Hello people,
I have been playing a lot of catching up this week around the house after a hectic last week and being obsessed about all the superhero movies on TV.
The winter is fleeting around this part of the world, Dubai precisely, which means the weather is being weird.
I thought we are ready for spring but then came the rain for a day, then the cold is back and it has been so foggy for the past two days. We even had the hail in some parts.

And last morning we saw the sun again. I have no idea how it is going to be today. Unlike many people, I love the gloomy and dark weather for some reason.

Here are a few pictures from different parts of Dubai, that my friends shared with me during this week.
I am sure they would be okay with me sharing them here, don’t worry.
What I read this week:

I had the ultimate book worm problem this week – I couldn’t choose what to read next and I spent about two-three days struggling. But then the ClassicNChristie run by Fanna and Sim helped me choose, still I feel guilty for wasting those hours. Maybe I should come up with a better system to handle my TBR?
And I stayed late last night to finish Agatha Christie’s The Secret Chimneys. I am still reading the Persuasion by Jane Austen, from last week.
What I watched this week
My last week was filled with a lot of superhero entertainment.
To start with, I finally watched the Captain Marvel and I am kinda feeling meh about it. Maybe it was the high expectations I had or was it just ‘the same wine in a different bottle’ situation?
Did anyone else feel that? Anyway the next on my superhero watch-list is Avengers: Endgame and I am excited already.
During the week I also watched The Punisher Season 2 and The Umbrella Academy. Unsurprisingly I loved them both. Didn’t I say I love Superhero stuff?
I know that is a lot of Netflix to watch in a week right?
Well, I did it anyway.
On my blog
After a long while I posted according to my blog schedule and if you had missed any of the post here is a quick recap for you.
Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019
On Monday I posted a review of Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
Rob Keeley took part in our Indie Guest Post with How To Judge A Book By Its Cover -Tips On Cover Design
On this week’s Flyaway Friday I shared a few books That Will Take You To Netherlands
I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.
I know I watched an unhealthy amount of Netflix last week and you know what? I am not feeling guilty. Here is to #Punisher and #UmbrellaAcademy #superheroes #Weeklywrapup #Sundaypost Share on XAround the blogosphere
I am back to finally blog hopping this week and here are my weekly picks of posts that I liked.
- What sort of content do you want to read from book blogger? Sophie from Beware of the Reader opened up the discussion with a post.
- Luana from Bookstormgirl posted this hilarious, nerdy list of things that she learned from books.
- Aleen shares her tips on avoiding genre burnout on her post at Lampshadereader.
- Esmoogle talks about amazing sites that let us read free books online on her post. I am signing up as well.
- Don’t you hate it when you forget important dates? Then you will love this post with a huge list of literary celebrations for the year by Vidya from Lady in Read Writes .
- I love this list that the Pringle Sisters posted on strong female leads in non fiction to inspire us.
- If you love reading great plot twists check out Xandra’s posts on writing great plot twists on Starry Sky Books. in me!
Pin me!

Let us chat
Have you watched the Captain Marvel and how did you like them? Do you love the super hero franchises? What are you currently reading? Let us talk.
Rather here in Texas has been hot and cold – 30s to high 70s. Heard good things about Captain Marvel, but I’m so over superheroes. I enjoyed The Secret at Chimneys because of Super. Battle and the MC. I’ve read these books with Battle in order and liked the ‘regular’ detectives. Thanks Gayathri, happy reading. ❤️❤️
Yes I enjoyed it as well. I liked how she kept us on our toes till the end.
Those pictures are amazing and I love the little video from Dubai. Great post.
Recapping your week is such a good blog post idea!
It sounds like you had a really successful week. I’m super excited to watch Captian Marvel and End Game too.
Gemma @ Gemma’s Book Nook
Some of those fog pictures are truly stunning.
The weather looked like a portent of doom and gloom!
I’ve watched about half of the Umbrella Academy, looking forward to seeing Captain Marvel 🙂
Have a great reading week and please stop by:)
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Let me know how they work out for you.
The weather is playing some serious tricks on us right now. It was beautiful the other day and the last few days it’s been so cold. I just want spring to come already!
I totally agree. The same thing happened last week again.
I haven’t read that one by Agatha Christie. I’m mostly familiar with her Poirot series.
I’m not ready to watch Captain Marvel yet. I have to catch up with the other Marvel movies first.
Thanks for linking to my post Gayathri! 🙂
Let me know if you do catch it up!
Gloomy weather is a perfect excuse to stay inside and read. I love it, too. Have a great week!
I TOTALLY agree!
I love the gloomy weather, too. Too bad we are the only ones. LOL Hope you have a wonderful week!
Yay to more gloomy weather, though it is gonna be hard to find such days anymore.
Well it is colder here but not cold so we are slowly….. moving to spring. I only like cloudy days in the summer when it is really hot or maybe not, cloudy means more humid? I chose to live in NC because the range of temps is smaller and the middle seasons of spring and fall with temps between 50-70 (10-20C) are longer.
I watched my first Netflix show of the year Triple Frontier. Good thing my daughter gets use of our Netflix. Have a great week!
Great recap. I love this idea. I hate when I can’t make up my mind on what to read next. It’s simply frustrating
Our temperature is above 20C here already! How was Triple Frontier? I might try it next!
I really enjoyed Triple Frontier but you know…. Charlie Hunnam.
The same is actually happening here in my country – at least in my zone. The weather is still too cold and even with Spring so close it doesn’t seem it will go anywhere anytime soon. I’m okay with dark and gloomy weather too, just not a big fan of too the cold. =P
I’m hoping to watch Umbrella Academy soon. Just need to finish binge-watching Grimm and then I’ll watch it.
Happy readings! 😉
I am so glad to find more gloomy weather lovers!
Great photos! Thanks for sharing, and have a great week. I haven’t been into superhero movies in a while. No apologies, either. LOL.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I am slowly heading to not watching superheroes anymore. But it ain’t easy.
I loved Captain Marvel! Endgame I am desperate for but I’m terrified Captain America will die. I’m convinced he’s going to die and I really am not ready for that because I absolutely love him, lol.
What? Are you sure? You are frightening me!
Wow, love the pics! You did get a bit of fog this past week! I hope your temps don’t get to hot for a while, I can imagine how hot it gets there in summer.
I haven’t watched The Umbrella academy yet but everyone seems to be liking it!
Yes I am already dreading the summer and it gets to 45’C usually here.
Thank you for featuring my post! That fog is crazy. I didn’t know Dubai got them. I had this preconceived image of always sunnt weather. And now I will go read that post on the covers as I am a real cover junkie 😉 Have a wonderful Sunday!
Dubai has about 7 months of sunny and hot weather, and the rest are pleasant I guess.
Sounds like the weather is strange everywhere. Here it has been very rainy and windy all week. I had to go get some groceries and me and my babygirl were soaked in minutes. Blegh.. I can’t wait for summer to come!
Have a great week and happy reading!
I am sorry that happened, even though I love rain.
Thanks for sharing the photos. That fog is wicked. We had some days with thick fog here too. I plan to start watching The Umbrella Academy this coming week.
We’re having remotely the same weather !!
for two days it has been spring-temperature, so pretty, and then rain and when I got out of work at 9pm it was super windy and cold >:( I do not like.
SO ready for spring..
Alex kinda wanted to go watch Captain Marvel in theaters but unlucky for him.. im not a superhero woman xD Only one I kinda like is Deadpool, which is his favorite – so how handy eh ? (I may make an effort for that one.. but I do like it)
I somehow assumed that you were a superhero person too. Why did I do that, I have no idea.
It is so weird that Canada and UAE have similar weather! But of course, your hottest temperature might be the coldest here, HAHA