Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019

The last leg of the #DubaiLitFest got done yesterday and I have not still out of the stupor. I have a lot of pictures to be uploaded but I am gonna keep it for the Instagram. So if you are not following there, you might as well.

But that doesn’t mean I am not gonna tell you what did happen, because let’s face it, who else would enjoy reading about me getting excited over authors who might never remember me? My family sure doesn’t. They are still getting over the idea that would rather volunteer at the literature festival from 9 AM to 9 PM than sleep in during my weekend.

Who else would understand me excited over authors? My family sure doesn't and are still getting over the idea that would rather volunteer 9-9 than sleep in during my weekend. Read more #weeklywrapup #Sundaypost Share on X

Literature Festival Updates

Anyway, I got the sneak peak of the session with the Chinese best seller and literary award winner Cixin Liu, whom I had never heard of before. The LONG queue of people who stood for an hour or more to just greet him and get their book signed and the fact that 3 different people whom I met during the session insisted that I should read him make me wanna read him. 

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 Cixin Liu

I even asked the Twitter world to help me!

I also met Sandhya Menon of the “When Dimple Met Rishi” fame, who was so sweet and kind to everyone around. Unsurprisingly she is funny as well. Did you know she also hates the “love conquers all” trope just like many of us?

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 Sandhya Menon lit fest

We also got to meet Pierce Brown of the Red Rising fame. And we kinda crashed his dinner and clicked weird pictures with him, and he didn’t tell us off, which was so nice of him.

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 PierceBrown

Oh I am in love the passion, energy and words this man brought on and off the stage! Lionheart is my new obsession everybody!! You should all go search him right away and stalk through all his social accounts.

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 Lionheart

Let me reel it up a little bit! So Lionheart is a spoken word artist and the author of the Mute’s rebellion and I will have to dig for his videos and will post on Instagram soon. 

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 Litfest friends

And we had so much fun in the after party. We even did a long conga line during the author dinner party. Well, I guess it was worth all the tiredness I am feeling now.

Okay I met #Sandhyamenon #PierceBrown and #Lionheart at the #DubaiLitfest. Jealous much?Read more #weeklywrapup #Sundaypost Share on X

On my blog 

Here is a quick recap of what happened on my blog last week:

Sunday Musings #38: One About Meeting Authors And The #Dubailitfest

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 SS38F

Getting More Comments On Your Blog – Things You Can Do Today! 

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 CommentingF

Flyaway Friday: Let Us Talk About Netherlands 

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 Intro to NetherlandsF

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!

elgeewrites Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019 SS39P

Let us chat

So how has your week been? Do your family and friends understand your bookworm problems and eccentricities? Who is the last author that you met and made you all giddy with excitement? Let us talk!


  1. Elisa Thompson

    Hi Gayathri, I am one of the biggest fans of Sandhya Menon and happy for you that you had a chance to meet her. Such a lovely blog that you have, I bookmarked your blog for more reading. Thanks for sharing such informative posts.

    • Gayathri

      She is very sweet and kind in person as well.

  2. Shruti | This is Lit

    I love book festivals but I never go to the Hindu LFL. I register every year and something comes up and stops me.

    You look like you had fun, though! Keep the pictures coming! 😍

  3. Literary Feline

    The #DubaiLitFest sounds like so much fun. It looks like you had a great time. Talk about reader heaven! There are readers in my family, but none quite as obsessive or quirky as me. 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend!

    • Gayathri

      You have our support as your blogging family as well.

    • Gayathri

      I am glad you liked it.

    • Gayathri

      Yay Thank you!

  4. vidya

    i let this Sunday go:) but i am certainly jealous much.. and i will check out Lionheart …

    • Gayathri

      Let me know how do you like his poetry!

  5. Amanda McGill

    Great post! This seems like an awesome event!

    • Gayathri

      Yes we enjoyed it as well!

  6. Sophie

    OMG you had such a great time! And Pierce Bronw? Wow

    • Gayathri

      I know! I didn’t know he was there until the last moment.

  7. Jordana

    Sounds like a blast. Loved seeing and hearing about it, thanks!

    • Gayathri

      It was indeed great fun!

  8. DJ Sakata

    I enjoy following your adventures

    • Gayathri

      I am happy to be of service!

  9. Robin Taylor

    As happy as I am for you – and I am – I am jealous that I cannot travel.

    • Gayathri

      I understand. I used to feel the same way about the ones in the USA and UK who visit a lot of these events.

    • Gayathri

      Yes it was definitely fun.

  10. Aleen @ Lampshade Reader

    How awesome! I’ve been meaning to read When Dimple Met Rishi. I always hear such good things about it.

    Looks like you had a blast!

    • Gayathri

      I am sure you will love it too!

  11. Maureen Bakker

    Wow. Sounds like you had a great time at the literature festival. Meeting all those author must be amazing! I hope I’ll be able to go to a festival like that one day. 😉
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    • Gayathri

      I definitely did, especially this is the only bookish thing that ever happens around here.

  12. Laura Thomas

    Wow. So many wonderful authors! It looks you had such a great time. Lucky you:)

    • Gayathri

      I had a great time Laura! Thank you!

  13. Rachel

    Awesome that you got to meet Sandhya Menon! I love Dimple. I agree, no one but a book lover would get the excitement we get over meeting authors. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Right? My family is still looking at me like crazy!

  14. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Glad you had such a fantastic time!! Seems like there were lots of amazing authors there. Apparently I wasn’t following you on Instagram (??), but I fixed that now so I’ll see your pics! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      It was amazing and thank you for following me, I guess!

  15. Tina @ As Told By Tina

    The Litfest sounds so amazing. I’ve never been to a festival. I live in a very small town so most of the festivals take place in bigger parts of Texas or in Phoenix Arizona that’s like 6 hours away.

  16. Laurel-Rain Snow

    The Book Fest looked like fun. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  17. Sam@wlabb

    So jealous you met Menon. I love her books! Fantastic pictures too.

  18. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I love book festivals, and I imagine that a festival in Dubai would be huge!

    I’ve created a linky on my blog for the Sunday Salon and I’ve kept the Facebook group. I hope you will join in and spread the word.

  19. Greg

    The LitFest sounds amazing! Cixin Liu and Sandhya Menon- and Pierce Brown too? Wow nice guest list! And a conga line haha? Sounds like good times. 🙂


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!