The Summer Is Coming – Just Dubai Things: Sunday Musings #49

Imagine Winterfell from Game of Thrones, where everyone is wearing fur coats, there is snow everywhere and then they keep saying the winter was coming as if it is not at all cold then. Well that is what we are doing in Dubai, except with summer.

Dubai summer spring

It is so hot at 100 F even in the mornings and the poor humidity is taking a toll as well. But here we are in the spring season still and the real summer is not even here. YET.

So we decided to remind ourselves that it is still spring and took a trip to the beach. It is a good thing that we have so many beaches around Dubai.

Dubai summer spring
Let us bitch about the Dubai summer, or should we still pretend it is spring and talk about the other things that happened in my #SundayPost #weeklywrapup. Share on X

What I read this week

After a few weeks of over achieving in terms of reading, I am back to the old pace of one book a week. I know I could have read more but deciding which book to read is a nightmare when you are mood reader. 

I read A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi, my first by the author, and I enjoyed it so much. I will probably post up a review soon enough. Well, that goes another letter on my A-Z reading Challenge 2019. How are you faring on it?

What I watched this week

Surprisingly I didn’t watch much on Netflix this week. And it was not even a deliberate attempt. 

I tried watching White Gold season 2 and got bored of it soon enough. 

I watched Coraline this week and rewatched How to train a Dragon last night. Loved them both totally. 

On my blog

The week on my blog was pretty much business as usual, and here is a quick recap of everything that happened.

Sunday Musings #48: Talking About The Last Minute Panic.

Dubai summer spring

A quick review of The Big Four by Agatha Christie.

Dubai summer spring

I loved writing this discussion post on Why Book Blogging Is Different From Other Niches.

Dubai summer spring

Under our Flyaway Friday segment I listed my favorite Books Set In Japan.

Dubai summer spring

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

It has been a while since I hopped on to ‘Everyone I know’s blogs, but I did catch up on a few of them this week. So maybe I will do better next week?!? Maybe.

So here my favorite posts from last week.

  • Almost all of these books on Nut free nerd’s list on books that influenced her as a college senior went on my TBR. Let me know how many of them interest you!
  • Recently I went on a quest for a friend, to find out books with adult superheroes that were not a series and ended up at The Writerly Way’s post. Do you have any suggestions?
  • Another hilarious but useful post by The Orangutan Librarian on How not to write a book review for dummies. It is never too late to learn.
  • I NEEDED this. As someone totally new to the graphic novels and comic world, Dani’s post on Perspective of a Writer about differentiating between Comics, graphic novels and other graphic versions is a godsend. Check this out. 
  • Do you ever get stuck with English grammar? Deb at Debjani’s Thoughts explains it like you are five for you! Check this useful guide on simple grammar tips.
  • I have been on a not so active attempt to read more translated works these days. I could not have read this Book Riot article on how a literary collective is focusing on translating 100 Indian Classics to English. Check this out. 
  • What felt like a useless piece of advice until you actually tried it on Reddit contains too many gems to not share with you. Be nice and share it with someone else, now. 

From the Insta-world

Here are a couple of posts from my Instagram world. Are you following me yet?

Pin me!

Dubai summer spring

Let’s chat

How is the weather down wherever you are currently at? Beaches or Parks? What are you currently watching on Netflix? Let us talk.


  1. Amanda McGill

    Wow I can’t believe the weather over there! Great wrap up!

    • Gayathri

      Sigh I will keep you updated as it gets worse!

  2. Kymber Hawke

    Goodness, I don’t think I could handle temps in the 100s. Around July, we might get into the 90s and that is bad enough. The air here is so humid, it feels thick and heavy. Luckily, there are a lot of lakes to enjoy, though.

    • Gayathri

      The humidity is worse here. And I can’t wait to hit the beach soon!

  3. Gemma

    Great post. I generally aim for a book a week and any more than that is a bonus.
    Gemma @ Gemma’s Book Nook

    • Gayathri

      That sounds doable, even for me!

  4. Katie @ Book Ink Reviews

    I’m a mood reader too. Eesh! How can you even want to sit and read with temperatures like that?! I used to live in the Southern United States, and when those Summer temperatures popped up, it was all anyone could do but sit and survive. ha

    • Gayathri

      Thank God for the ACs that run all through the day everywhere we go!

  5. Stormi

    How to Train Your Dragon is always a good option!

    • Gayathri

      I totally agree!

  6. Anne - Books of My Heart

    No I couldn’t live there anymore than Phoenix Arizona. Over 100 is a no. We had mostly 50s on our trip to Maine and now it is 95 at home! It doesn’t get too much hotter here with the ocean and mountain effects. Thank goodness. The narrower range of temperatures is one reason we moved to NC.

    Enjoy your books and stay cool!

    • Gayathri

      Mountains are the best. I wish we lived somewhere at higher altitudes sometimes.

  7. DJ Sakata

    You would think my husband would like a trip to visit his ancestral beginnings, but he has no interest

    • Gayathri

      Oh that sounds too bad.

  8. Tasha

    I really enjoyed this post and am going to check out some of those other blogs. I find English summers hard enough to take, I could not cope with that heat.

    • Gayathri

      I am glad you enjoyed it!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  9. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    Oh wow 100 degrees in Spring?!!! I can’t imagine what the temp is going to be like in the summer! Good thing Dubai has a lot of beaches. I’m a moody reader too. Sometimes it takes me so long in deciding too read next that I could have already read a whole book! Have a great week Gayathri!

    • Gayathri

      Yes that is what I am dreading about too!

  10. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    We can get that hot here and sometimes hotter but those are heat waves and not the norm. I would melt in Dubai but wouldn’t complain since I will take heat over cold any day of the week. I am sure it was an oversight, but be sure to mention and link back to the Sunday Post if you link up to the linky 🙂 Stay cool and enjoy your week. Loved your blogger post about book blogs.

    • Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

      And of course I see your link in the middle of the post, when I scroll back up to visit links you shared. Of course I did. Sorry!🥴

      • Gayathri

        It is alright!

    • Gayathri

      I am just the opposite. I will take cold over the heat any day!

  11. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    We are heading into winter here, thankfully having left the weeks of 40c+ heat and humidity behind for a while.

    Have a great reading week

    • Gayathri

      That sounds like a heaven right now!

  12. Greg

    I would die in Dubai most likely without the beaches haha. That’s way too hot for me. 🙂 And thanks for the Japan recs. I want to read more books set there.

    • Gayathri

      It may not be a big deal, because we permanently stay in the indoors for 3-4 months! ha ha

  13. Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    Ohmygoodness, 104 is killer! In Puerto Rico, the highest it went recently was 92 and felt like 100. I was melting!! But in PR it’s summer already. I can’t imagine spring being that hot. I’d be in a/c or the beach all day long.
    Is your blog on Bloglovin so I can follow it??

    • Gayathri

      I think we would burn in the beach during the day. Late evenings are good for beaches. Yes, I am on Bloglovin too, same name as the blog.

  14. Flora

    Thank you for reminding me why I like our temperamental British weather 😉 I’m not really able to function in heat that high!

    I really enjoyed reading your Why Book Blogging Is Different From Other Niches post.

    I hope you have a great week. x

    • Gayathri

      Oh there are so many Brits around here, in Dubai. But I guess you are wherever you are! And thank you, I enjoyed writing that post.

  15. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    I love the How To Train Your Dragon movies and TV shows so much!

    Summer is just starting to roll in here and I’m struggling with the sticky heat… I have no idea how you survive those types of temperatures for months at a time!

    • Gayathri

      Yes I am currently watching part two and loving it. The heat is not problem as much as the humidity is. I hate this dry heat.

  16. Kendra

    Wow I can’t believe it’s that hot there already and summer hasn’t even started yet! I’ve been wanting to read A Very Large Expanse at Sea, glad you like it! I hope you have a great week!!

    • Gayathri

      You will love it, definitely grab it.

  17. Esther @ BiteIntoBooks

    I’d LOVE to live in Dubai. The weather in The Netherlands is always kinda boring.

    Yesterday was a good day with loads of sun, so I took a little bit of suntime with a nice glass of wine 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Oh trust me Dubai is all fun and great, except when it comes to the brutal summer. I envy your green and lush of the Dutch!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!