Don’t we all love some memes? I know I know. They are things that everyone hate or love and there is no in between and you can’t escape them, right? Okay so I was looking around for a tag that I have not done and saw this fun tag so I thought why not. right?
Types of Memes – a book tag
The goal is trying to come up with books that match the most common memes. So let us get it done shall we?
- Pingback to creator (Icebreaker694) ALWAYS!
- Link back to the person who tagged you and thank them. – (ME!)
- Answer the questions.
- Provide a meme for each question.
- Tag 7+ people, don’t kill the tag!
Let us get started
“Grumpy Cat” A book you have negative feelings about
I rarely read books that I completely hate or dislike. So this one is a toughie but I am still gonna do it.

But I have a thing against John Green and his books. While a lot of my blogger friends have loved it, I utterly disliked Turtles All the Way Down.
“What If I Told You” A book you spoiled for yourself
I don’t even read the blurb before I start a book. No, I don’t mind the spoilers but I like jumping into the story without any expectations. But still, there have been ones that I got ahead of myself and I spoiled it myself.

So I read Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon with a lot of expectations. But it didn’t live up to my expectations, and it didn’t help matters that I read some of the reviews before I finished the book.
“I Don’t Always” A book you don’t always like, but when you’re reading it you do
Okay so there are some books that I don’t like at all and hate that I even spent time on them, but when I did read them I just couldn’t stop. So I am gonna name my so-called ‘guilty pleasures’ Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

I even wrote a rant review about this Nobody’s baby but mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips one a while ago. Man did that make me stop reading the series? Absolutely, not!
“60’s Spiderman” A good classic or retro book that’ll never get old
The only book I have read more than thrice and still loved is Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Okay, Pride and Prejudice comes second, but not close at all.

“Just Little Things” A book that’s very relatable
I am have to say Lord Henry from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Okay I know that sounds diabolic. But listen me out okay? I loved his thoughts, ideas and philosophy and I have not read anyone more relatable than him in the recent past.

“Demotivational” A book that you’ve seen almost everywhere
Oh, there are quite a few of them. But I think My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite should be it. But not in a negative way. It is on my TBR, that says it all right? (update: I finally did.)

“You Don’t Say” A predictable book
I just wrote a review on this Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp quite recently. It was damn predictable and I couldn’t wait for the end.

“One Does Not Simply” A book you binge read
The last book I binge read was A Thousand perfect notes by C G Drew. It is our Cait from Paperfury y’all.

“Chemistry Cat” A book that taught you something new I read
The Zookeeper’s wife by Diane Ackerman for my A-Z Reading challenge 2018 and I ended up learning so much about animals and World War II. I am a WW II junkie, if you didn’t know already.

“Pet Memes” A book that’s just really adorable
I loved A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard and it was quite adorable to say the least.

I Tag:
So I am gonna tag
- Sahi @ My World of Books
- Charvi @ Not Just Fiction
- Dany @ Ambivert Words
- Nandini @ Unputdownable Books
- Charlotte from Wonderfully Bookish
- Carrie from Cat on the Bookshelf
- Kristina @ Books And Dachshunds
And even if you aren’t tagged but you wanna do this – consider yourself tagged.
Pin me!

Let us talk:
Have you done this tag? Do you love meme or have a love/hate relationship with them like I do? Let us talk.
Ohh what a great post and fun book tag, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
I love this idea! I live and die by memes so this really speaks to me.
You should try this !
What a fun tag! I still have Turtles All the Way Down on my bookshelf but haven’t picked it up…oops.
I was not really happy about that book.
Thank you!
Great tag!
Love your post but will confess, I have not read a one of these books except for The Picture of Dorian Grey in high school
Ah, we have such different tastes in books.
This is a fabulous idea for a tag! I really enjoyed seeing your answers.
Thank you!
I absolutely LOVE this tag!!! I have definitely seen My Sister, The Serial Killer everywhere!! LOL I saved this tag for later, so I can participate too. I already know a few books that fit with the memes. Hahaha!!!!
I am looking forward to seeing your post.
Awesome tag, Gayathri!
Let me know if you ever do this tag.
Nice tag, enjoyed reading it.
Thank you.
I want to read Cait’s book too.. and love this tag.. might just take up that open invitation you have put out for it 🙂
Let me know if you do the tag.
Great tag. I enjoyed reading your answers.
Gemma @ Gemma’s Book Nook
I am glad you did!
I love this idea! Great post!
Let me know if you ever try it!
I see My Sister, The Serial Killer everywhere, too! And I haven’t read Everything, Everything but I think I have the twist figured out without reading it. Maybe I should read it to see if it could fill the “predictable” slot in this meme for me. 😂
If you the ending Everything Everything may not work for you at all!
I’m dying to read A Quiet Kind of Thunder!
I LOVED it. You definitely have to read it!
I am smiling just thinking about how cute and adorable A Quiet Kind of Thunder was. It just made me happy.
I totally agree and I cant stop recommending it to every bookworm I see!