The Vegetarian: Book Review
Have you read this book earlier? Does this book depict life in South Korea?
Have you read this book earlier? Does this book depict life in South Korea?
Last year I read the Handmaid’s Tale, another one of Atwood’s masterpieces and it ended up being one of the best books I have ever read. So when I saw that Netflix is adapting another of her tales, I promised…
Have you read Chess Story by Stefan Zweig? Do you read literary fiction? Which is your favorite literary fiction? Let us talk.
Like most readers my to be read list seems never ending, and I have lost hope that I would ever clear it off. On the other hand, my to be reviewed list is not too long but as I do…
There were several times while I read the book The Handmaid's Tale that I had to recheck the publishing date. Read on my review.
After a long time, I am writing a review… In fact, after a long time have read a book worth reviewing – Eat Pray Love… Not that it is a classic or must read… But it just is closer to…
Here is my long pending review on The God of Small Things. Though I was a little skeptical through the first few pages, the description of the story through the eyes of children got me all geared up. Title: The…