Sunday Musings #45: One About The Book Club Meet And Catching Up On Movies

This week turned out quite interesting. I attended my first book club meeting in person on Tuesday. We spoke a lot about reading habits and obviously books we loved and hated.

book club

You know the usual bookworm scenes. And then we conveniently forgot to discuss about the BOTM for March, The Woman in the Window

What I read this week

Would you all judge me if I say I have been stuck up with a book for about 3 months now?

I have been stuck with Persuasion by Jane Austen for about 3 months now. #audiobooks are my bane! And other bookish rants on my #Sundaypost #Weeklywrapup Share on X

Yes, it is Persuasion by Jane Austen. In my defense, I promised myself that I will be hearing only the audio version and that is not definitely not my cup of tea. But I will finally complete it this week, just about 45 min or so pending.

Also I have been reading 1984 by George Orwell, another banned book which I hope to complete in a day or two.

What I watched this week

On Wednesday we caught up on the Avengers: Infinity War again to find out clues for the Avengers: Endgame on last time, before we watched the movie on Thursday. And needless to say, I loved the movie and felt it was worth all the hype and the wait. 

Let us talk about #AvengersEndgame on my #Sundaypost #Weeklywrapup In short, I loved the movie and felt it was worth all the hype and the wait.  Share on X

And today I finally took the bait and started watching Game of Thrones. I know I am about eight years late but at least I don’t have to wait for each season like others had to. I can binge on it like I usually do. I think I like this way better. 

On my blog

Sunday Musings #44: A Restful Week With A Lot Of ME Time

book club

On Monday I reviewed The Woman In The Window by A J Finn

book club

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

  • Have you been procrastinating writing reviews on your blog? Dani from Perspective of a writer wrote a post on helping you tackle that problem.
  • Trang from Bookidote talks about Instagram pods and why she avoids them. What is your take on pods and do you like being a part of it?
  • I am addicted to exclamation points to the extent that I am not sure if I am even using them at the right places. Nicole opened up a discussion on her blog and needless to say that we are everywhere!!
  • If you are looking to read YA books by international authors Pages Unbound just compiled a list on their blog.

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book club

Let us chat

So that is it for this week. Let me hear what are your plans for your weekend. What have you been reading? What did you watch? How did you like the Endgame movie? Let us talk.


  1. Maureen @ Maureen's Books

    That first book club meeting sounds fun! I always loved the idea of a book club. Maybe one day I can start one here.
    I hope you like GOT!! It’s a great series and I love it! And so true.. we had to wait forever for the new episodes! LOL!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    • Gayathri

      I have been in a few virtual book clubs earlier, but I love meeting bookworms face to face and talk about books more. I hope you find your book tribe soon!

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I keep up mostly on books but tv and movies. no. I haven’t watched Game of Thrones yet. Also not either of those Avengers and not Captain Marvel either. Someday.

    • Gayathri

      To each his own right? Have a great week ahead Anne!

  3. Christina - Recipe & A Read

    YASSS GoT is amazing! The first few episodes originally turned me off because there’s a little too much nakedness and violence but as the show goes on it truly is a phenomenal work of character, world and story development. Definitely suggest reading the books too!

    • Gayathri

      I totally agree. But right now I am hooked too.

    • Gayathri

      Exactly! It turned out to be friends catching up, but without the personal life drama.

  4. Fee Kelly

    I have never been to a book club, I have also never read an Austen book shock horror I’m glad you’re first time at the book club went well.

    • Gayathri

      It is alright if you have not read her books. To each one’s own right?

  5. Megan

    Good luck with book club. I’m feeling frustrated with the one I joined last summer!

    • Gayathri

      Oh what happened? I am sorry to hear that!

  6. DJ Sakata

    I have never watched GOT – apparently, I don’t know what I’m missing as EVERYONE and their brother is ALWAYS talking about it!

    • Gayathri

      I will let you know what you are missing once I watch it, DJ. Based on whatever I have seen now, you are not missing much.

  7. Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits)

    I’ve never actually tried the book club thing. A friend tried to get me to go along to hers once, but it sounded like they took everything very seriously and I thought her assertion that it wouldn’t matter about me not having read the book was a big fib!
    Persuasion, hmmm. Northanger Abbey was my favourite Austen 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Thankfully we didn’t do that in our meet. We generally spoke about the common books we liked and those we hated. And lot about Netflix adaptations. Maybe we are not serious enough 😛 !

  8. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    Im glad your first bookclub meeting was so successful.
    I don’t blame you for taking so long with Persuasion, I found it dull.

    Have a great reading week

    • Gayathri

      Finally! Finally someone agrees with me on that.. Thank you.

  9. Laura Thomas

    The book club sounds like fun. And I can’t wait to see the new Avengers movie!

    • Gayathri

      It definitely is. Let me know how the movie was!

  10. Sam@wlabb

    A real, in person book club is like a bucket list item for me. The one at my library never reads any books I am interested in, but it sounds like your group was great.

    • Gayathri

      This was my first book club meeting as well. I hope they keep choosing books I am interested.

  11. Rachel

    Good to hear that Endgame lived up to the hype. I’ll probably end up waiting until it comes out for rent/buy and watch it at home. That sucks when it seems to take forever to finish a book! Hope you get it done soon and are able to move on! Happy reading, Gayathri! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Thank you! And I hope to get it done soon.

  12. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    I use to belong to a. book club about seven years ago, and it was so much fun! I wish I was part of another one. I think it’s wonderful that you are reading all of the classics! My husband and I are suppose to go see the newest Avengers today, and I’m really excited! I think I overly use exclamation marks too! Have a great week!!!

    • Gayathri

      Oh The Avengers was so good, I am sure you will enjoy it a great deal.

  13. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I am not a Marvel series viewer…the theaters are full of these movies…LOL. I did love Superman back in the day.

    I keep planning to join an IRL book club…still searching.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Gayathri

      Yes I agree there have been back to back movie releases from Marvel recently. But this was the last of the series! Hope you find your book club soon!

  14. Greg

    I think a book club sounds like a lot of fun- glad it went well! And I still need to see Endgame!

    • Gayathri

      I hope you enjoy the Endgame as much as I did.

  15. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks

    I gotta read about the pods! I don’t do them because I don’t do insta much at all. Plus I’ve heard some bad things about how Instagram has measures to see that you’re visiting people from pods. Although it’s annoying because the new algorithm won’t even let me see my friends’ photos.

    • Gayathri

      Me neither. I love IG and all, but I definitely do not have time as much as they seem to require.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!