Sunday Musings #35: The One about an unproductive and boring week

Hola people

I am so glad this week has come to an end because I wasn’t feeling productive at all and I want a restart or a new beginning. That is what this Sunday is all about. 

To be fair, I had so many things to do this week and I ended up not doing anything at all. Does anyone else feel this way – a minute ago everything seemed good and then nothing, not a drastic slump, no high or low but just a lull? I hope that ended with last week and I am back to the charming ol’ self!

Does anyone else feel this way – a minute ago everything seemed good and then nothing, not a drastic slump, no high or low but just a lull? Read more on my week here Share on X

Remember I keep talking about the Emirates Lit Fest 2019 and how I am gonna be volunteering there? I attended the Volunteer Manager briefing session this week and I loved meeting old and new friends.

Guess what, many of them were book lovers like us and we discussed about the authors who were attending the event and books we loved (obviously!). I can’t wait to go to the event (happening between March 1st to 9th).

What I read:

I finished reading the Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde for the Penguin Classics challenge 2019 and I loved it.

Do you believe when they say ‘a good book finds you at the right time‘? I am not sure if I would have appreciated it as much had I read this any time earlier. 

Do you believe when they say 'a good book finds you at the right time'? I am not sure if I would have appreciated it as much had I read these books any time earlier. Share on X

I also read ‘The man in the brown suit’ by Agatha Christie, for my ‘Classics and Christie’ Club. 

And if you like the pictures I shared consider liking and following my Instagram profile.

What I watched:

I finally ended my 3 months sabbatical from the television and Netflix this week! Yes people I had not watched any Netflix for about 90 days and I survived.

And I wanted to commemorate the end of this ban by watching a movie that I had been wanting to watch for a long time – Ralph breaks the internet.

Unproductive Wreck-It-Ralph

And I ADORED IT! I loved how Disney trolled itself about its princesses.

Unproductive Wreck-It-Ralph princess
Credit: Tumblr

On my blog: 

Remember I was telling you how my week wasn’t productive? Well I posted only twice this week. 

Sunday Musings #34: The One Where I Ramble About Everything That Ever Happened Aka #JanuaryWrapUp

january wrap up

Review Shots: Middle Eastern Tales For Children

Middle east

Around the blogosphere

One thing I am happy about this week is that I blog hopped a bit and I almost visited everyone’s blog this week. So here are my favorite picks of the week.

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!


Let us chat

So how has your week been? What did you read? Do you ever face these plateaus and how do you get over them? Let us talk. 


  1. DJ Sakata

    Love your rambling posts – they are the most fun

    • Gayathri

      I want to write more of them too.

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I think sometimes I work on a big task and if I haven’t broken it into smaller ones, it just feels like it takes forever or that I am not getting anything accomplished.

    Hope all the great books find you this week!

    • Gayathri

      That sounds exactly like me!

    • Gayathri

      Noo.. you gotta watch it ASAP.

  3. Stormi Johnson

    Hopefully we both have more productive weeks this week!

    • Gayathri

      I hope you did!

  4. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    I absolutely loved Ralph Wrecks the Internet! And the princess part was one of my favorites! I hope you can get out of your slump and be productive this week.

    • Gayathri

      I am glad we share the same interest in movies as well.

  5. Andrew Blackman

    Yeah, I get that all the time, Gayathri. One day everything’s going well, and then I suddenly lose all motivation, for no apparent reason. Hope that Sunday was a good “reset” day for you and that this week is better 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I was so grateful for the Sunday. And things are kinda okay now!

  6. Laura Thomas

    The Fest sounds wonderful. I love a lively gathering of people chatting about books and authors. I have been bad about blogging ahead and writing those reviews. Planned on doing it this weekend. Instead I got lost in some more books. LOL

    • Gayathri

      Getting lost in books seems like a great excuse for slacking on blogging.

  7. Sam@wlabb

    I have always thought about volunteering for BEA/BookCon, but I never do. I hope the festival is amazing! I read Dorian Gray as a teen, and I liked it as well.

    • Gayathri

      Yay to liking Dorian Gray. And I hope the fest is amazing too!

  8. jennifer gaarder

    Awesome selections, I have seen These books before, and I always say I’m going to read Agatha Christie.

    • Gayathri

      You should give her books a try.

    • Gayathri

      Oh this one sooo much better. I loved it even more than the first one, and I didn’t think it was possible.

  9. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    The Emirates Lit Fest sounds great, Gayathri. People to chat about books and authors with, plus preparing a literary event – totally something I would do, too.
    I have had a case of big procrastination myself these past couple of weeks… I just don’t feel like doing all the things I have to do. And it’s really hard!! Hopefully, we’ll both do better next week.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I totally understand that procrastination phase, cuz I am definitely there.

  10. Greg

    The Emirates Lit Fest sounds fun. And ooh Agatha Christie. I’m reading a 1930’s murder mystery now from the British Crime Classics series and I’d like to read more christie as well.

    Hope you have a great week!

    • Gayathri

      The one I read was published in 1924 so you should give it a try!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!