Sunday Musings #54: Blogger Burnout Ahead

Last week was not great for me, especially in terms of blog and blogging. I reached a burnout in terms of writing and blogging. And that has added to my woes related to my already decreasing page views.

I am writing this post at the nick of the hour as a vain attempt to get off the burnout to get back to blogging. Despite that I am not really motivated about my blog. So how has your week been?

I am writing this post as a vain attempt to get off the burnout to get back to blogging. Let us talk about our weeks and other blogger issues on #SundayPost #weeklywrapup Share on X

What I read this week


I read just one book last week and I enjoyed reading it. So I am gonna call that a win. Now I have to watch the movie version soon, especially for the director Justin Baldoni , Rafael from Jane the virgin.

I have started with Unmarriageable, a Pride and Prejudice retelling. I am gonna live vicariously by racing against the clock to finish it before the midnight.

What I watched this week


Ahana from To Heart’s Content recommended me this wonderful K drama called Two worlds and I am adoring it. If you have watched Dramaland, this one might seem similar but it is so much more than the usual sweet romance I am used to in the Korean TV.

Is anyone else as disappointed with the new Annabelle movie as I did? I am so fed up these cheesy jump scares without any strong storyline or character development.

On my blog

As I was talking about earlier, I have not been regular with my blogging schedule and I posted only twice. Do take a look at those post from last week.

Sunday Musings #53: Meet Ups And A Surprise Find


I reviewed The Clockmaker by Paromita Goswami on Monday


I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Around the blogosphere

I am slowly getting back to my blog hopping routine. I am happy I could get around reading all your wonderful posts. Here are few of my favorites.

  • Nyx from Drizzle and Hurricane shared what makes her fall for a character and majorly agree with her pointers. What are your top five reasons to love a book character?
  • What do you think is the purpose of stories? Is there more to a story than entertaining us? Let us talk with Holly from Nutfree Nerd via her post on the topic.
  • Read The Orangutan librarian’s post on whygenre snobbery is a b*tch. I am sure we will all get something to say about it.
  • Since I am undergoing a blogger burnout currently, I wanted to share this discussion post on the topic by Vicky on her blog Roaring bookworm. What about you?
  • How much do you trust book reviews by other bloggers? Are you cautious about the paid / fake ones out there? Join the discussion with Jo Linsdell on her blog.
  • Finally, if you have not yet signed up for Indian Lit readathon for the first weekend of July, do it right away. The prompts are out already.

From the Insta-world

Pin me!


Let us chat

Do you follow your page views on your blog? Do they affect your motivation to blog? What else did you watch this week on TV and cinemas this week? Let us talk.


  1. Jessica at Booked J

    Swoon! Those Instagram photos. Also, oh my gosh, I adored Five Feet Apart. Such a compelling novel. Bookmarking this to save the entries you mentioned, yesss!

  2. Sam@wlabb

    Boo for burnout! Take care of you and I hope you get your mojo back. I keep putting off Five Feet Apart, because I don’t feel like I am emotionally prepared to read it. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  3. Laurel-Rain Snow

    Hang in there and your mojo will return! Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

  4. Ara @ Open Pages

    Aww, I understand burnouts, and I hope you feel better soon! <3

  5. Katisha @ Reel Literature

    Gayathri, please don’t be afraid to take a step back away from blogging if you start to feel burned out. It is important for us to take care of ourselves first because our mental and physical health are most important. My joy for blogging has definitely waned in the past year, but I was lucky enough to have content scheduled ahead of time, so my blog was technically active while I was away.

    Like others have said, I blog for myself, but it’s nice to know other people are enjoying the content I work so hard to create, so I understand being down by decreased page views. My page views in May were the highest ever, but there was a decline in June, and I have no idea why. I’m try not to dwell on it too much. I comfort myself with the idea that people are just enjoying more time outside since the weather is nice, and the sun is out! They’ll be back in September when it starts to cool off. 😉

    Last week I saw Secret Life of Pets 2, which was absolutely adorable. This week, I’m seeing Yesterday. I’m not a huge Beatles fan, but the previews intrigued me.

    Hang in there G! Take a blogging vacay! Come back refreshed and full of creativity!

  6. Kymber Hawke

    I used to pay more attention to my stats, but not much nowadays.

    I hope you have a great week, and that you will find your mojo again soon. <3

  7. Flora

    I don’t really write my blog for the stats and would worry that if I did my posts wouldn’t really be ‘me’ anymore but I understand feeling less than enthusiastic about blogging. Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself why you blog.

    Despite you’re current funk, I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reads.

  8. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    I don’t check my stats, I blog for me so I don’t much care if anyone is reading it or not.

    I will watch Five Feet Apart at some point, but I won’t read it if I do.

    Have a great reading week

  9. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    I have The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo to read soon. I’ll hopefully get to it this summer.

    Hope you have a good week!

    • Gayathri

      Same here! I hope to get to it soon.

  10. Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    I totally know what you mean on the burnout side. I got so burned out that I stopped blogging altogether, never knowing if I would come back. It was tough for a while there. I hope you can just relax for a while. Don’t push yourself to blog. That was the worst thing I did. Just take this time to enjoy life, I guess. I know we worry a lot about views but hey, your followers will always be here 🙂 We won’t go anywhere.

    • Gayathri

      I might try that. I have been pushing myself to get out of it and hurting the chances a lot in the process.

  11. Greg

    My enthusiasm for blogging wanes sometimes too, so I get it. Sometimes you just don’t feel it haha! And thanks for the links, as always. 🙂 I kinda want to read The seven Husbands.

    • Gayathri

      I have great reviews about that one too. I have to read it this month!

  12. Lashaan Balasingam

    If anything, you need to take all the rest you need from blogging and writing as you need. The desire and motivation will come when it comes, the important is that you do what you want to do, when you want to do them!

    • Gayathri

      That sounds like a sensible way to go about things. Thank you!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!