An update about Pinterest and the week that went by: Sunday Musings #85

A little while ago I remember worrying about my falling Pinterest statistics and I found that it was happening to many other bloggers too. Not all of them, but a select few.

So I wrote to the Pinterest support, as someone suggested here, and I finally got an answer last week. Apparently there was a bug on their spam detector part and that was marking a few active Pitnerest-ers as spam. And they were working on it, as of last week.

How is Pinterest working for your blog? Have you ever written to these big companies and been replied? Let's talk that and more about my week here Share on X

But hey, things are looking a little bit brighter since then. My statistics have improved a smudge, so I am hoping that it becomes a positive trend. I just wanted to let you know of the update, and it might help others too.

What I read this week

Well, this was not a great reading week in terms of my reading challenge. But I did read. A LOT.

I have been working on my beta reading projects the whole week. So it was not like I slacked reading, okay?

What I watched this week

I am watching Marvelous Mrs Maisel on my one hour afternoon breaks that I am taking recently.

During the weekend, ie Friday and Saturday, we watched The Alienist on Netflix, which was good and nothing to complain about.

On my blog

In case you missed the posts from my blog, last week.

How To Feel Better About Yourself: 7 Tips To Help You Right Away!

How to feel better about yourself Cover

35+ Questions To Ask Beta Readers: Getting constructive feedback on your manuscript

questions to ask beta readers Cover

A book review of Sadie by Courtney Summers

Sadie by Courtney Summers Featured

Week That Whizzed Past: Sunday Musings #84

elgeewrites An update about Pinterest and the week that went by: Sunday Musings #85 SM84F

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!

elgeewrites An update about Pinterest and the week that went by: Sunday Musings #85 SM85P

Let us chat

How was your week? How is Pinterest working for your blog? Have you ever written to one of these big companies and been replied within a week, barring the auto-replies? Let’s talk.


  1. Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight

    Oh gosh, I used to use Pinterest a lot for fun and also pin all my blog stuff there, but I haven’t used it for like the past year. That’s great that you actually got an answer though! Glad you got some reading done and watched some good stuff 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Fingers are still crossed on if my stats would raise though!

  2. Megan | Bookstacks 'n Golden Moms

    We’ve just started blogging again and haven’t even created a Pinterest profile (and I’m not really sure I’m going to). It didn’t work that well for me when I was trying to promote books so I think we’ll just stick to blogging and Instagram (with a little FB thrown in too).

    • Gayathri

      I am sure you know what is best for you! You do YOU, Megan!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you and definitely it is.

  3. Aayushi

    So glad to know your statistics are reviving! Pinterest has been a bit problematic since June..after its latest algorithm change. I have noticed that it has gotten much more demanding in terms of new pins, since they are focussing more on having new content on the platform as compared to the earlier strategy of merely serving as a platform to redirect people to other websites….which is a bit odd, ryt? I mean, it a search engine, technically speaking. But anyways…
    I love Mrs Maisel! Hope you enjoy it as well😍

    • Gayathri

      Yes I understand the algorithm changed but I was doing everything right as per the new one. But it kept reducing and that’s why I had to reach out to the team. But thank you for your inputs.

  4. Judee

    you were so smart to contact Pinterest. A small glitch can really affect your blog traffic. I’m looking for something to watch- I’ll check out The Alienist- thanks.

    • Gayathri

      Let me know if you like it.

  5. vvb

    I enjoyed the first season of Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Interesting to see the female comedian perspective. Have a good week.

    • Gayathri

      Yes, I love the vintage feminist take!

  6. Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

    I love Marvelous Mrs Maisel! I haven’t watched the latest season yet but I thought the first season was hilarious!

    • Gayathri

      I am on S3 and I am loving it too!

  7. Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

    I didn’t know about the problems Pinterest was having. Interesting. To be honest, I don’t pay all that much attention to my stats anywhere these days. I had to decide why I was blogging — for stats, or for myself and for the sense of community within the book blogging world. I decided I’d be happier if I concentrated on the second two and mostly ignored the first.

    I hope you enjoyed your beta reading — what fun! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I am glad you are clear on your goals and that is all that matters. Keep doing you, please!

  8. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I’m making a conscious effort to stay far away from the news and social media. I check it once a day and I think that’s enough.

    I’ve never made a push for more time on Pinterest or FB or Twitter or Instagram. I check these about once a day, and that’s enough for me. I have grown less and less interested in reading the latest and greatest as I have gotten older and, instead, I tend to read the best of all time as it is recommended to me. Just me.

    I’d love to find some good tv. I love to hear others’ recommendations.

    Have a good week and take care.

    • Gayathri

      That is a wise choice and I wish I reached that point soon.

  9. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I love Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Gayathri

      Same here! Thank you.

  10. Donna

    When I don’t have a great week of book reading I have o remind myself of how many research papers I read that week.

    • Gayathri

      YES that is how we boost ourselves up!

  11. Nicky @ The Bibliophibian

    I could’ve sworn I commented on this last night, but apparently not! So waves sorry my comment got lost?!

    I wish I had your reading-a-lot mojo… sigh.

    • Gayathri

      Sorry about the internet eating your comment!

      Oh I hope you have a good reading a lot mojo, much much better than mine, which is honestly not that great!

  12. vee_bookish

    My Pinterest really dropped last week, but it’s crawled back up again thank goodness.

    • Gayathri

      Yay! I hope mine does too!

  13. Heather @ RandomRedheadedRamblings

    I love Pinterest but have really used it for personal rather than blog related but I’ve changed it to the business profile and I’m going to see what happens.

    Have a lovely week.

    • Gayathri

      That is a good start. Pinterest is really good for book blogging.

  14. Mareli @ Elza Reads

    I’m really bad with Pinterest! Yes, I do browse on a daily basis, but I normally forget to link my posts. And then people like you come along to just remind us!

    Your blog looks lovely! I’ll find you on Pinterest!

    Hope you will have a good week! Here’s my The Sunday Post

    • Gayathri

      Oh thank you for the kind words. You will love Pinterst for blogging really.

  15. jessicabookworm

    Glad to hear you have an answer to your Pinterest problem – I don’t use it myself but my mum does for her company. Also pleased to hear your enjoyed The Alienist as I fancy watching that too when I finished a few things I already have on the go. Take care and happy reading! (Hopefully you can read a few more books for pleasure this coming week) 😃

    • Gayathri

      I think you will like the Alienist if you generally watch crime shows.

  16. Greg

    That is good to know about Pinterest! I hope they have the problem straightened out for you. And ooh Sadie. I liked the book by Courtney Summers I read, but I haven’t read that one yet.

    • Gayathri

      I really hope so too. Which one did you read?

      • Greg

        I read This Is Not A Test and it was awesome (and a little freaky)! Also the novella sequel to it Please remain Calm. They were so good.

        • Gayathri

          Oh let me check them out.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!