this post.
I am fully focusing on completing my goals towards A-Z reading challenge 2018. Looks like I might reach it, surprisingly.
What I watched this week:
I spent quite a lot of time on Netflix this week, totally unsurprising I know.
- I gave in and watched ‘The Haunting of a Hill house’ before reading the book, quite unlike me. I am over the guilt because I FREAKING LOVED IT and I am thankful that it didn’t have those jump scares.
- I watched The good place – season 1 and I didn’t see the ending coming at all. I liked it!
- I completed watching Jane the Virgin Season 4 and I was not expecting that season finale cliffhanger. I knew there was a cliffhanger coming on, but just not THAT!!!!
On the blog
If you had missed any of the posts on my blog this week, here is a quick recap.
My week started out with Sunday Musings#21: One with ‘the fall is here’ shout out .
I reviewed one of my favorite books I read in 2018 on Monday Cobalt blue by Sachin Kundalkar.
We had a discussion post five elements that we look out for in an author’s website on Wednesday.
To change up the gear I read a few children books and listed them here on A raccoon, a chicken house, and trotters of Tweeville – Reading Children’s books.
Around the blogosphere
I found some awesome posts by awesome-r bloggers this week and here they are:
- Kaleena @ Reader Voracious posted this excellent post on what and how to use social media for blog growth. She even has spreadsheet to help us out.
- I loved Ruby from Ruby’s books her hilarious post on Strange things that she thinks while reading.
- I know everyone loves a bookish quiz, and Spohia from Bookwyrming Thoughts has the season’s best quiz on what snoopy creature are you? (Well, I am a poltergeist. Be scared!)
- Did you read this fun post from Marie of Drizzle and Hurricane books about 10 step cliches of being a book blogger. (Sadly, I don’t do most of them).
- Take a look at the Orangutan Librarian’s discussion post on unreliable narrators which I loved.
I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
Pin me!

Let us talk
How was your week? Do you love such mass book sales? Did you watch any of these Netflix series? Share with me your favorite post of the week and I will take look right away. Let us chat!
Holy cow!! If ever I had more reason to go to India this this book sale!!!!!!!!
I live in Dubai and the book sale was in Dubai!
Great post and Whoa that is such an amazing book sale you have I hope you did get to go to the amazing book sale you had. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
The book sale was awesome and I hope you had a great week too.
Wwoooow! That book sale looks amaaaziiing!!! What a wonderful event to host. Hope you get your hands on some good ones! 😀
I loved the over the top things that Dubai does and this book sale is definitely one among it.
Wow. 3 million books! A bookworm could get lost in all that, haha. It’s almost like a mini library of sorts, only for sale. Unfortunate that you couldn’t go though! Perhaps there’s another chance maybe? I really hope you do get the chance one day since it sounds fun.
I had my friends collect a few books for me, so it is okay I guess.
Mind blown!
Yes it was.
I want to go to that book sale! Looks awesome!
I heard it was fabulous.
That book sale looks AMAZING.
Yes it was.
That sale is so massive!! I’d love to be surrounded by that many books!
I love The Good Place! I’m currently watching season 4 (I think that is the current season playing on TV) and it’s amazing! So many twists and turns!
Have a great week! 🙂
I have just watched the season 1 and that is the only one available on Netflix. I will have to stream in other season soon.
I like these kinds of sales. Wow, that is very impressive, just looking at all those books! I like this more than author signings, which btw, we never get in Canada.
This is the first time I am seeing it in here as well.
OMG!!! I love book sales!! And that one sounds amazing. To bad, Dubai isn’t close. LOL!
I didn’t love the first episode of The Haunting of Hill House. But I kept watching and I looooove it now!! I haven’t read the book either, but I must now!
I live in Dubai and I have not yet visited it. Sigh
Ahh! I think I might be missing Malaysia’s Big Bad Wolf Sale when it happens and I am super bummed because it’s always so good?! I hope you got to go and pick up a few books!
When is that happening? Any time soon?
I think in December! I can’t actually remember the exact dates at the moment.
Great! Hope you can manage to sneak a visit.
Oh wow that book sale looks amazing! Hope you have fun 😀
The sale was humongous!
Oh wow that is a bok sale! I loved Young Jane Young – hope you enjoy it. The Good Place is great. That first season was so smart. Have a great week!
I have watched only the first season yet.
You should go in the spirit of bloggers everywhere.
Sigh other works came up. I couldn’t!
Impressive book sale! Thanks for sharing, and enjoy your books. I loved Young Jane Young.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I will be reading it tonight!
I took Sophie’s quiz and am a poltergeist too. We shall haunt! LOL That book sale looks amazing. I’d be broke for a month if I went. We have a local one here. Not near as big but you pay by the inch. My stacks, when measured, should be by the foot. LOL
I love the concept of paying by the inch. I will choose only paperbacks!
Wow! What a book sale! I think you are right. It is probably the world’s largest book sale. You must make an effort to go next year and report back to us.
Of course. And the company runs this event all over the world as well.
Lol 3 million books. That’s like a book for every person in my country. And then some. 😀 sounds awesome. It’s too bad you didn’t get to go! Although I feel like I would go crazy, cause how would I even be able to choose?? I’d want everything xD
Ooh, I also have Young Jane Young, but haven’t read it yet. You’re going to have to tell me if it’s any good 🙂
Yes I know. 3 millions books and I have not visited. It kills me!